Unlocking your DNA

As a prerequisite to this article, you’ve got to watch the video series with Dr. Bruce Lipton where he talks about the functioning of a cell. You don’t have to have a science background to understand what he’s teaching. The fundamentals with regards to what he shows and talks about may change your way of thinking! – literally.

Each clip is 10 minutes long. If it turns out that my links become unavailable, just Google “Bruce Lipton Youtube” and I’m sure you’ll find the Biology of Perception video series. Once you’ve gotten through these videos, please come back and join in with my interpretation below.

Bruce Lipton – Biology of Preception 1 of 7


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Wow. Can’t believe I didn’t find the good doctor’s work earlier. I guess if you quest for this type of information long enough, you’ll eventually come across gems amongst all the granite. Yet, if I’d found it earlier, I probably wouldn’t fully understand what he’s trying to say. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea, yet the conclusion that he draws is a little different than mine.

Let’s review his outstanding work.

To do this, I’ve include quotes from his video at different points. You’ll probably remember them, but I wanted to put them in writing so they could be discussed further.

1 – 1:33 Perception of the environment that controlled the cell. … It’s actually our beliefs that select our genes and selection or behavior

In that first 10 minutes, I love where he talks about the ‘victim’ side of common understanding about genes. Most people believe like he states – that the genes you’re given outline who you are. That common belief pretty much makes people give up with the feeling that there is nothing that can be done to change the situation because – it’s in the genes.

1 – 4:10+.  Here he talks about the common understanding that the “genes provide for the characteristics of your life…” Yet, his point is that people believe that it’s pre-ordained. His presentation is there to show that this might not be the case. Which I completely agree with.

1 – 6:00+ “Whatever’s in the cell is in the human and whatever’s in the human is in the cell.“ The basic idea here is that the cells are fully functioning units that have all the attributes (tools) that they need to survive. There are many similarities between our macro organism (body) and our trillions of micro ‘organisms’ (cells) that make it easy to conceptually understand what’s going on at that cellular level. Yet, at the same time, the actions in the cell are the actions in a human.

1 – 7:10+ The slide shows “Nucleus does not equal Brain” cells live even without the genes being present I the cell. The conclusion that he draws is:

1 – 8:07 “Genes do not control biology.”

I guess the world’s not flat!

I love it when someone comes along to challenge the status quo. Just when you think ‘science’ has an explanation for everything, we find out that science wasn’t really used and, yet, people believe what’s currently written in all the text books as if it’s the truth. Truth is a funny thing. It seems to change as you learn and grow.

2 – 0:35 Question – where is the brain of the cell?” Then he goes into the parts of a machine, but the cells are made out of protein parts. “Proteins provide you with your structure.

2 – 2:15 What I’m saying again, the cell is a machine, it’s made out of parts, the parts interact with each other to create the complex thing we call life.

Then he goes into the parts. Linear strings of proteins built out of amino acids. His use of props here is absolutely priceless. They are the perfect tools for conveying this new truth.

As he digs deeper, things continue to get more interesting.

2 – 5:15 Statues: Where does the life come from? That is the most important exciting question. I made a machine out of protein, but what is life, life is animation, life is movement and so therefore, where does the movement come from? Now I’m going to show you that and it’s simple and it’s the ultimate understanding of where life comes from.

I have to admit that the way he used the pipes to show how proteins can be flexible really was a great idea.

If you can remember back to the article that I posted The Art of Seeing – can you see auras?, you’ll probably remember that retina molecule. When Dr. Lipton mentioned, that molecules have charges and those charges help determine how the molecules ‘function’, you’ll probably remember the twisting that the retina molecule does when it receives a photon of light.

The human body is full of different types of molecules that can be as sensitive as the retina. Basically, the only thing that needed to be added to the molecule was a photon of light and, the whole thing twists to indicate what type of light. If you revisit the Wikipedia to read the Photoreceptor cell in humans, you’ll find that there are molecules that are precise enough to pick out the different types of color (light frequencies). The specific type of photon triggers them to ‘function’.

Let’s keep up with his lecture. Specifically, when he’s talking about proteins that are inanimate, they might as well be ‘dead’.

2 – 8:10 Well that, is where life comes from. Life is movement of the proteins. The proteins move and when they change shape, they can do jobs.

At this point, he goes into great detail showing a ‘job’ that a protein molecule can do. In his example, the protein molecule is really simple; yet the demonstration is highly effective.

3 – 1:30+ The brain of the cell, is the structure that controls the signals, to tell the cell what to do, in response to the environment. … The brain is the skin…

Earlier in the third clip, he mentions that protein absent signals do nothing! It’s not the protein where life is found, but rather in the signals. And what are those signals again? Well, as it turns out, he shows that it can be just about anything.


3 – 2:45 The nucleus is not the brain of the cell. The nucleus is the gonad of the cell – its reproduction. If I need a part to make the cell work then the nucleus is like the Butterick pattern drawer. It’s got all the patterns to make 70 thousand different parts in your body, but the nucleus doesn’t know which one is needed at which time. The Nucleus has no intelligence.

This is just beautiful. The DNA is the blueprint that allows the cell to build molecules (out of proteins) for specific tasks.

Next, he goes into the Receptors and Effectors that line the membrane of the cell. I love the picture that he shows that displays all the molecules stretching as far as the eye can see across a close-up of a cell. The point sinks home that there are lots of receptors on the surface of some cells.

Now he dives in deeper looking at how proteins react to signals and what happened if the receptors are removed from the surface of the cell.

3- 7:20+ For every different thing the cell can see, it has a different antenna [receptor]. So, that means the cells are covered over the surface with antenna for everything the cell can deal with.

4 – 1:38+ Interesting point, if I cut the antenna off the cell so it cannot see anything, here’s no behavior. The cell is totally comatose. … What does that mean? Behavior is related to the signal. If there’s no signal, there’s no behavior.

4 – 4:10+ “Perception ‘controls’ behavior” The cells are full of stimulus – response pairs that respond to the environment.

I have to wonder if we know about all the different receptor type molecules in a cell. Dr. Lipton seems to focus specifically on the ‘skin’ of the cell (like he mentioned at the beginning of the lecture). Yet, could there be receptors within the cell itself?

The absolutely most interesting part is what happens if the proteins are not in the cell for the signal to act upon.

4 – 7:50+ The plan for how to build a specific protein is built into the DNA.

This is where he goes into the example of the signal working its way into the nucleus of the cell, triggering the DNA to open so the RNA can go to work replicating the proper protein sequences. This is worth coming back to below. His conclusions are pretty straight forward.

So how do I activate the gene? … the answer is, here is a simple truth; genes do not self activate. That’s biochemically a truth; meaning a gene cannot turn itself on and a gene cannot turn itself off. If you want a gene to be active, it’s not up to the gene.

It’s up to the signal.

5 – 0-:20 When a gene product is needed, a signal from its environment, not an emergent property of the gen itself, activates expression of that gene.

This takes us back to his simple diagram of ‘life’;  Protein + Signal = Behavior.

At this point, my sense of his lecture is that it starts to venture off into what he’s currently studying. The level of ‘truth’ in his voice seems to change just enough to give me the sense that he’s not as confident with his new conclusions – yet, he brings them up anyway as he talks about gene mutations based on environmental conditions.

6 – 0:56 Here’s the point, we adjust our genes to fit the environment that we think we live in. and I say ‘we think we live in’ because perception may be right or perception may be wrong. And therefore, perception is belief. And if this is true, do you understand what this means? It’s belief that changes your genes. It’s your perception that changes your genes. It’s not an accident.

Deep into the last segment he starts to correlate human attributes and conditions to the functioning of cells. It’s almost as if he wants to apply ‘reason’ to things and he makes a really big jump into it when he states:

7 – 8:00+ Here’s the interesting aspect, the most important growth promoting signal in the world today for a human is love. It exceeds nutrition. A child getting love will grow.  A child not getting love will be stymied in its growth.

I completely agree with the statement, but I do not believe it fits with the functioning of the cell that he’s done such a good job explaining.

Building upon his understanding

Now this is where my questions fly and my thoughts are directed towards the unlocking of the DNA.

If what he’s staying really is the truth, the concept of receptors and effectors might be able to explain why some people have different sensory abilities. When I read through Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan (See Completing Hands of Light), the one persistent thought in the back of my head was – how can she see auras? From what I get from the lecture above, it could be that Barbara Ann Brennan has some receptors that have received signals that have opened the DNA to create protein molecules that help process the signal. So, it really could be that she can see auras because she’s produced the proteins that allow her to do so.

This is a phenomenal idea!

I’ve heard it said by many people that the DNA are like the brain in that we don’t really use much of it. Could it be that in the standard functioning of a cell, very little of all the DNA is used? For instance, what if out of the thousands of protein combinations, the human body predominately uses just a few hundred? If that’s the case, what ‘functions’ might be exposed if the DNA is unlocked allowing the formation of the unknown protein molecules?

But, that’s backwards – what is it that’s preventing the signals from reaching the DNA?

The good doctor’s lecture places one thing up front and center – signals are the key.

So the question that I have is; are the signals getting through to the cells? It would seem a great number of them are not. What might make it so that these signals can get through?

Watching The Raw Food World TV Show, I’ve heard Matt Monarch mention a number of times that as the body gets cleaner, the senses are heightened. He’s been on a raw food diet for years and has gone through many conscious episodes of detoxification. As it turns out, I’ve found an interview where Matt talks about this cleaning process.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Now you’re probably wondering what this has to do with Dr. Lipton’s work?

Well, this is where I have to theorize. It would seem to me that the receptors are not receiving the signals due to all the ‘stuff’ that’s in the way. If your body is filled with broken proteins, mucus and, generally, sludge, one would think that subtle energies might not make it into the body.

Let’s just say, for instance, (and I’m making this up here) that the light given off as auras radiates to everyone, but if the receptors of the receivers are never reached because the light (aura) hits debris that’s in the way. It would be like trying to see through a dirty crystal – that’s just not going to happen. Also, if the light radiated from a person is subtle, it may not take much to block that light.

So, it could be that the signals are all around us all the time, but the body is too busy processing all the other signals to notice the subtle ones. Make sense? Thus, there has to be some type of conscious effort put into learning how to remove the blockages so the signals can make it through.

Then what happens?

If the signals can make it through, I would also theorize that the cells will generate proteins that ‘function’ based on the given signal. It may be that telepathy is possible given the correct proteins are build in response to the signals. For example, if the retina allows the consciousness to perceive visible light, could there be a molecule that will allow the consciousness to perceive telepathic energy? Is there such a protein strand sitting dormant in the DNA just waiting to be unlocked?

Side thought

The other attribute that I wanted to touch on was the good doctor’s venture into ‘love’ where as I would have gone down the path of ‘light’.

All the information that surfacing about quantum physics makes me want to think more about Dr. Lipton’s’ comments about the signals. At one point, he mentioned that energy could be a signal. Well, as it turns out, energy comes in infinite forms. There are types of energy that humans have not been able to measure well, or measure at all. There is energy of all different wavelengths and strengths. There is energy carried within the atoms of molecules that is released within the cell – not necessarily at the receptor. Might there be subtle attributes that are not developing due to the lack of light?

I’ve heard it said many a times that a person needs to feed their light body. Could there be a deeper meaning to it based upon Dr Lipton’s research? I would theorize here once again, what if curtain parts of the DNA are not unlocked until you’ve fed the light body enough to create the signal to instruct the body to create the ‘function’ for that amount of light? What if there are ‘magic’ proteins that allow super sensitivity that just needs the correct signal to unlock them?

I’m happy to have found this information this weekend. I feel that it’s a turning point in my quest between thinking that I can find the answers to knowing that I can experience the solutions.

At this point, the next sequence of things to stuff seems pretty clear. Focus on the signals so as to allow the body to develop the proteins that will translate the signals into something useful for my consciousness. If this sounds interesting to you, we might both be on a similar quest!

4 thoughts on “Unlocking your DNA

  1. Thanks Heather! I’m still loving the outlet of a blog, so I’m sure more postings are on the way. What really makes this fun is that I’m excited for you! Practicing what you know to be the truth makes for a complete experience. If you discover any truths that you want to share, by all means, craft up a few words. There is strength is discovering the truth!

  2. I love your inner and outer search for body truth, its my quest too and I have done a ton of personnel research with clients for a very long time …watching the results of shifting diet , mind chatter, and moving energy to a liquid state within. It fascinates me . Its real and what you think can and does manifest. I have done it, without effort, in fact when I try with effort nothing happens.It happens in sleep sometimes, a creative process I learned while being an actress and finding a character motives.can’t wait to hear what new discoveries you make, please keep me posted ! Blessings ~ Heatherheals.com

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