Changing your vibration

The more I think about Dr Bruce Lipton’s equation: protein + signal = behavior, the more curious I get regarding all the different signals that the body responds too. When he covered the basic idea of a signal in his presentation (I linked to it in in a previous article – Unlocking your DNA) he mainly talked about some molecule snatched by a receptor as it passes by. The overall context in which he talked always implied chemical substances; like insulin, glucose, or something that comes in a well formed molecular shape.

What I find more interesting are the other forms of stimuli (non-chemical) that exist in our environment that the body responds too. If you put some thought into it, you’ll find the list is pretty long. Here are a few examples:


  • Light – visible light processed as sight
  • Light (UV rays) – trigger the production of melanin for protection
  • Light (infrared) – in the form of heat that we feel
  • Sound – vibrations in the air
  • Touch – pressure against the skin
  • Feelings – what you can perceive from another person (like a singer)
  • Thoughts – that trigger a response in the body (sexual arousal)
  • Actions – laughter that lightens the mood

That should give you the general idea that there are stimuli that the body responds too that are more in the ‘energy’ fields than anything else.

Even if you include the chemical based stimuli you’ll find that the body is microscopically sensitive.


  • Smell – molecules in the air
  • Taste – molecules on the tongue

The level of sensitivity is pretty amazing. In the case of visible light, photons (energy) excite the retina in the eye and the body registers the specific wavelengths in order to interpret the color. The amount of photons determines the intensity.

This is light that we’re talking about. This is no molecule – something that we normally think of as having ‘substance’ but simply energy. The body has receptors specifically designed to register pure energy. Not only does the body respond to visible light, but non-visible light in the wavelengths that UV (changes in the skin) and infrared (sensation of heat). These are other forms of electromagnetic radiation that clearly trigger a response in the body yet there is no molecule backing the signal

Side stepping

If you’ve read the teachings of Eckhard Tolle (The power of now), you’ll recognize how I like to ‘carve up’ the different attributes of a person. In a nutshell, there is the physical body, emotional body, mental body and spirit. If you’ve read around (or lived) you’ve probably come to a similar breakdown. It’s nothing new.

Yet it’s not really the different attributes that make up a person that’s interesting to me here. But, rather, how these parts of a human are all connected. What is the link between spirit and body? As Dr. Lipton has stated the link is the signal.

People have been asking this question forever looking for some type of scientific answer to what they already experience on a daily basis. That is, as my research has lead me understand, spirit is light and that light is the energy that signals your own physical body to respond. As subtle as the light strength is, it is enough to interact with the body. The body responds to light and amplifies the light signal that the spirit starts.

We have already seen (previous articles) that energy (sunlight) is captured by other physical ‘Beings’, converted into useful molecular constructs, or simply stored (as in sugars) for future use. It is when that light is released in the body that the cells of the body respond and perform action.

We also know that conscious and unconscious action is triggered by your own spirit. When you lift your arm, you don’t have to think about lifting your arm, but the act of moving your arm is a desire of the spirit. You simply just lift your arm. We all may have had to learn how to lift our arms (at one point when we where young) but that action has become so common that it’s an unconscious activity now.

Language was another thing that we all had to learn. The motor skills for pronouncing just the right sounds in the correct order is something that doesn’t come naturally, it’s earned (learned). But, once it’s earned, the subconscious takes over and the desires of the spirit can flow off the tongue at any time. The words that you choose are uniquely yours. They are a form of creation that your body learns to harmonize with and resonate too. Let’s get back on track.

Why is this important to understand?

Because there is energy in what you create that acts as a signal within your body!

That may sound pretty simple, but let’s look at a couple examples. Singing is a great example. I’m sure everyone has experienced music that is sung with soul, verses music that isn’t. When the music resonates with the spirit, it triggers an energy flow (through emotions) that gives the song life. That life you don’t just hear, but you feel. It is energy that acts like a trigger to all that feel it. The energy that the creator resonated with when they produced the song actively triggers response in others. Laughter is another great example. The act of laughing triggers an energy flow that’s very infectious. Both of these things are generally taken for granted, but what if this type of triggering is what we need to ‘unlock the DNA’?

Many sacred teachings have stated that some of the work that’s needed for spiritual growth is self created – in the form of chants or sacred sounds. It would seem that chanting some phrase with emotional (spiritual) intent would setup a vibration that the body would resonate with. Bringing this back around to Dr. Lipton’s work, maybe one way of unlocking ‘healing’ DNA strands is through self directed creation – you consciously manifest through sound and emotions (energy) the triggers, or generates signals, that unlock the correct DNA to develop a sensitivity or healing protein within the body.

So, Dr. Lipton talks about your belief as controlling your DNA, but I would change that a little to state that it is the environment that your spirit creates that controls what DNA are active within your body. It is what your spirit focuses on and gives energy too that the body resonates with which the DNA respond too. After all, the body is controlled by the spirit!

So, if you come across someone that gives off an energy that excites you, take the time to resonate with that person so as to experience how they generate the energy that they give off. Listen to their words, watch their actions and pick up a memory that you can resonate with. Make it a vivid memory. Your body has a miraculous ability to remember events, use that to bring into your life what you want to be. Then, resonate to it!

I am totally looking forward to sharing personal experiences on this path of discovering how different signals change the body – specifically mine! If you come across any, feel free to share.

Have a wonderful day!

Unlocking your DNA

As a prerequisite to this article, you’ve got to watch the video series with Dr. Bruce Lipton where he talks about the functioning of a cell. You don’t have to have a science background to understand what he’s teaching. The fundamentals with regards to what he shows and talks about may change your way of thinking! – literally.

Each clip is 10 minutes long. If it turns out that my links become unavailable, just Google “Bruce Lipton Youtube” and I’m sure you’ll find the Biology of Perception video series. Once you’ve gotten through these videos, please come back and join in with my interpretation below.

Bruce Lipton – Biology of Preception 1 of 7


2 of 7


3 of 7

4 of 7

5 of 7

6 of 7

7 of 7

Wow. Can’t believe I didn’t find the good doctor’s work earlier. I guess if you quest for this type of information long enough, you’ll eventually come across gems amongst all the granite. Yet, if I’d found it earlier, I probably wouldn’t fully understand what he’s trying to say. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea, yet the conclusion that he draws is a little different than mine.

Let’s review his outstanding work.

To do this, I’ve include quotes from his video at different points. You’ll probably remember them, but I wanted to put them in writing so they could be discussed further.

1 – 1:33 Perception of the environment that controlled the cell. … It’s actually our beliefs that select our genes and selection or behavior

In that first 10 minutes, I love where he talks about the ‘victim’ side of common understanding about genes. Most people believe like he states – that the genes you’re given outline who you are. That common belief pretty much makes people give up with the feeling that there is nothing that can be done to change the situation because – it’s in the genes.

1 – 4:10+.  Here he talks about the common understanding that the “genes provide for the characteristics of your life…” Yet, his point is that people believe that it’s pre-ordained. His presentation is there to show that this might not be the case. Which I completely agree with.

1 – 6:00+ “Whatever’s in the cell is in the human and whatever’s in the human is in the cell.“ The basic idea here is that the cells are fully functioning units that have all the attributes (tools) that they need to survive. There are many similarities between our macro organism (body) and our trillions of micro ‘organisms’ (cells) that make it easy to conceptually understand what’s going on at that cellular level. Yet, at the same time, the actions in the cell are the actions in a human.

1 – 7:10+ The slide shows “Nucleus does not equal Brain” cells live even without the genes being present I the cell. The conclusion that he draws is:

1 – 8:07 “Genes do not control biology.”

I guess the world’s not flat!

I love it when someone comes along to challenge the status quo. Just when you think ‘science’ has an explanation for everything, we find out that science wasn’t really used and, yet, people believe what’s currently written in all the text books as if it’s the truth. Truth is a funny thing. It seems to change as you learn and grow.

2 – 0:35 Question – where is the brain of the cell?” Then he goes into the parts of a machine, but the cells are made out of protein parts. “Proteins provide you with your structure.

2 – 2:15 What I’m saying again, the cell is a machine, it’s made out of parts, the parts interact with each other to create the complex thing we call life.

Then he goes into the parts. Linear strings of proteins built out of amino acids. His use of props here is absolutely priceless. They are the perfect tools for conveying this new truth.

As he digs deeper, things continue to get more interesting.

2 – 5:15 Statues: Where does the life come from? That is the most important exciting question. I made a machine out of protein, but what is life, life is animation, life is movement and so therefore, where does the movement come from? Now I’m going to show you that and it’s simple and it’s the ultimate understanding of where life comes from.

I have to admit that the way he used the pipes to show how proteins can be flexible really was a great idea.

If you can remember back to the article that I posted The Art of Seeing – can you see auras?, you’ll probably remember that retina molecule. When Dr. Lipton mentioned, that molecules have charges and those charges help determine how the molecules ‘function’, you’ll probably remember the twisting that the retina molecule does when it receives a photon of light.

The human body is full of different types of molecules that can be as sensitive as the retina. Basically, the only thing that needed to be added to the molecule was a photon of light and, the whole thing twists to indicate what type of light. If you revisit the Wikipedia to read the Photoreceptor cell in humans, you’ll find that there are molecules that are precise enough to pick out the different types of color (light frequencies). The specific type of photon triggers them to ‘function’.

Let’s keep up with his lecture. Specifically, when he’s talking about proteins that are inanimate, they might as well be ‘dead’.

2 – 8:10 Well that, is where life comes from. Life is movement of the proteins. The proteins move and when they change shape, they can do jobs.

At this point, he goes into great detail showing a ‘job’ that a protein molecule can do. In his example, the protein molecule is really simple; yet the demonstration is highly effective.

3 – 1:30+ The brain of the cell, is the structure that controls the signals, to tell the cell what to do, in response to the environment. … The brain is the skin…

Earlier in the third clip, he mentions that protein absent signals do nothing! It’s not the protein where life is found, but rather in the signals. And what are those signals again? Well, as it turns out, he shows that it can be just about anything.


3 – 2:45 The nucleus is not the brain of the cell. The nucleus is the gonad of the cell – its reproduction. If I need a part to make the cell work then the nucleus is like the Butterick pattern drawer. It’s got all the patterns to make 70 thousand different parts in your body, but the nucleus doesn’t know which one is needed at which time. The Nucleus has no intelligence.

This is just beautiful. The DNA is the blueprint that allows the cell to build molecules (out of proteins) for specific tasks.

Next, he goes into the Receptors and Effectors that line the membrane of the cell. I love the picture that he shows that displays all the molecules stretching as far as the eye can see across a close-up of a cell. The point sinks home that there are lots of receptors on the surface of some cells.

Now he dives in deeper looking at how proteins react to signals and what happened if the receptors are removed from the surface of the cell.

3- 7:20+ For every different thing the cell can see, it has a different antenna [receptor]. So, that means the cells are covered over the surface with antenna for everything the cell can deal with.

4 – 1:38+ Interesting point, if I cut the antenna off the cell so it cannot see anything, here’s no behavior. The cell is totally comatose. … What does that mean? Behavior is related to the signal. If there’s no signal, there’s no behavior.

4 – 4:10+ “Perception ‘controls’ behavior” The cells are full of stimulus – response pairs that respond to the environment.

I have to wonder if we know about all the different receptor type molecules in a cell. Dr. Lipton seems to focus specifically on the ‘skin’ of the cell (like he mentioned at the beginning of the lecture). Yet, could there be receptors within the cell itself?

The absolutely most interesting part is what happens if the proteins are not in the cell for the signal to act upon.

4 – 7:50+ The plan for how to build a specific protein is built into the DNA.

This is where he goes into the example of the signal working its way into the nucleus of the cell, triggering the DNA to open so the RNA can go to work replicating the proper protein sequences. This is worth coming back to below. His conclusions are pretty straight forward.

So how do I activate the gene? … the answer is, here is a simple truth; genes do not self activate. That’s biochemically a truth; meaning a gene cannot turn itself on and a gene cannot turn itself off. If you want a gene to be active, it’s not up to the gene.

It’s up to the signal.

5 – 0-:20 When a gene product is needed, a signal from its environment, not an emergent property of the gen itself, activates expression of that gene.

This takes us back to his simple diagram of ‘life’;  Protein + Signal = Behavior.

At this point, my sense of his lecture is that it starts to venture off into what he’s currently studying. The level of ‘truth’ in his voice seems to change just enough to give me the sense that he’s not as confident with his new conclusions – yet, he brings them up anyway as he talks about gene mutations based on environmental conditions.

6 – 0:56 Here’s the point, we adjust our genes to fit the environment that we think we live in. and I say ‘we think we live in’ because perception may be right or perception may be wrong. And therefore, perception is belief. And if this is true, do you understand what this means? It’s belief that changes your genes. It’s your perception that changes your genes. It’s not an accident.

Deep into the last segment he starts to correlate human attributes and conditions to the functioning of cells. It’s almost as if he wants to apply ‘reason’ to things and he makes a really big jump into it when he states:

7 – 8:00+ Here’s the interesting aspect, the most important growth promoting signal in the world today for a human is love. It exceeds nutrition. A child getting love will grow.  A child not getting love will be stymied in its growth.

I completely agree with the statement, but I do not believe it fits with the functioning of the cell that he’s done such a good job explaining.

Building upon his understanding

Now this is where my questions fly and my thoughts are directed towards the unlocking of the DNA.

If what he’s staying really is the truth, the concept of receptors and effectors might be able to explain why some people have different sensory abilities. When I read through Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan (See Completing Hands of Light), the one persistent thought in the back of my head was – how can she see auras? From what I get from the lecture above, it could be that Barbara Ann Brennan has some receptors that have received signals that have opened the DNA to create protein molecules that help process the signal. So, it really could be that she can see auras because she’s produced the proteins that allow her to do so.

This is a phenomenal idea!

I’ve heard it said by many people that the DNA are like the brain in that we don’t really use much of it. Could it be that in the standard functioning of a cell, very little of all the DNA is used? For instance, what if out of the thousands of protein combinations, the human body predominately uses just a few hundred? If that’s the case, what ‘functions’ might be exposed if the DNA is unlocked allowing the formation of the unknown protein molecules?

But, that’s backwards – what is it that’s preventing the signals from reaching the DNA?

The good doctor’s lecture places one thing up front and center – signals are the key.

So the question that I have is; are the signals getting through to the cells? It would seem a great number of them are not. What might make it so that these signals can get through?

Watching The Raw Food World TV Show, I’ve heard Matt Monarch mention a number of times that as the body gets cleaner, the senses are heightened. He’s been on a raw food diet for years and has gone through many conscious episodes of detoxification. As it turns out, I’ve found an interview where Matt talks about this cleaning process.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Now you’re probably wondering what this has to do with Dr. Lipton’s work?

Well, this is where I have to theorize. It would seem to me that the receptors are not receiving the signals due to all the ‘stuff’ that’s in the way. If your body is filled with broken proteins, mucus and, generally, sludge, one would think that subtle energies might not make it into the body.

Let’s just say, for instance, (and I’m making this up here) that the light given off as auras radiates to everyone, but if the receptors of the receivers are never reached because the light (aura) hits debris that’s in the way. It would be like trying to see through a dirty crystal – that’s just not going to happen. Also, if the light radiated from a person is subtle, it may not take much to block that light.

So, it could be that the signals are all around us all the time, but the body is too busy processing all the other signals to notice the subtle ones. Make sense? Thus, there has to be some type of conscious effort put into learning how to remove the blockages so the signals can make it through.

Then what happens?

If the signals can make it through, I would also theorize that the cells will generate proteins that ‘function’ based on the given signal. It may be that telepathy is possible given the correct proteins are build in response to the signals. For example, if the retina allows the consciousness to perceive visible light, could there be a molecule that will allow the consciousness to perceive telepathic energy? Is there such a protein strand sitting dormant in the DNA just waiting to be unlocked?

Side thought

The other attribute that I wanted to touch on was the good doctor’s venture into ‘love’ where as I would have gone down the path of ‘light’.

All the information that surfacing about quantum physics makes me want to think more about Dr. Lipton’s’ comments about the signals. At one point, he mentioned that energy could be a signal. Well, as it turns out, energy comes in infinite forms. There are types of energy that humans have not been able to measure well, or measure at all. There is energy of all different wavelengths and strengths. There is energy carried within the atoms of molecules that is released within the cell – not necessarily at the receptor. Might there be subtle attributes that are not developing due to the lack of light?

I’ve heard it said many a times that a person needs to feed their light body. Could there be a deeper meaning to it based upon Dr Lipton’s research? I would theorize here once again, what if curtain parts of the DNA are not unlocked until you’ve fed the light body enough to create the signal to instruct the body to create the ‘function’ for that amount of light? What if there are ‘magic’ proteins that allow super sensitivity that just needs the correct signal to unlock them?

I’m happy to have found this information this weekend. I feel that it’s a turning point in my quest between thinking that I can find the answers to knowing that I can experience the solutions.

At this point, the next sequence of things to stuff seems pretty clear. Focus on the signals so as to allow the body to develop the proteins that will translate the signals into something useful for my consciousness. If this sounds interesting to you, we might both be on a similar quest!

The Garden of Eden – recycling light

Once again, my thoughts drift towards light in the human body. It seems that a number of people are investigating this topic, but it always seems that they overlook obvious details, but it could simply be that I’m seeing the topic from a different point of view.

I love it when I get articles forwarded my way giving me something to critic. I’ll try to go easy on the author for it looks like we’ve got similar interests, but I’ll leave it up to reader to really determine what is real and what’s worth thinking about a little deeper.

Let’s look at The Power of Biological Light in Healing by Dr. Mercola. I highly recommend giving it a read before continuing with my critic for I might have missed his point and you’ll be able to overlook my ramblings. In any case, let’s dive right in for it’s always interesting for me to see other people’s interpretation of light in the body.

Your Body is Glowing

Your body actually emits light on a daily basis, in concentrations that rise and fall with your body clock and the rhythmic fluctuations of your metabolism over the course of the day.

The light is 1,000 times less intense than levels that can be seen with the naked eye, which is why most people cannot detect it (some people, however, are able to see this emitted light or “aura,” and some can even distinguish colors).

Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp was the first to suggest that this light must come, at least in part, from the foods we eat. When we eat plant foods, the light waves, or photons, in the plants are taken in and stored by your body.

At the bottom of his article, Dr. Mercola references a previous posting that he made (Your Body Literally Glows With Light) which is a indirect pointer to the same article that I referenced a while back – Humans giving off light – which references a LifeSciences article that seems to have a bug in it at the moment, thus just Google “Humans glow in visible light” and you’ll hit a number of articles that seem to be right in line with the words Dr. Mercola used above.

The good Doctor then says:

Biophotons are the smallest physical units of light, which are stored in, and used by all biological organisms – including your body. The purpose of these biophotons is much more important than many have realized. It turns out they may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body — including supporting your body’s ability to heal.

Trying not to let the new term derail our train of thought. A Google query for “what are Biophotons” finds that there is a German book published by the name Biophotons – The Light in Our Cells which has a little definition of what a biophoton is:

What are biophotons ?

Biophotons, or ultraweak photon emissions of biological systems, are weak electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum – in other words: light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special equipment developed by German researchers.

This light emission is an expression of the functional state of the living organism and its measurement therefore can be used to assess this state. …

According to the biophoton theory developed on the base of these discoveries the biophoton light is stored in the cells of the organism [emphasis added by me] – more precisely, in the DNA molecules of their nuclei – and a dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA may connect cell organelles, cells, tissues, and organs within the body and serve as the organism’s main communication network and as the principal regulating instance for all life processes. The processes of morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration are also explained by the structuring and regulating activity of the coherent biophoton field. The holographic biophoton field of the brain and the nervous system, and maybe even that of the whole organism, may also be basis of memory and other phenomena of consciousness, as postulated by neurophysiologist Karl Pribram an[d] others. The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton field are closely related to its base in the properties of the physical vacuum and indicate its possible role as an interface to the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and consciousness.

So, biophotons are basically light energy in the body. The link about the book about biophotons where I grabbed the quote above mentions that there is a biophoton theory – where that theory basically states that light is stored in the DNA molecules in the cell. Well, if you’ve read some of my previous postings on light and how it’s used in the body (The breath of Life (or energy), or Is food another form of light?) you’ll notice that I lean more towards the idea that light is stored in atoms. Or, basically, when plants capture sunlight using the chlorophyll molecule sunlight enters the atom raising the electrons into a higher spin state. When the electrons enter that higher spin state, the characteristics of the atom change ever so slightly to give it ‘new’ affiliations to other atoms. Basically, the covalent bonding of the atoms changes so that molecules like sugar can form.

In a nutshell, sunlight is stored in atoms.

The more I research this topic, the more I believe that when sunlight reacts with atoms so as to elevate the spin of the electrons (or, giving the atom a high spin state) it changes the characteristics of the atoms enough to make it so that they can bond together to make particular molecules.

A good example of light changing a molecule can be seen when light reacts with the retina in the eye. I posted an article about this a while ago called The Art of Seeing – can you see auras? Basically, when light interacts with the retina, the molecule twists – it changes shape. That change in shape triggers a response in the body that allows humans to interpret the ‘stimuli.’

Thus, I guess I might be in agreement with Dr. Mercola when he says that biophotons “may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body…” which, seems like a stretch for his article, but not if you’ve been thinking about it like I have.

The good doctor than goes on to say:

Light Controls Your Cell Functions
It is known in biology that every cell in your body has over 100,000 biochemical reactions per second, all of which must be carefully timed and sequenced with each other.

For a long time it was proposed that this occurred through a “mechanical” concept whereby molecules bumped into each other by chance and fit together like a lock and key, or even by slightly changing shape, to come together and form chemical reactions.

Granted, this does sound a bit farfetched, and now researchers believe this cellular dance is not random at all, but rather controlled by biophotons. [emphasis added by me] As Dan Eden wrote for, the paper “The Real Bioinformatics Revolution: Proteins and Nucleic Acids Singing to One Another?” explains just how this “dance” takes place:

“Veljkovic and Cosic proposed that molecular interactions are electrical in nature, and they take place over distances that are large compared with the size of molecules. Cosic later introduced the idea of dynamic electromagnetic field interactions, that molecules recognize their particular targets and vice versa by electromagnetic resonance.

In other words, the molecules send out specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves which not only enable them to ‘see’ and ‘hear’ each other, as both photon and phonon modes exist for electromagnetic waves, but also to influence each other at a distance and become ineluctably drawn to each other if vibrating out of phase (in a complementary way).

There are about 100,000 chemical reactions happening in every cell each second. The chemical reaction can only happen if the molecule which is reacting is excited by a photon … Once the photon has excited a reaction it returns to the field and is available for more reactions… We are swimming in an ocean of light.”

Dr. Popp, who proved the existence of the biophoton field in 1974, believes that these types of “biophoton emissions” are responsible for transferring information throughout your entire body.

I think Dr. Mercola didn’t really mean to say that the dance is controlled by photons, but rather the electromagnetic vibration that the molecules give off.

You see, this is where my thinking starts to drift from what these other scientists seems to believe – at least on the surface of things. For it’s not the photons or the electromagnetic properties alone, but the fact that the atoms of the molecules have electrons that spin in the high spin states.

The root of it is in the covalent bonds that are made between atoms. If the atoms have the correct ‘spin’ (or enough sunlight energy (or energy in general) has hit the atom so as to elevate the electron orbits within the atom) that atom can now bond together with another atom in such a way as to make complex molecules like sugar.

Wikipedia's Gloucose and Fructose molecules

The key is that when the sunlight elevates the electrons, it changes the characteristics of the atom which would affect the electromagnetic properties. It would affect the resonance of that atom or the resonance of the molecule that it’s connected too. Thus, the light, whose energy has been converted into electron’s spinning in a higher state, now allows the atom to bond in ways to make specific types of molecules.

I like to think of this as two specific types of magnets. As you all know, magnets have magnetic fields that create strong attraction and repulsion forces. From the Wikipedia we find the following as part of the Magnetic Field description:

Magnets exert forces and torques on each other through the magnetic fields they create. Electrical currents and moving electrical charges produce magnetic fields. Even the magnetic field of a magnetic material can be modeled as being due to moving electrical charges.[nb 2] Magnetic fields also exert forces on moving electrical charges.

This thinking seems to align with what the German researchers mention above. The only thing that might be slightly different is that the resonating molecules might just give off specific types of attractive and/or repulsive forces that increase the probability that ‘like minded’ molecules met to form other compounds within the body.

If these ideas hold, you’d think that within your cells you’d have a bunch of molecules all vibrating at specific frequencies that would ‘keep things stirred up’ while the attraction process transpires. Healthy happy molecular connections would be made and larger life sustaining compounds would be built and used for your lovely life functions.

This makes me think just a little further. What if the molecules that you consume are broken down and fractured into a number of inharmonious molecules? What if a large portion of the food that you consume has fractured molecules that don’t have the correct attractive vibrations? Will the body be able to repair it and use it if the vibration of the molecule makes it so that it can never be found?

This has got to make you wonder about the cooking process just a little more. Sure, cooking breaks down indigestible molecules into simpler molecules that can be digested by the body – but are they digested and used by the body? In other words, the molecules might be broken down enough to be absorbed by the cells, but once inside, can they do the work that we expected them to do? Or, more importantly, do the broken molecules consume more light than they generate within the body? For if light is life, we’ll always want to add the highest most useful light molecules to our bodies.

The more I study light in the human body, the more I believe that we want to take in molecules in their most natural state so as to preserve as much of its natural vibration so as to make the process of using its stored energy a higher possibility for the cell. In other words, eating raw food may be more useful to your cells than cooked food. It’s like we want to create a pure ‘garden of Eden’ and the finest related compost possible for our cells to use and thrive on!

And, if that gets you thinking, what happens to all the fractured molecules that don’t find function within your cells? Well, you’re body has to get rid of them somehow. If you’ve done any research at all about milk products, you’ll have already discovered that the cooked proteins in milk tend to not be used by the body. The body, in turn, expels these proteins through the noise and lungs and any other organ that can help remove them.

We’ll just have to move on from that mucus issue…

What about enzymes?

If you’ve looked into how the body uses enzymes, you most likely read that he body recycles them. Enzymes are used over and over again until something happens and the body expels what’s left of them (or so the theory goes).

Thinking about to the vitamin A molecule that I wrote about in The Art of Seeing – can you see auras? Article. In this case the addition of light (or a photon) into the space of the molecule causes the molecule to twist (or, in my words, elevates the electrons in a molecule that making one of the atoms have slightly different characteristics that cause the molecule to take on a new shape). But the basic concept is the addition of light gave energy to the molecule so it could change shape. What if enzymes work the same way?

What if enzymes pick up extra photons with cause it to bend and twist – which it does to help bring things together or take things apart. As we’ve see the retina change due to the addition of light, so might other molecules within the cells that operate on a daily basis.

If this holds, the flow of electrons within the cell might be more important than one might realize. If the electron flow (light) moves from atom to atom changing how it interacts with the atoms around it, it might be easier to explain how things move on that microscopic level.

Looking back at a comment that the good doctor says:

It turns out [biophotons] may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body — including supporting your body’s ability to heal.

Just might make a little more sense now. Yet, I would change it ever so slightly to read:

It turns out that light may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body – including supporting your body’s ability to live!

Think about it and share! I would love to find more examples of articles that outline this type of energy transformation that forms the basis for life as we know it.

Ultimately, you and I are running on light, but it’s hard to see it in action.

Completing Hands of Light

Summer time’s for playing; Not necessarily for reading! Even through we’ve had a great collection of warm sunny days, I still found just enough down time to wrap up the last few pages of Hands of Light.

I’ve got mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, I believe she could have used half as many words to describe the same thing and, she repeated herself a number of times in different sections through the various chapters. But on the other hand, she’s got an interesting point of view that comes across in a comfortably neutral way. She’s easy to believe even if you don’t have the high sensory perception that she claims to have developed.

And that’s the puzzling part. Can a high sensory perception be developed? Or is it something that you’re just born with? She gives a number of exercises that the reader should try, so I just might have to put some time in ‘practicing’ these different techniques. Who knows, maybe her techniques will work.


When people form relationships with each other, they grow cords out of the chakras that connect them.

I’m willing to bet that the strength of the relationship is (probably) directly correlated to the amount of energy that flows through these cords. I would also venture to guess that because it’s light energy, the ‘thoughts’ that travel this link may be the types of thoughts that people perceive as telepathy. Maybe.

Most of us react to unpleasant experiences by blocking our feeling and stopping a great deal of our natural energy flow. This affects the development and maturation of the chakras, resulting in inhibition of a fully balanced psychological function.

In other words, we carry our experiences with us as memories of thought comprised of light (or the absence of light) that affects how the energy flows around and through the body. If the energy flow around the body were natural and free-flowing, we would most likely not be in the need of healing. And healing isn’t necessarily physical. Stress is a mental condition that plays out with physical reactions. Why, it seems highly probable that if the energy that flows around the body is out of balance, the body would show some type of physical response.

If this center [She’s talking about the chakras] is clockwise, we will have a positive attitude about accomplishing things in life and see other people as supports for those accomplishments.

On the other hand, if this center is counter-clockwise, the opposite is true.

It appears that the energy flows around the body have an influence on how a person perceives the world around them. This may help explain why two different people looking at the same glass of water my see it as being partly empty or partly full. Maybe the energy flow accentuates space or negative space.

The process of changing one’s belief system redirects chakra movement.

And later she states that a person’s belief’s affect how the chakras ‘spin.’ Well, of course they’re all related. The movement of the chakra’s energy is the belief system of the person played out in real time for everyone to see.

The aura is really the ‘missing link’ between biology and physical medicine and psychotherapy. It’s the ‘place’ where all the emotions, thoughts, memories and behavior patterns we discuss so endlessly in therapy are located. They’re not just suspended somewhere in our imaginations, but they are located in time and space. Thoughts and emotions move between people in time and space through the human energy field, and learning about it is the way to get a handle on this activity.

Thoughts really are things. I’m coming closer to believing that experiences are recorded and stored as light energy in the body, thus it might make sense that as the experiences are remembered, that light gets echoed – to the soul – thus it would radiate outward for all to ‘see’.

Someone that is sensitive to reading light should be able to get a general idea about how the remembered energy made the person feel. Or how the current thought pattern generates emotions that get played out – as light energy – as the people lives the experience.

From the article that I posted about food energy (Is food another form of light?), it might seem that in every cell of the body there exists sugars just waiting to be broken down into electromagnetic energy (light), but I now wonder more about the process by which the molecules give off their light. Does the light that went into making the sugar have to come out the same way? Or, may it be that the atoms that are giving up their electrons give up the energy in stages that corresponds with the mood of the person?

For instance, Barbara says that if a person is thinking, they give off a yellow type energy. Could it be that the vibration in the body triggers the cells to break down the sugars in such a way as to trigger it to release a proton that vibrates as a yellow light wave? Could it be that if the person is thinking, the type of energy that they need for this function is provided by the yellow light frequencies?

Could it also be that because the light radiates like a candle, the light would radiate inward to feed the central nervous system and some of it would escape the body to be seen by others. I’ll have to give this some more yellow light.

I found that people flash bright colors when they are engaged in feeling or actions. When they are quiet, the auric field returns to a stable ‘normal’ state for that person.

This is once again in line with my thinking. If a person is active, light that the cells would have to give off would be that suitable for that specific action. Likewise, if the person wants to generate an emotion, the cells of the body would have to generate the colors appropriate for that specific emotion.

Ever wonder why you feel exhausted after an emotional outburst? Ever wonder why you feel recharged after quieting your mind? It’s probably related to the speed in which your body can generate energy and how efficiently it can focus it on the specific target rather than simply radiating that energy out into space.

Here is another quote that stands out to me:

Figure 11-1A shows the normal aura of a man. As he sings (Figures 11.1B), his aura expands and brightens. Bright lightning-like flashes and sparks of iridescent blue-violet move off just after the movement of inhaling, before he starts each new line. As the audience becomes more attentive, its general aura expands. Great arcs of light reach out from the singer to the audience, and the two auras connect. Mutual forms begin to build as feelings flow between performer and audience. These energy-consciousness forms relate in structure and color to the mutual thoughts and feelings of the group and the music being created. At the end of the song, these forms are disconnected and broken up by the applause, which acts as an eraser to wipe the field clean for the next creation. Both performer and audience are energized by absorbing the energy created by the music. Some of this energy will be internalized to break blocks held in the body; some of it will be used for the next creation.

I can totally relate to this energy. I know it exists. I know there’s a feedback loop between performers and the audience, but it’s another thing ‘seeing’ it.

But what really stands out here is that this type of energy seems a bit different than what’s generated during an emotional outburst. The emotional outbursts are generally wildly out of control and the energy just flies everywhere as the person lets it all out. Whereas, the energy given off by the performer is focused and intentional. The best way to sum it up is that it’s energy art.

The act of focusing energy can really be seen be examining the performing arts. In order to stand out in the arts, you have to be able to generate emotion yet focus the energy generated on the performance – whatever it is.

The best part about all this is that anyone can focus energy. Feeling the energy comes by paying attention to the performance!


We stop our feelings by blocking our energy flow. This creates stagnated pools of energy in our systems which when held there long enough lead to disease in the physical body.

That’s like saying we are all performers and when we stop our individual performance, the universe no longer pays attention and there is no energy returned to amplify the glory of your existence. No performance – no energy returned.

Moving along, the author touching on a topic that’s very close to what turned my life around a couple years ago, she writes:

… if you unconsciously had something to do with making things the way they are, then you can have a great deal to do with creating things the way you want them to be.

How I would interpret that statement is – your life is never out of your control. Your thoughts, emotions and actions got you where you are today, your thoughts, emotions and actions will get you where you will be tomorrow.

I couple years ago, I spent a little time evaluating my life. I looked at my health and my mental state and realized in not all to different words from above that that I’d been doing it all wrong. Basically, if I was doing the right things, why did I not feel good? I didn’t feel good. Thus logic would have it that I wasn’t doing the right things! Coming to that realization made me humble again and willing to ask for help. Life has been a great uphill trek since then! Get the ego out of the way and, I swear, you’ll turn your life around and feel like a performer again!

I even found some good stuff in the healing chapter.

No matter how miraculous the result, the healer really induces the patient to heal himself through natural processes, even though they are beyond what is considered to be natural for those who are not familiar with healing.

To the healer, health not only means health in the physical body, but also balance and harmony in all parts of life.

Her words ring true deep inside me and shape the reason why I don’t really believe in doctors as healers. Doctors are great for handling emergencies, but, when it comes down to it, the body heals itself! If you go to the doctor with a cut, they will help you find a way to stabilize the wound, but, they don’t ‘heal’ it, the body heals itself. Even in the cases where someone’s lifestyle has lead them down the path to some chronic disease, if the person is truly committed to giving the body what it needed to heal, the body would undoubtedly heal.

I found the following interesting regarding the universal energy field, yet I’m not sure what to do about it yet.

Rather than spending hours memorizing things, we will learn how to access the information already stored in the “memory” of the universal energy field. In esoteric terms this information storage is call the akashic records. These records are the energetic imprint fixed within the universal hologram of everything that has ever happened or has ever been known. In this type of brain function, information is not stored in our minds; it is simply accessed. In this type of brain function, to remember means to tune in again to the universal hologram and to read the information again, not to search one’s own mind to retrieve the information.

If anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear them. If not, maybe I’ll get some time in the near future to investigate the Akashic records a little more.

The process of internal viewing

… Light enters both through the third eye and through the physical eyes and flows along the optic nerves an shown in Figure 18.6

When I came across the topic of internal viewing, I couldn’t put it down. It spawned Opening the Window to Your Soul and The Art of Seeing – can you see auras? Articles. I won’t cover that information again here.

Picture this:

… Perceiving means receiving. Perception is receiving what is already there, either in symbolic form or in literal form. Visualizing is an entirely different function. The process of visualization is actively creating. In visualization you create a picture in your mind and give it energy. If you continue to hold it clearly in your mind and give it energy, you can eventually create it in your life. You have thus given it form and substance. The clearer the image and the more emotional energy you project into it, the more you will be able to create it in your life.

I love the way she worded the difference between receiving and creating. If you haven’t paid attention to what’s going on in your own head (mind) you might be subject to living what you receive rather then creating what you receive. There is a difference, and, it’s a conscious difference.

You and only you are responsible for your health.

I have to agree one hundred percent with that statement. Yet she goes on to say:

If you have a physical problem you must make the final decision to follow a particular curative program. Only with the greatest of care should you make these decisions. To start with, you choose from a vast array of help available to you. Whom do you trust? sHow long do you follow a cure when you cannot tell whether or not it is working? These questions can only be answered from your deep searching fro what is right for you.

If you don’t trust a diagnosis, these is nothing wrong with a second or third opinion, or another technique altogether. If you are confused about what has been said to you about your particular ailment, ask the doctor more questions, find some books, learn about what you are involved with. Take charge of your health. Most of all, do not let yourself be limited by a negative prognosis. Rather take it as a message to look deeper into yourself and wider into the available alternative methods. Standard western medicine has many answers, but not all. If it is not efficient in curing a certain disease, then look elsewhere. Cover all bases. You will be surprised about how much there is to learn about yourself and your health. The search will change your life in ways you would never expect. I have met many people whose illness has eventually brought them great joy, a deep understanding and appreciation of life and the fulfillment they were not able to achieve before becoming ill.

Self-love is the greatest healer, and self-love also requires daily practice.

Not sure how I can say that any better!

In that same chapter, she writes:

Any illness is a direct message to you that tells you how you have not been loving who you are, cherishing yourself in order to be who you are. This is the basis of all healing.

In closing, she states:

To become a healer means dedication. Not to any specific spiritual practice, religion, or set of rigid rules, but dedication to your particular path of truth and love. This means that your practice of that truth and love will probably change as you travel through your life.

Which is another statement that I agree with. We all see things from a unique point of view. Your experiences have helped you come to an understanding that no one else has. How you use that understanding is completely up to you. And when you do use it, hopefully, if you discover that it’s no longer the truth, you’re willing to part with it gracefully so the new truth can be investigated.

I am grateful that Barbara shared her point of view with me through this book. I am most interested with the act of seeing and the conscious focusing of energy. I will open my mind to the concept of seeing via the nervous system rather than simply the eyes and I’ll refine my performance so as to focus energy into an experience that the universe may take notice of.

That’s it for today.  Sing a joyous song with heart-felt emotions and see what happens. You may be surprised!

The Art of Seeing – can you see auras?

How do we really see? That’s a simple question that has a fairly complicated scientific explanation that isn’t really complete. At least, what I’ve been able to discover seems technical enough, but it doesn’t really get to the root of it all leaving me with unanswered questions that allow for possibilities beyond the physical.

Ok, so as you’ve all noticed lately, I’ve been reading Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan. This book is all about ‘seeing’ and how she’s developed her higher sensory perception to be able to see auras and light anomalies within and around the body. It’s a skill (or inherent gift) that I still don’t consciously observe (at this time). Yet I’m open minded for it’s clear to me that there is much that we (as humanity) have yet to ‘intellectualize’ that already exists.

Yet there was one phrase written in Hands of Light that caught my eye (no pun intended) on page 163 that I just haven’t been able to leave behind. The author states:

Light enters both through the third eye and through the physical eyes and flows along the optic nerves as shown in figure 18-6.

I wish that I had a digital image of figure 18-6, but I’ll do my best to describe it in just a few words. She’s got an artist’s rendition of a side profile cutaway image of a human head where the cutaway is of the human brain. It’s a middle of the brain slice so the artist drew in the glands that split the two larger lobs. Then, highlighted in a bold dotted line, it’s shows that light rays enter the eye and travel along the optic nerve to the pineal gland.

But the most interesting, more subjective part of the drawing is that the artist also shows another strong bolded line traveling from the center of the forehead through the brain to meet up with the Optic nerve before also arriving at the pineal gland. This path is labeled the ‘Paths of gold light’.

At this point, this is where science and this author differ. It’s also the point where I feel for the author and her attempt to explain the physical receptor of these light rays that she sees. This is also a point where I extend a ‘trust’ to the author accepting that she sees the light that’s talked about throughout the book, but that she has most likely accepted the idea that is not supported by science and just left it at that.

Actually, it’s a little disconcerting and that might be why I’m writing about it here.

Since I’m not really accepting her explanation on how she sees these lights, I figured I’d look into it a little deeper to see if I could find something that made sense. In the process of doing that, I’ve just opened a ‘can of worms’ with regards to the real concept of seeing.

Let’s start with Google. I asked “How humans see” and found 53 million results. It must be my lucky day for the first article that I clicked on did a really good job of summarizing the different parts of the eye and how they work. That article is:

How We See:
The First Steps of Human Vision

By: Diane M. Szaflarski, Ph.D.

Click the article title to follow the link.

It might be worth spending a few minutes going over that article for it outlines the basic parts of the eye and actually drills down to the Rod and Cone cells in the back of the eye that are the photo receptors.

If you’re into natural food, like I am, you’ll probably find the following side note interesting. From that article the author states:

It is now understood that the human body makes retinal from vitamin A. A picture of retinal and vitamin A is shown in Figure 5. Both the retinal and vitamin A molecules contain a long chain of double bonds. When retinal dissociates from opsin, some of the retinal is destroyed. To replenish the destroyed retinal, it is important to have a source of vitamin A in your diet. Without this source of vitamin A, night blindness can develop as the rods can not function effectively without sufficient sources of retinal.

From the Wikipedia, we find the following molecule for Vitamin A:

Vitamin A

From the same source, we find the molecule for Retinal:


Looks pretty similar doesn’t it. This is one of the coolest things regarding organic compounds found in the foods that we eat. Like we saw between the Chlorophyll molecule and the Hemoglobin molecule in the article Is food another form of light, there are basic building blocks in primary atom clusters that are multifunctional in different life forms. I this case, Vitamin A and the molecule that’s used to detect light in our eyes are pretty darn close in their makeup.

Ok.  Looking back at the original article, I find another paragraph very interesting.

It is the rhodopsin protein in the retina that absorbs the light that enters the eye. Specifically, it is known that the retinal molecule, which is embedded inside rhodopsin, undergoes photo-excitation by absorbing light. In the photo-excitation process, the rhodopsin absorbs light and is excited to a higher electronic state. Numerous studies have been carried out to try to understand what happens after the rhodopsin absorbs light. Research has shown that upon photo-excitation the retinal part of rhodopsin undergoes a twisting around one of its double bonds (see Figure 4). The retinal then dissociates from the opsin. The change in geometry initiates a series of events that eventually cause electrical impulses to be sent to the brain along the optic nerve. Further research is needed to fully understand this complex process. [Emphasis added]

The two things that I’d like to talk about before getting to the text that I italicized are:

  1. Photo-excitation
  2. The twisting

The Wikipedia reports the following about the twisting of the retina molecule:

Vision begins with the photoisomerization of retinal. When the 11-cis-retinal chromophore absorbs a photon it isomerizes from the 11-cis state to the all-trans state. The absorbance spectrum of the chromophore depends on its interactions with the opsin protein to which it is bound; different opsins produce different absorbance spectra.


So, as it turns out, scientists have discovered that the light sensitive molecule found in the eye ‘twists’ when it absorbs a photon. Thus a little light energy can excite this molecule to change.

That action would be related to the photo-excitation that the original article talks about. The Wikipedia talks about it like this:

Photoelectrochemical processes usually involve transforming light into other forms of energy.[1] These processes apply to photochemistry, optically pumped lasers, sensitized solar cells, luminescence, and the effect of reversible change of color upon exposure to light. To the right photons are emitted in a coherent beam from a laser.

Electron excitation is the movement of an electron to a higher energy state. This can either be done by photoexcitation (PE), where the original electron absorbs the photon and gains all the photon’s energy or by electrical excitation (EE), where the original electron absorbs the energy of another, energetic electron. Within a semiconductor crystal lattice, thermal excitation is a process where lattice vibrations provide enough energy to move electrons to a higher energy band. When an excited electron falls back to a lower energy state again, it is called electron relaxation. This can be done by radiation of a photon or giving the energy to a third spectator particle as well

This electron movement into higher orbital’s looks just like what happens when plants absorb sunlight to make sugar. When the Chlorophyll molecule focuses sunlight to spin up carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms into higher energy states, these atoms readily combine together into sugars. It also seems related to covalent bonding for making different molecules out of existing molecules (I talked a bit about this in the posting The Breath of life (or energy).)

So, what can we summarize so far?

Well, we know that the molecule that senses light in our eyes is very much like Vitamin A. And, when the photon of light is added to this molecule, it spins up an atom in the molecule so as to change its form – it twists.


What about that bolded part in the original article:

The change in geometry initiates a series of events that eventually cause electrical impulses to be sent to the brain along the optic nerve. Further research is needed to fully understand this complex process. [Emphasis added]

Now what? It’s great and all that the Vitamin A that we consume gets converted into the retina that’s a photo sensitive molecule that twists when light hits it, but, as it turns out, Paul Harvey doesn’t seem to have the rest of the story here.

How do we really see and why does Barbara Ann Brennan instruct us that these lights come in through the third eye?

It would seem that the act of seeing is not fully described by the process of light hitting the retina of the eye. But, rather, seeing might be a bit more related to how the human processes the light. As the author in the original article points out, “further research is needed” would indicate that no one can scientifically state how we see, yet they can state some of the mechanics of the situation.

This opens up possibilities!

Maybe seeing is more related to interpreting ‘information’ along the optic nerve. What if it’s more of a discernment process rather than a cut and dry one of a photon hitting a retina?

Can’t help but look up the Optic nerve:

The optic nerve, also called cranial nerve II, transmits visual information from the retina to the brain.

The optic nerve is the second of twelve paired cranial nerves but is considered to be part of the central nervous system as it is derived from an outpouching of the diencephalon during embryonic development. Consequently, the fibres are covered with myelin produced by oligodendrocytes rather than the Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system and are encased within the meninges. Therefore the distinction of nerve is technically a misnomer, as the optic system lies within the central nervous system and nerves exist, by definition, within the peripheral nervous system.

Thinking from the inside out, the brain has 12 main sensory pathways where the optic nerve is just one of them. Along all these different pathways, ‘information’ travels to the brain for processing. Sensory input can come in many different forms – one being visual light stimulating the retina of the eye.

What if there some other part of the central nervous system is able to sense non-visible light in one’s environment and transmit thoughts signals to the brain for processing? Might that be possible?

Now I’m full of even more questions.

  • How can a blind person learn to read brail? Can you? I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to make the connection. Just because I don’t have that sensitivity, it doesn’t mean that the blind person can’t do it.
  • Why is it that some people can clearly distinguish different odors when most seem to just blend together for me?
  • When we close our eyes how is it that we can ‘see’ things?  Really. Everyone has the ability to ‘visualize’ things yet that ‘light’ is not coming from the eyes!

At this point, my take on it is that ‘seeing’ is not really done by the eyes, but rather by reading the information that travels through the nervous system. It may be that some people have developed a hyper-sensitivity to being able to understand that information so that the brain can actually process it. If the brain processes the input in a way that makes it appear visual, so be it.

Hopefully, these ideas may spark an understanding that you have that you’ll be willing to share with me. I would love to hear about your experiences ‘seeing’ things that other people don’t have the sensitivities to detect.

Happy seeing!


From Wikipedia about the retinal:

Retinal, also called retinaldehyde or vitamin A aldehyde, is one of the many forms of vitamin A (the number of which varies from species to species). Retinal is a polyene chromophore, and bound to proteins called opsins, is the chemical basis of animal vision. Bound to proteins called type 1 rhodopsins, retinal allows certain microorganisms to convert light into metabolic energy.

Vertebrate animals ingest retinal directly from meat, or produce retinal from one of four carotenoids (beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, gamma-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin), which they must obtain from plants or other photosynthetic organisms (no other carotenoids can be converted by animals to retinal, and some carnivores cannot convert any carotenoids at all). The other main forms of vitamin A, retinol, and a partially active form retinoic acid, may both be produced from retinal.