I’m totally excited to have found a supplier for wheatgrass in my neighborhood! The supplier is Indianola Organics located in Indianola, WA. Just south of Kingston. They have a website, indianolaorganics.com, so you can see all the items they offer (not much) but it does include the equipment that goes with making the juice. When I talked to Teresa (I guess you could call her the wheatgrass lady), she mentioned that the best way to get the product was to order it on farmstr.
Wow, farmstr.com! What another great resource! Here is a site that brings together small farmers and consumers like myself. The concept here is that the small farmer delivers to known locations once, twice or more, times a week and the customers come pick up the merchandise. For wheatgrass, she just drops it off with your name on it and, within a few hours, you pick it up. It’s really pretty simple.
Note that the bottom of the farmstr page has a link to the pickup locations. Check to see if your city in on the list. Issaquah is not far from here.
It’s a small world! It turns out that the Redmond pickup location, KIS Farm is owned by a wonderful lady that attends my Wednesday morning yoga class. I got the best tomatoes and Pellegrini Bean starts there! If you haven’t had Pellegrini beans yet, you’re missing the best green (well yellow) beans that grow in the Puget Sound area! Nothing else compares.
Back to the Wheatgrass. A friend ordered up a few flats of which we juiced some together. This stuff was much better than the grass I’d been growing. It’s sweet and rich in flavor; genuinely smooth on the pallet. The price is totally reasonable too!
Ok, to sum things up.
Buy Wheatgrass from IndianolaOrganics via Farmstr and if you pickup at the KIS Farm, take a look around and maybe pick up some dirt! They sell the best topsoil this side of the Cascades.
One last thing. If you haven’t read Why Suffer by Ann Wigmore, it’s a great simple read. In just a few short hours you can learn a significant part of the back story of wheatgrass!
Have you ever experienced that uncontrollable shutter you get when you take a shot of wheatgrass? I can get that shutter if the juice simple touches my skin. There’s something about it that just sends – what feels like – bolts of energy up and down my spine making my body uncontrollably shutter.
What’s funny about it is that it happens to just about everyone. At least, everyone that I’ve ever seen drink the juice goes through the same sequence of events: apprehension – as they hold the juice in their hand, bravery – as they shoot it down, and then the uncontrollable shutter – as the body accepts what it’s just been given.
If you haven’t experienced the wheatgrass shutter you’ve got to give it a try. Why? Well…
This morning, I juiced some new grass and religiously took my two shots and promptly performed my own shutter. Two more ounces I poured into a to-go cup to take to a friend. Fifteen minutes later, I delivered the fresh juice to my friend and she promptly drank it down. I was standing across the room from her and noticed that when she shuttered, I shuttered!
This time, I thought it strange in a curious way. I wasn’t in contact with the juice, I wasn’t drinking it. And yet, her shutter made me shutter!
After thinking about the experience a bit more, I decided to share what I felt with Lori. She quickly discounted the feeling as a sympathy shutter. She said that it would be like the feeling that you might have when someone else is sad or happy.
I thought about that for a little while, but couldn’t quite relate. The shutter doesn’t really come across as an emotional energy, but some other type of energy. It’s almost as if act of taking a shot of wheatgrass makes a person bloom.
The more I thought about this, the more I started to relate that the shared shutter is more like an orgasm. It’s not an actual orgasm, but has a similar characteristic. That is, if you are sensitive, and you’re having sex, you know when you’re partner is in the process of ‘blooming’ and their ‘blooming’ makes you bloom at the same time!
The shutter effect on your body, after taking a shot of wheatgrass, is completely uncontrollable (much like sex) and that energy flow radiates in such a way as to affect others that are in close proximity. It’s as if the juice is so powerful that the body immediately recalibrates its energy flow and the recalibration reverberates into the environment aligning or recalibrating everything else!
There’s some magic in wheatgrass that is powerful enough to change others that are close by. I’m going to pay closer attention to this energy to see if I can pinpoint more details.
Its little things like this that really brings out the philosopher in me!
Once again, it’s time to blog about wheatgrass. This winter I’ve found myself in an abundance of grass, so much so that I’ve even made posts on facebook to give it away! I love having extra flats around for the grass is so vibrant. When it comes to harvesting, it’s now a simple 10 minute process. It probably takes more time to ‘synchronize’ with the juice than it does to make it and cleanup.
If you haven’t ever had a sip of this stuff, you don’t know that it moves you so deep that it will make your whole body quiver. I guess the closest feeling is a shot of pure tequila, but there is no burning sensation. So, each time I press an ounce or so to drink, I pick up the shot and let my body harmonize with the juice before I down it. During that time, while I’m holding it, I’ll notice my body preparing. I might get the sniffles, saliva might start to flow or my stomach might growl or turn (in a good way) so I’ve learned that this is a process by which my body synchronizes with this powerful substance.
I’ve you’ve experienced the quiver that you get after taking a shot of wheatgrass, you might want to give harmonizing with the juice a chance before downing it next time. I’m sure that if my body can adjust by simply holding it in my hand, you’re can too.
Growing Wheatgrass
It was many years ago that I was first introduced to growing wheatgrass. When I did, I grew it for the seed rather than grass. Today, I like the grass better than the sprouted seeds and the grass is pretty easy to grow.
Through the beauty of YouTube, I’ve found a video by Paydes36 that really does a good job outlining how it’s done. So, rather than trying to type out the process, I’ll just include her videos here.
I love her casual approach to sowing these seeds. She scoops and dumps the sprouted seed without a second thought or concern. Most people would be a little more careful, but as she demonstrates, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you – just do it.
Let’s review her steps through.
Step 1: Use organic wheat
It seems obvious, but to grow wheatgrass you have to get the type of wheat that will grow! So, you have to ask yourself, why did she make this comment? As it turns out, if you were to buy wheat somewhere, you’d probably find it as wheatberries or cracked wheat. The common use for these whole grains is in cooking – thus it doesn’t matter if the seed is alive or not. Well, to grow it, you’ve got to find living seed.
But don’t worry about it too much for any relatively ‘new’ seed will be alive and willing to grow. Most whole grain grocers carry living seeds and it’s pretty easy to test them. To do this, simply buy a small amount and start the growing process by soaking them and getting them to start sprouting. If the majority of them grow, chances are you’ll do fine with those seeds.
If you find yourself growing so much that you’ll being nickeled and dimed at the health food store, try a feed-store. And, look for Hard Red Winter Wheat. That variety seems to hold up pretty well.
Step 2: Soak Wheat
Here she recommends soaking for 12 hours, I’d lean more towards 8. Sensitive seeds tend to drown if soaked too long. You don’t want to start out with a bunch of dead seed.
Now, she breezes over the ‘sprouting’ process that happens in her bowl. She says to keep them covered and rinse them twice a day. This is good advice, but it’s a process where the most damage can be done to the sprouts.
To me, the most important thing to do is to make sure that the seeds never sit in standing water. If they do, they will mold (drown). If just a couple seeds go bad, it changes the entire batch. So, no standing water and shake them off the best you can.
I’ve always used sprouting jars. One mason jar can hold about 1 cup dry seeds (to start) and by the time they are ready to plant, you’ve got a full jar (4 cups that she talks about). With the jars, you have to use screen tops (or sprouting lids) so the air flows and when you rinse, you have to make sure to shake out all the extra water. One note of caution, don’t let the sprouts go too long in the jar for they will fill it tight. So tight in fact that you’ll have to dig them out. The seeds can take a lot of abuse, but that’s just a little too much.
Ok, she stopped counting her steps.
Next Step: Soil, use good compose
I’d have to agree. Use the best that you have and when you’re done with your tray of wheatgrass, recycle what you’ve used. But I wouldn’t necessarily recommend buying the soil. If you have some, use it.
Also, an inch deep is a good recommendation. What she’s showing in the video is not an inch of soil. Don’t skimp.
Oh, and the Azomite powder, not sure if it’s really needed. If it helps keep the mold down, great. But ultimately, the grass is going to feed off its own energy sources for the first 10 days or so of its life so what you add to enhance things might not give you the desired affects.
Next Step: Planting
I love her smile when she mentions it’s time to plant. It’s at this point that the ‘work’ behind growing the grass is done. From this point out, you kind of let time take over (and simply water).
Her advice about not being skimpy is – good advice! You’re taking all this time to grow the wheat, you might as well get a really good finished product.
Also, what she says about buying flats that are ‘shallow’ really are disappointing. You want to get 15 ounces juice from your tray, I’ve bought trays that barely product 8. That’s just a downright rip-off.
Next step: Watering
I like her advice of simply taking them outside and hosing them down. But be gentle, for those little seeds will wash away.
Next step: Covering
When I first saw that she used colored ink paper for covering your seeds, I thought that they were the funnies and it made me smile. Upon closer inspection, it simply looks like ads.
But if you’re not into giving your grass ads to read while it’s in its first couple days of growing, consider a brown grocery bag or paper towels. The plastic cover is a good idea.
Next step: Growing under paper
When she says cool dark place she really means dark place where the seeds won’t get roasted. It you place them in a really cool place, it’s going to take forever for them to start growing. If it’s warm, they’ll virtually jump out of their seeds.
Her summary:
When she says it take seven days from planting to harvesting, she means that it probably takes 10 days from soaking to harvesting. She makes this clear when she says ‘here’s planting’ as she holds up the tray of seeds that she just covered with plastic and ‘here’s harvesting’ as she places the tall wheatgrass tray on top for demonstration.
By the way, her demonstration tray looks absolutely beautiful! Don’t expect your trays to look this nice until you’ve practiced for a while. And, like she says, you don’t want to grow your grass too long. You want to catch it while it’s still converting carbohydrates (stored energy in the seed) into simple sugars. Thus, the grass will taste sweet rather than bitter. You simply won’t be able to drink much bitter juice!
Oh, harvesting – use scissors. Knives just don’t ‘cut it’.
In conclusion:
If growing wheatgrass isn’t in the cards for you, if you ask around a bit in your community, you should be able to find someone that already grows it. If you do, I’d expect that you’d find it offered for under 1 dollar an ounce. In other words, if a tray produces 15 ounces juice, you should find it for no more than 15 bucks. If you’re buying larger amounts, you should be able to find it for 8 to 10 a flat.
For me, I’ve been blessed with a source – my father! My abundance this year is directly correlated to my dad’s industrious behavior. Earlier this year, he said that he was going to grow twice as much as last year. Well, last year I felt I got a great amount. This year, the trays are piling up! At this rate, I’m going to have to teach more people about the power of wheatgrass so they’ll want to come over when I offer up ‘free shots’.
So, if you’re going to grow wheatgrass, you’ll probably find that it’s easier than you think and when it comes to juicing, you’ll find that the taste will probably be superior to what you buy at a place like Jumba Juice.
Sweet! I’m absolutely sure that’s one of the key reasons why I’m attracted to drinking this stuff. The other fifty are creatively outlined in the same short page from the Hippocrates Health Institute. I highly recommend reading that page and forwarding it to a friend.
Even though it looks like the information is the institutes, the information was compiled out of The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore. I haven’t read it, but it looks like it can be found at Amazon.
The book, by Ann Wigmore, that I do whole heartedly recommend is the one that you should be able to find free on the internet. It’s Why Suffer? How I Overcame Illness and Pain Naturally by Ann Wigmore. I found the book by visiting ChiDiet.com. Jim Carey is pretty aggressive at capturing information about people through his website, but he doesn’t really abuse your email privacy. Even though he tries to get you go buy his stuff, he also gives away healthy tips so it’s not too bad a trade. The really enticing item that he gives away is the book. Sign up and get your free copy (you can always unsubscribe from his website later).
To set the tone, here are a few of Ann’s words:
It was my grandmother who raised me and taught me the ways of natural healing. With her, there was no hopeless case. She was certain that any ailment could be relieved. Unerringly, she located in the nearby woods, fields, and swamps, the weeds, grasses, and herbs required for her work. Many mornings before daylight, I would journey with her into the fog, and while I could not distinguish in the gloom one plant from another, she would busily gather leaves, buds, grasses, and other plant materials. She was my inspiration and my teacher ever since I could toddle about, collecting the soiled bandages or tying the fragrant herbs into bundles for drying.
The best part about it is that the couple hours of reading will inspire month’s worth of energy that you can apply to healing yourself and others. It will be one of those books that you’ll want to read multiple times. At least it was for me, but, I’m one of those people that has a fascination for learning and seeking out the details in other people’s intention.