The Wheatgrass Shutter

Have you ever experienced that uncontrollable shutter you get when you take a shot of wheatgrass? I can get that shutter if the juice simple touches my skin. There’s something about it that just sends – what feels like – bolts of energy up and down my spine making my body uncontrollably shutter.

What’s funny about it is that it happens to just about everyone. At least, everyone that I’ve ever seen drink the juice goes through the same sequence of events: apprehension – as they hold the juice in their hand, bravery – as they shoot it down, and then the uncontrollable shutter – as the body accepts what it’s just been given.

If you haven’t experienced the wheatgrass shutter you’ve got to give it a try. Why? Well…

This morning, I juiced some new grass and religiously took my two shots and promptly performed my own shutter. Two more ounces I poured into a to-go cup to take to a friend. Fifteen minutes later, I delivered the fresh juice to my friend and she promptly drank it down. I was standing across the room from her and noticed that when she shuttered, I shuttered!

This time, I thought it strange in a curious way. I wasn’t in contact with the juice, I wasn’t drinking it. And yet, her shutter made me shutter!

After thinking about the experience a bit more, I decided to share what I felt with Lori. She quickly discounted the feeling as a sympathy shutter. She said that it would be like the feeling that you might have when someone else is sad or happy.

I thought about that for a little while, but couldn’t quite relate. The shutter doesn’t really come across as an emotional energy, but some other type of energy. It’s almost as if act of taking a shot of wheatgrass makes a person bloom.

The more I thought about this, the more I started to relate that the shared shutter is more like an orgasm. It’s not an actual orgasm, but has a similar characteristic. That is, if you are sensitive, and you’re having sex, you know when you’re partner is in the process of ‘blooming’ and their ‘blooming’ makes you bloom at the same time!

The shutter effect on your body, after taking a shot of wheatgrass, is completely uncontrollable (much like sex) and that energy flow radiates in such a way as to affect others that are in close proximity. It’s as if the juice is so powerful that the body immediately recalibrates its energy flow and the recalibration reverberates into the environment aligning or recalibrating everything else!

There’s some magic in wheatgrass that is powerful enough to change others that are close by. I’m going to pay closer attention to this energy to see if I can pinpoint more details.

Its little things like this that really brings out the philosopher in me!

Are Melatonin & Serotonin related to The Philosopher’s Stone?

I absolutely love being able to remember my dreams when I wake up in the morning. Of all the crazy things to wake up with, this morning I remember that in my dream I was being told that (basically) – everyone knows that the Philosopher’s Stone is made from Melatonin and Serotonin. I was impressed that Melatonin creates the gold vibration and Serotonin creates the silver vibration.

Can you believe it?  Of all the things to wake up impressed to blog about – Melatonin and Serotonin!

Being the curious person that I am, I quickly dug up some information on both.

Melatonin (pronounced /ˌmɛləˈtoʊnɪn/ ( listen)), also known chemically as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine,[1] is a naturally occurring compound found in animals, plants, and microbes.[2][3]

Many biological effects of melatonin are produced through activation of melatonin receptors,[5] while others are due to its role as a pervasive and powerful antioxidant,[6] with a particular role in the protection of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.[7]

In mammals, melatonin is secreted into the blood by the pineal gland in the brain. Known as the “hormone of darkness”, it is secreted in darkness in both day-active (diurnal) and night-active (nocturnal) animals.[8]

Melatonin has been the furthest thought from my mind, but it is very interesting that it is linked to the Pineal gland. Anyone that as researched the pineal gland knows that it’s linked to spirit. From Wikipedia:

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye“) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions.[1][2] Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the centre of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

I searched for “Pineal gland soul” and found this little write up from really quickly:

While  the physiological  function of  the pineal  gland, has been unknown until
recent  times, mystical  traditions  and esoteric  schools, have long known, this  area
in the middle of  the brain, to be the connecting link… between the physical and
spiritual  worlds.

So here we have a light activated gland in the body that produces a molecule during the night that is linked to dreaming and the producing the molecule of my dream. Ha!

As a side note, here is a little bit regarding what happens to the pineal over time with a typical person. From Wikipedia:

The human pineal gland grows in size until about 1–2 years of age, remaining stable thereafter,[16][17] although its weight increases gradually from puberty onwards.[18][19] The abundant melatonin levels in children are believed to inhibit sexual development, and pineal tumors have been linked with precocious puberty. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced. Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults.

The key part that I wanted to point out here is that if you’re a typical person, your pineal gland will most likely fall victim to calcification. In my experience, ORMUS will break down the calcification enabling dream functionality and, most likely, Melatonin production. At least, it enhances dreaming which I would link to a healthy functioning Pineal gland.

Back on track here with ‘the hormone of darkness’.


Production of melatonin by the pineal gland is inhibited by light and permitted by darkness. For this reason melatonin has been called “the hormone of darkness”. Its onset each evening is called the Dim-Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO). Secretion of melatonin as well as its level in the blood, peaks in the middle of the night, and gradually falls during the second half of the night, with normal variations in timing according to an individual’s chronotype.[36]

Besides its function as synchronizer of the biological clock, melatonin also exerts a powerful antioxidant activity. The discovery of melatonin as an antioxidant was made in 1993.[20] In many less complex life forms, this is its only known function.[40] Melatonin is an antioxidant that can easily cross cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier.[6] Melatonin is a direct scavenger of OH, O2, and NO.[41] Unlike other antioxidants, melatonin does not undergo redox cycling, the ability of a molecule to undergo reduction and oxidation repeatedly. Redox cycling may allow other antioxidants (such as vitamin C) to act as pro-oxidants, counterintuitively promoting free radical formation. Melatonin, on the other hand, once oxidized, cannot be reduced to its former state because it forms several stable end-products upon reacting with free radicals. Therefore, it has been referred to as a terminal (or suicidal) antioxidant.[42]

So, as it turns out, Melatonin is produced by the Pineal gland in highest concentrations while we sleep and functions as an antioxidant which can react only once. Let’s remember this and follow a link to Melatonin Receptor Agonists.

Activation of the receptor can lead to ion flux inside the cell.[1][4]

Melatonin is involved in regulating immune responses in both human and animals through activation of both MT1 and MT2 receptors.[2][4] MT1 and MT2 receptors are widespread in the eye and are involved in regulating aqueous humor secretion, which is important for glaucoma, and in phototransduction.

Digging deeper, we follow the link to Phototransduction and find:

Visual phototransduction is a process by which light is converted into electrical signals in the rod cells, cone cells and photosensitive ganglion cells of the retina of the eye.

Leaping to photosensitive ganglion cells:

Compared to the rods and cones, the ipRGC respond more sluggishly and signal the presence of light over the long term.[2] They represent a small subset (~1-3%) of the retinal ganglion cells. Their functional roles are non-image-forming and fundamentally different from those of pattern vision; they provide a stable representation of ambient light intensity. They have at least three primary functions.

  • They contribute to photic regulation of, and acute photic suppression of, release of the hormone melatonin from the pineal gland.

Once again, we’re linked back to the Pineal gland. The interesting part is that the Melatonin seems to help with the electrical functioning of specialized nerve cells that link back into the brain. No wonder why people call this the ‘third eye’! It would make sense that if the Pineal gland is functioning fully (not calcified) it would be giving off its hormone (melatonin) and the OTHER light sensitive cells of the body would function to their fullest ability.

What about Serotonin? From Wikipedia:

Serotonin ( /ˌsɛrəˈtnɪn/) or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is a monoamine neurotransmitter. Biochemically derived from tryptophan, serotonin is primarily found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, platelets, and in the central nervous system (CNS) of animals including humans. It is a well-known contributor to feelings of well-being; therefore it is also known as a “happiness hormone” despite not being a hormone.

Approximately 80 percent of the human body’s total serotonin is located in the enterochromaffin cells in the gut, where it is used to regulate intestinal movements.[1][2] The remainder is synthesized in serotonergic neurons in the CNS where it has various functions. These include the regulation of mood, appetite, sleep, as well as muscle contraction. Serotonin also has some cognitive functions, including in memory and learning

Serotonin is mainly metabolized to 5-HIAA, chiefly by the liver. Metabolism involves first oxidation by monoamine oxidase ( MAO ) to the corresponding aldehyde. This is followed by oxidation by aldehyde dehydrogenase to 5-HIAA, the indole acetic acid derivative. The latter is then excreted by the kidneys.

So, we’ve got a ‘hormone of darkness’ and a ‘happiness hormone’! Turns out that this ‘happiness hormone’ is also a neurotransmitter.

Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals that transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse.[1] Neurotransmitters are packaged into synaptic vesicles clustered beneath the membrane on the presynaptic side of a synapse, and are released into the synaptic cleft, where they bind to receptors in the membrane on the postsynaptic side of the synapse. Release of neurotransmitters usually follows arrival of an action potential at the synapse, but may also follow graded electrical potentials. Low level “baseline” release also occurs without electrical stimulation. Neurotransmitters are synthesized from plentiful and simple precursors, such as amino acids, which are readily available from the diet and which require only a small number of biosynthetic steps to convert.[2]

In other words, without Serotonin, the functioning between our nerve cells would not function very well. I’m sure they’d function to some degree, but to function well, there must be Serotonin.

 Notice the similarities between this molecule and Melatonin above. They have the same base carbon structure with slightly different endpoints.

Thus, what we should see here is that both Melatonin and Serotonin are molecules that enhance human sensitivities. The Serotonin molecules act specifically on the nerve cells so impulses can travel to the brain and Melatonin acts to enhance photo sensitivities which also carry information to the brain.

Do you remember that in the post The Art of Seeing – can you see auras? I talked a bit about seeing, but had no idea that Melatonin might have a part in it!

By now I’m sure you’re asking, what the heck does this have to do with The Philosopher’s Stone?

To make this connection, you’ll want to read through The Book of Aquarius. You can find a copy here or simply Google the title and I’m sure the first hit will give you the location where you can download the PDF file for free (or view the HTML).

In that write up regarding making The Stone, the author talks about distilling urine. The reason is that it has ‘life-energy’. In order to make the stone, you start with urine.

Well, if you’ve looked through the ORMUS websites enough, you’ll notice that people have distilled ORMUS from urine. Here is a link to a brief description of that process at There is a comment there that reads:

If there is ORMEs present there will be large bubbles to swell up sometimes filling the entire flask before rupturing, this is your personal ORMEs with the memory and refinement that your body has already performed.

So, at this point, we know that urine can contain Melatonin, Serotonin and ORMUS. The best time to find Melatonin in the urine is just upon waking up. The author of The Book of Aquarius states:

The best urine to use is that of a dark yellow color, since this means there is less water and more body, which is useful in the First Part of the work. Therefore the best time to collect the urine to be used for making the Stone is the first time you urinate in the morning.

Yet he doesn’t make the link that the body is releasing Melatonin the first thing in the morning. I would guess that urine secreted during the day would be lower in Melatonin and higher in Serotonin. Specifically when someone is really happy or in a state of bliss – or, more specifically, the next urination after this state when the body goes to filter it out.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, is that ORMUS type minerals are present in the urine and that they are already attuned to the human vibration. The ORMUS that comes out of people already vibrates at the correct spin that’s needed for humans. Or, in other words, the high spin state that other ORMUS atoms must be spun up to is the same rates that the ORMUS that leaves the body is spinning at.

This leads to the growing phases (duplication, fermentation) that are talked about regarding The Stone. During this phase you have to ‘keep the energy flowing’ by simulating human life and add substances to the mixture that can absorb the energy. Specifically, as I’ve talked about in previous postings, when the superconductive atom is in sync with its source, energy will flow through the atom into its environment. Thus the superconductive ORMUS atoms that come out of a human are used to charge other atoms that are capable of being superconductive.

Sound simple? Lol…

Also, when I woke up this morning, I was impressed that Melatonin will produce the red stone and Serotonin will produce the white stone.

Ok. Well, I guess it’s time to get to work. I might have to do a little shopping, by hey, what else is there to do on Easter!

If you’re inspired to follow the directions outlined in The Book of Aquarius I’d love to hear about it. I believe there is truth in the authors words even though he had not finished making the stone at publish time.

Good day.

High Energy and Life Force Atoms

My adventures over the last couple weeks have once again focused my attention on quantum physics and how the spin state of atoms is linked to life. Reflecting upon it now, it seems almost painfully obvious that human life has evolved to use the energy of high spin state atoms and that life exists just about everywhere based upon this energy in atoms (and molecules). The concept that we are all one with our environment really does make more sense today than just a few short weeks ago and, today, I get to blog about it!

The basic idea here is that high spin state atoms vibrate to energy sources that correspond to life force and this life force is unlimited when you resonate with it (just like the energy that you can tap from a superconductive source).

I’ve heard it said over the years that crystals are amazing energy sources. I’ve always questioned this notion, but have always agreed that crystals can focus energy. Or, maybe a better way of describing this is that crystals create a disturbance in the flow of natural energy that it can appear to concentrate it or focus it. Yet, the idea of it being high energy matter is what I tend to disagree with.

Let’s look at the concept of crystallization of water. When energy is removed from the water, the movement of the molecules slows and the molecules fall into a natural latticework that forms ice. If you add energy to this latticework of water, the spin of the atoms accelerates changing the molecules properties making it liquid. If you continue to add energy, the water molecules spin fast enough to overcome the static charge that holds them in liquid form thus allowing the molecule to dissolve into the air. The more energy, the faster the spin, the less crystalline the substance is.

Water is always considered so special. Because of this, it’s worthwhile to consider other forms of matter that are affected by energy sources other than common heat – sugar fits the bill nicely.

We all know that the process of photosynthesis produces sugars from common elements through the addition of sunlight. As we have seen in previous postings on this blog, the sunlight energy is absorbed into the atoms that form the sugar molecule and in the process of doing so, changes the properties of the atoms thus allowing the new molecular component to form. This addition of sunlight is key. When that energy is added to the mixture, it creates a higher energy state molecule than what originally existed. Adding energy in this way ‘spins up’ the atom allowing it to function differently from its previous form.

This ‘spinning up’ of the atom is very important. If atoms couldn’t absorb this extra energy, where would we get our energy from? It’s a bit puzzling, while at the same time fundamentally obvious. We basically live off the idea that atoms can absorb and release energy.

Now if we think about it a bit and speculate, we might find that atoms in the highest spin state would be atoms that are superconductive and infinitely full of energy. Likewise, atoms that are in their lowest spin state are effectively devoid of life. They spin so slow that they crystallize.

Yet the missing link is the connection that these substances have in the body. It has already been found that when body tissue is analyzed, some percentage of the tissue is not assayable – ORMUS type material. I would contend that if the death were natural (due to old age) the tissue analysis should represent the minimum amount of ORMUS that can support human life. At the same time, if a vibrant healthy human where to have tissue analyzed, we would probably find that it has a lot more ORMUS type material in it!

The assumption that I’ve made here is that superconductive atoms (atoms in their high spin state) provide resonate links to energy sources that help maintain life. In other words, we all know that when you consume sugar, the body breaks down the sugar to release the light energy stored there to power our bodies. What if the light energy equivalent is extracted from superconductive atoms that resonate with zero point energy sources? Thus, if we fill our bodies with these superconductive atoms, we’d find that we would have more energy and a general higher sense of well-being.

As it turns out, this is exactly the claimed effect that people experience when taking ORMUS. They feel a better sense of well-being and they report regaining a youthful vigor of higher energy and stamina.

To me, the ingestion of ORMUS based material not only enhances the common physical body, but it allows for the growth of the different bodies. If you’ve studied auras at all, you’re aware that the body emits light. We also know that when the body breaks down sugar (or other things) light it also emitted. But what if the body consumes high spin state atoms that resonate with zero point energies so as to also give off light? This would empower the body with another source of energy. This would enrich the aura beyond what is typically seen. As it also turns out, people have taken karelian photos of people before and after consuming ORMUS and the aura grows dramatically.

So the real question is; can that resonance be consciously derived? Well, I believe so.

I actually believe this is something that people should strive for.

I also believe the particles that we take in can lose or gain spin based upon the characteristics of your spirit and the efficiency of the body. Because our bodies release energy from sugars (and other molecules) it could use that energy to spin up other molecules to achieve the superconductive state of resonance. At the same time, the high spin molecules to be broken down into elementary spin elements by draining the energy from the atom. This would mean that if the body is super efficient, extra energy could be used to create superconductive atoms in the body. If the body is not efficient, just the opposite would happen.

The more I study this, the more I believe that there is also an emotional and mental connection that plays a part with regards to maintaining the resonance that’s needed to synchronize the superconductive elements to their source. I have the feeling that the emotion of love is a key resonance feeling that links the atoms to the energy source.

I feel that the emotions and mental connections also have a role to play in the draining of energy from atoms that we consume. If we overburden our bodies with waste and burnt out atoms (molecules) that can’t be discarded fast enough, those dead molecules (that no longer have energy) crystallize throughout the body causing disturbances in the energy flows that influence (in a negative way) how the body works. Negative emotions drain energy. Negative emotions don’t setup a resonance to the superconductive energy sources. Rather, they tap energy from the molecules within the body causing them to lose life force (lose spin).

So, in a way, it really comes down to what you eat and how you act. If you eat foods that take huge amounts of energy for the body to process, the gain will be minimal. Also, if you allow yourself to constantly expend energy on negative energy draining emotions, you will see that extra amount of energy quickly drained from your system.

This is where OMRUS comes in. If you think about this in relations to ORMUS (or white powder gold), the substance is a concentration of minerals that are in their pure spin states. This would include some that are superconductive (pure). If someone ingests these atoms, you would seem to have a better chance of increasing the number in the body so that any resonance that is made (to the source) will be amplified because of the sheer number of atoms that resonate all at the same time. One might think that if the right balance is found, one might be able to seriously feel the connection (resonance point) when it’s made and the energy starts to flow.

If nothing else, the ORMUS minerals are known to be angstrom size atoms that are bio-available for molecular use. Knowing that these minerals also dissolve crystallizations in the body, ORMUS could be thought of as a solvent that helps remove the dead-lifeless molecules that have built up over time. One would believe that the removing the ‘dead weight’ would increase the efficiency of the body and possibly help to restore a youthful feeling. This, also, would be beneficial to one’s quality of life.

Ultimately, life is based on the flow of energy. If that flow of energy is high and the body is efficient, small amounts of high spin state atoms should have a big affect on someone. Likewise, if the body is low on these substances, someone might find themselves just barely living and having to deal with lots of crystallization in the body that creates energy flows that are inharmonic.

Life requires high spin state atoms. High spin state atoms resonate with ‘the source’ – they are connected to the pure source of energy. This is what we want to connect too! If we can make sure we have the raw resources in our bodies and our minds enhance the effect through consciously creating emotional conditions where resonance is achieved, we should be able to tap into the zero point energies via these superconductive atoms.

I’m sure that in doing so, the ‘life’ that we would experience would be nothing like what we witness today!

As a side note, white powder gold has been referred to as the philosopher’s stone for (nearly) forever. The idea of finding a substance that turns things into gold doesn’t really make sense on a spiritual level. The trick would be to take the crystalline metal (gold) and turn it into superconductive atoms that are in the high spin state that radiate life. If the goal is to create crystalline metal, the goal is effectively – to strip the atoms of their energy – kill them.

The quest for life is the quest for high spin atoms. Include them in your life and find a way to get them to resonate to their source. I’m willing to bet that the results will be astounding.

Let me know if you meditate about this too!

ORMUS experience – connecting spirit to memory

I love it when I wake up with an intuitive understanding about something. Especially when that intuitive understanding links something as special as dream life to our relatively ordinary waking life.

The understanding is this:

When you feed your light body and synchronize it with your spirit, the actions of your spirit can be recorded as a physical memory.

It’s kind of a Quantum Resonance thing. In other words, when you are unconscious, your body can still record the action of your spirit as a memory that can be recalled when you are once again conscious!


I think so.

Now that I’m taking my own ORMUS mineral precipitate again, I’ve noticed that one of the first things I’ve recognized is that I’m remembering my dream life upon waking. The dreams are still strange and imaginative, but I’m remembering them. 

In order to make sure I was using what I felt is the correct term for this, I Googled up Quantum Coherence and Quantum Resonance.  I found the following info at On Quantum Resonance:

Energy/information is only transferred when two entities share by chance the potential/receptor space AND they exhibit a resonance. The first is a probability function and the other is a harmonic principle.

Now linking this together with the concept of superconductivity written up in relations to David Hudson, he stated something like: at the quantum level super conductive atoms that are in resonance can share energy at great distances.

Knowing that we are Beings of light and our memories are light patterns, when our spirit is in resonance with the superconductive M-State elements that reside in our physical body, then wherever the spirit body goes and resonates with should be reflected through the energy receptors that are on the physical body. In other words, the memories gathered by the spirit can be sensed in physical form.

This is suddenly giving credibility to simple ORMUS precipitate.

I can also say that the only side effects that I’ve felt have resembled detoxification symptoms that I’ve experienced at other times when changing my diet or other physical activities. This is not bad in any way.  

Maybe there is something to ORMUS that might be related to feeding your light body. I will continue to meditate on it to see what else comes my way. Meanwhile, I will continue to think of it as a solvent that will help decalcify the ridged structures that generated energy waves that are not in line with my spirit.

If you’ve experienced anything similar while ingesting ORMUS, I’d love to hear from you.

Note: This experience is different from the last times I made and consumed sea water precipitate. The last times, I really didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. The difference between the last times and this time is that I’ve spent two years consuming green smoothies, I’ve actively worked to raise my body pH (wheatgrass and fruits) and I’ve been practicing Yoga nearly every day. Over these two years, there have been changes to my body that have opened me up to sensitivities that I never had before. Now I understand why Raw Foodests gravitate towards this sea water precipitate. Be well!

Humans, Superconductivity and Common Minerals

I am excited to share with you a new understanding that came to me in a morning meditation. This new understanding combines a number of different scientific concepts and theorizes about currently un-measurable energy systems in the human body. It touches on ORMUS, superconductivity, simple molecules and human spirit. I believe that the human body has the capabilities to tap into unlimited energy sources and thrive while doing so.

In a nutshell – high spin state noble metals resonate at frequencies that channel energy that can be tapped (harvested) by biological systems. It is up to us to create an environment that is sensitive enough to detect the resonance and manufacture a protein to harvest the energy.

Sound reasonable?

If nothing else, it should sound interesting.

To better explain this idea that came to me, we’ll need to touch on some background information. We’ll revisit a number of topics that I’ve touched on over the months and then dive headlong into some new areas. Hopefully, in the end, we’ll find the theory plausible.

High Spin State

This is a concept that is very intriguing. Atoms can have different properties based upon how the electrons orbit the atom. The Life-enthusiast website touches on this when it talks about ORMUS on one of its pages. They state:

Researchers have re-discovered a new, previously hidden, form of matter that may provide tremendous advancements to human nutrition. An earlier term for this form of matter is “orbitally rearranged monatomic elements”, lately better known as “ORMUS“.

Precious metals, including copper, silver, gold, rhodium, iridium and platinum (and others) exist in a modified state, where they no longer display the electric, spectroscopic, chemical, or thermal properties usually associated with the “metal” state. The resulting material appears crystalline, stable, non-conductive, heat resistant, and chemically inert. These same elements would have to be classified not as metals, but as inert minerals. These elements are both natural and ubiquitous, they permeate the environment, our food, and our bodies.

Some elements have the potential to assume a “high-spin state”. This refers to a phenomenon discovered in the late 1980’s by nuclear physicists at a number of renowned laboratories. They discovered that when certain atoms are put into a high-spin state, the elementary particles inside the nucleus become rearranged and spin around at an increased rate of speed.

As a result of the rearranged orbitals, the electromagnetic emissions from high-spin elements are different from their ordinary spectra. (See Scientific American, October 1991; Philip Yam, p. 26). [Source]

Even though they call this something that was discovered in the 1980’s, I’d have to say that the workings of the idea have been around (relatively) forever but people haven’t thought about it this way. People are fairly ridged with their thinking, but they don’t really need to look past the photosynthesis situation.

I’ve touched on this in previous articles, but when you add energy to an atom, you ‘spin it up’. As you spin up an atom, the characteristics of that atom change giving it an attraction (or affinity) to combine with other atoms in specific ways to make stable molecules. The prime example of this is how the process of photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide, water and light to make sugar and free oxygen. Before the light is added, the carbon dioxide and water do not have the affinity to combine. It’s only after adding the sunlight (in a directed way) that the atoms take on different properties and combine to create a stable molecule – sugar.

I believe that one of the key elements to this equation has to do with the electromagnetic energy that the atom gives off. Or, rather than say ‘gives off’, we should stay it ‘resonates with’. Like a little magnet, each atom carries a vibration that represents its energy state.

Classic energy release through oxidation (as outlined at Scitable near the top of this article) shows that energy can be released from molecules as they are broken down. In other words, the light that is trapped in the molecule is released that changes the electromagnetic characteristics of the atoms with make them fall apart.

So the key idea here is to be open to the idea that atoms can hold energy. When atoms hold energy, their electromagnetic characteristics change.

Empty Space

What’s in all that empty space anyway? Why is it that on a quantum level, you can’t just slip two hydrogen atoms together like shuffling a deck of cards? You’d think this would be possible, but it just doesn’t happen. All the textbook diagrams show what appear to be balls, or circles, when it comes to conceptualizing an atom. To me, this is a little misleading. It makes you think that the atom is solid like a beach ball when, in fact, it’s nearly all empty space.

It might be a bit more accurate to think about atoms as electromagnetic type energy fields. As the electron spins around the nucleus, it generates energy waves that act as a buffer between it and other atoms. These energy waves give the atom an invisible volume. They create a buffer zone around the atom that repeals other energy fields.

So, even though the bulk of the space within the atom is empty space, the energy of the atom itself creates a field around itself that creates this invisible volume that we call an atom.

Now, when you flip it around and think that this volume is generated by the energy in the atom, you have to wonder what happens to that volume if you add or remove energy. Will the fields around the atom change?

Well, that’s what the scientific articles (linked in above) seem to say.

That would lead someone to believe that energy and atoms have a working relationship that may prove vital to biological systems.


This leads us to part of the information that came to me in my morning meditation – all molecules give off vibrations. And, when I think about vibrations, I think about music and synchronized wave patterns.

But before looking at a molecule, we should look at the single atom. We all know that atoms that are missing an electron seek out an atom that is positive an electron so that they can bond. This bonding can be thought of as a harmonic union of the two energy fields. Both atoms resonate in a way that allows them to share each other’s energy field in order to complement their own. Thus we get something like sodium chloride to bond to make salt.

Now we introduce the concept that bonds between atoms can be strong or weak. Or, in other words, sometimes it takes a lot of energy to split to atoms apart whereas other times it is rather simple. In the case of salt (sodium chloride), the bond between the two is so weak all you have to do is add the compound to water and the polarity of the water molecules will pull it apart.

Let’s get back to vibrations. The idea here is that as the electron spins around the nucleus of the atom, it generates an electromagnetic type invisible field that acts like a musical note in a sea of other musical notes. As all atoms sing, the ones that are in tune find attraction (bonding) whereas the ones that do not find repulsion (pushing apart). Part of this could be based on the electrical charge that the atom might carry or, simply, the energy that the atom carries.

Now, when you place multiple atoms together to form a molecule, you get a synchronistic unit that is much more powerful than the individual atoms. This synchronistic unit generates its own electromagnetic type field that is different from the individual atoms, yet could be likened to a chord played on the piano. It has its own resonance.

Why is this all important? Having an energy vibration provides an efficient means for attracting and repulsing other molecules and atoms. It allows for attraction over relatively large distances (intercellular) where activities can take place. And it provides for ‘clean’ hook-ups between difference atoms. If everything is just happenstance, it would probably take too long for the correct angular ‘bump’ between to atoms to be just right for them to actually hook-up. Whereas if each molecule (or atom) gave off a vibration (that involves an electromagnetic type field) the two molecules (or atoms) could find themselves attracted across great spans of empty space within the cell (or anywhere else for that matter).

Also, and probably more important, if all molecules give off vibrations that allow for attraction and repulsion, it would make sense that when a molecule breaks (or is defective) the vibration that it would give off would not be in sync with the vibration of a whole healthy molecule. Thus, the broken molecule would not be picked up to function in the cell when a healthy molecule is needed.

This might get complicated in a dirty body. If there is so much garbage floating around in the body generating vibrations of all sorts, it could be like going to the football game and walking the stadium listening for a particular voice amongst the thousands of unique voices. If molecules gave off similar vibrations, it would be similar to having multiple copies of that unique voice all over in the stadium. Thus, the task of finding that unique voice would become much easier to locate.

Spirit Molecules

The spirit molecule that I’m talking about is not to be confused with DMT. But rather, just like the body has the ability to harvest energy by breaking down sugar or protein, I’m under the intuitive understanding that the body can also harvest energy from other sources. In particular, atoms, that can be conditioned (trained) into a state where they resonate with the ever existing energy fields that exist around us, can be wrapped (organically) to become a usable energy supply.

This takes us back to the high spin state ORMUS and superconductivity. I’ve come across articles (don’t have them at hand right now) that talk about the fact that if two superconductive atoms are brought into synchronicity, you can add infinite amount of energy into one atom and retrieve it from the other. The coolest thing is that these two atoms don’t have to be touching; they just have to be synchronized. Another cool attribute is that if the atom is synchronized to an endless energy source, infinite amounts of energy can be drawn from it. But this only happens if the atom is in a superconductive state.

This is where our understanding of ORMUS comes into play. Or, more specifically, high spin state white gold powder (or the other noble metals). The idea here is that single atoms of different stable metals can be spun up to the point where they change their state from acting like a metallic atom to acting like a superconductor. In other words, if the atom is spun up to the point where it can create the Meissner effect, you’ve got an atom that can be an unlimited energy source.

If you search around the White Gold Powder sites for a while, you’ll find lots of information about superconductivity and what it means, but you won’t find anything about organically trapping the atoms so that the energy sources can be harvested. This is one of the things that came to me intuitively. Basically, when high spins state atoms get into the body, it has to be captured to do the body any good. Because the body already has a bunch of monatomic atoms in it (as shown by the ash from animal tissue) we know that the body naturally traps the atoms and puts them to work.

Even though it hasn’t been discovered yet, the body already produces molecules that trap and use these high spin state atoms. I would guess that the molecule would look like chlorophyll or hemoglobin, but it really doesn’t matter for all it needs to be able to do is capture released energy from the atom and distribute it into the body. For now, I’m going to call these Spirit Molecules.

In normal situations, these spirit molecules sit relatively dormant. People have no idea that they exist in the body and that they have the ability to tap into infinite amounts of energy. Every once in a while we hear about some miracle that happens that that requires a huge amount of energy, but few really believe. Why is this?

It would seem that in order to get energy out of a superconductive atom, you would have to attune it to the source that it should resonate with! Or, in other words, it needs to be activated. Just getting it into your body doesn’t really do all that much good. You’ve got to get the atoms to vibrate in sync with its source in order for it to go to work for you.

Re-mineralizing your body and pH

Here is where you can help the process along. Basically, what you want to do is consume the right type of minerals and have an environment (in the body) where they can be spun up. Keep in mind that an acid body forces crystallization of minerals whereas an alkaline body allows for minerals to stay in solution.

If you look at the ORMUS making process (ORMUS, Is this the wet method?), you’ll see that after placing your mineral source in solution, you raise the pH to 10.78 which causes the minerals to precipitate. After cleansing multiple times, you lower the pH placing the minerals back into solution. But this happens before you hit a neutral pH.

The body does these things naturally. Not only does the stomach and intestinal pH break down organic matter, but it helps capture minerals for the body to use. Once those minerals are absorbed, they are distributed around the body to places that can either use them as base metals or capture any that are in the superconductive state.

This is where more intuitive understanding comes in. The Superconductive atoms require an alkaline environment. If the environment is too low (acid), the energy is quickly drained and the superconductive capabilities are lost. The atoms revert back to their base metal functions. In other words, if we consume magnesium but the body requires all that we consume to simply balance our environment, we won’t be able to save any to function as superconductive Spirit Molecules.

Thus, another part of that intuitive understanding that came in morning meditation is that we’ve got to get our bodies into the 7+ pH range and build a store of normal minerals so that any superconductive minerals that we take on don’t need to be used for normal bodily functions. The number that I wrote down was 7.8, but that is just an intuitive guess. (note that blood is 7.34 and it’s got to stay right close to that. The other fluids in the body can vary from the blood pH.)


The attunement process is done through conscious living. This is the part where you have to work for the glory. Once you’ve cleaned the acid crystallization out of the body to find a long lasting pH that is compatible with storing Spirit Molecules, you than have to attune them to the energy source.

This is where meditation, yoga, breathing and focused intention all come into play. The spirit molecules vibrate at a frequency that matches the pure intention of your heart. In other words, the energy that you feel when you’re in love is a vibration that matches a cosmic source. If you make a conscious effort to fill your mind and body with that feeling, you will activate (attune) the Spirit Molecules to the source of love. When they attune, they will be a source of that energy from the cosmos!

Because there are a number of different types of atoms, it would make sense that there are different higher level feeling that are associated with the different Spirit Molecules. One might resonate to the feeling of love whereas another might resonate with a feeling of gratitude. If you are already practicing, you might have already noticed that some emotions come easier than others. It may be that you’ve attuned some Spirit Molecules better than others. Or, it may be that the atoms that go to form the molecules that would help with the weaker emotions just doesn’t exist in the body. It may be that those minerals need to be found and added.

The attunement process also requires being sensitive. You have to actually be able to feel the emotions of attunement for the attunement to work. If you can’t love, you can’t attune the Spirit Molecules to the vibration of love. It’s that simple. This is where meditation comes in. It’s the conscious act of removing all outside distractions that allow you the conscious opportunity to choose love. Even if you barely have any of that feeling in you, if you remove all other distractions so that you can feel the little that you have, you will be able to amplify that through the Spirit Molecules that your body currently has.


So, where does this leave us? Well, I would guess that there is work to be done.

  • Raise the body pH (remove acid forming foods and behavior)
  • Mineralize the body (mineral rich foods and angstrom size mineral salts)
  • Detoxify the body (remove broken and inharmonious molecules)

And then most importantly

  • Meditate with emotional intention (attune the Spirit Molecules)

In time, if you consume mineral rich foods, keep the body detoxified and attune the superconductive atoms in your body to their synchronous source, you’ll set yourself up to harvest energy from an unlimited source. Maybe this is how the ‘starving yogi’ gets his energy? Maybe this is the energy source for a breatharian. Maybe this is what is meant when we’re told to feed our light bodies?

I am looking forward to investigating this topic in greater detail. I will share as intuitive understandings (experience) comes my way!

Side Note

You’ve probably heard about people taking ORMUS based products or White Gold Powder and feeling spacey when they do. It just might be that the atoms that are ingested are already attuned to some energy source and when you consume them they are immediately absorbed into the cells where they simply radiate the synchronized energy. It would be like turning on billions of light bulbs all at once with no focus. The focus comes from allowing the body time to build Spirit Molecules (replicating proteins from your DNA to wrap the superconductive atoms) which will capture the energy into your system as light is captured by the chlorophyll molecule by a plant.