It’s alive!
Turns out that it’s not as hard as it first appears to make Rejuvelac! Mainly just takes time for there is very little work involved. And the taste, well, it’s not bad! It definitely doesn’t have the impact on me as the Kefir Apple juice has on Natasha from Raw Radiant Health! It’s pleasantly yeasty, with a little tang. This is something that’s actually doable!
As evidence, here is what it looks like:
Notice the light white color and the bubbles at the top. When this is brewing, you can see the motion in the water. When you touch the container, the bubbles all kick loose and rise to the top. My second batch looks to have a bit of a darker color to it.
Here’s what I did.
- 1 cup hard red winter wheat
- Couple quarts distilled water
- 3 Tablespoons ORMUS (Sea Salt Precipitate)
I followed the common sprouting instructions for the wheat. That entails soaking the wheat for 8 or so hours, rinsing and letting sprout for another 48. I’ve got a standard quart size mason jar with a sprouting lid that works just fine. (I’ve got a picture of the sprouting jar here.) Then, after rinsing them a last time, I poured the seeds; roots, stems and seeds into a two quart jar for brewing. Using an eyedropper, I measured about 3 tablespoons wet ORMUS onto the wheat and then covered with distilled water. I believe the last time I tried to do this I used regular tap water – which most likely was the reason for the bad tasting finished product. You basically want to make sure you don’t kill the wild yeasts on the wheat by overdoing any chlorine. Once the jar was full, I lightly placed the lid on and set it on top of the fridge to brew. When I felt like it, I gently turned the bottle to mix up the water just a little.
After brewing for 48 hours or so, I stirred lightly and poured most of the water into the serving container that I could store in the fridge. I purposely left some ORMUS that settled on the bottom and some extra fluid to turbo-charge the second brewing. I figure that shouldn’t take but 24 hours.
One of the better descriptions that I found for brewing can be found on the Superfoods~for~Superhealth website in their Rejuvelac Recipe page. The only thing that I did differently is that I didn’t blend it before hand. That just seemed like too much work for this simple drink. And, because it has ORMUS in it, I really wanted to see how it would be absorbed by the micro organisms.
I wish I’d taken a picture of the mixture an hour or so after I set it up to brew. The ORMUS that was in suspension settled out on the top layer of wheat giving it a ghostly – snowy look. As the yeast went to work, the ORMUS thinned out and nearly disappeared. A small layer ended up on the bottom of the jar, but I’d guess the rest went into solution – which is exactly what I set out to do.
Now comes the second half of the experiment – the consuming of the tonic! So far, it’s not bad. Actually, it’s pretty good. In a couple weeks I’ll update the story, but for now, it seems to agree with me.
Oh, as a side note, the probiotics that I’ve been taking, well, I set out to test them. I found that, because they are yeasts (just like Rejuvelac) they will grow in a sugar water mixture. Well, that is, if you have a good – living – probiotic! At the same time that I started the Rejuvelac, I also mixed up some sugar water and placed the contents of a probiotic capsle in it. The Rejuvelac is done, and I can’t see any growth what so ever with the probiotic starter! What really makes me feel bad is that I spent 33 bucks on that jar and I know it’s all just simply dead. Looks like I’ll have to try to get my money back.
Hope you find the motivation to start and make your own Rejuvelac!
Oh, a thought just came to me! I’ve been meaning to make some raw seed cheese, well, I know have the rejuvelac that I can use as a starter. Looks like I’m going to have something else to do this next weekend!
Take care.
Thank you for pointing out the error! I’ve edited the comment below to read lower rather than raise. The white percipitate has a high pH 10+. You want to lower it back down to a nutural level.
To this concentrate, I add HCl to raise the pH. Raising the pH breaks down the hydroxides taking the minerals back into solution. The pH that you shot for is 7.8, but chances are you’ll never get there. It tends to bounce back to 8.4 or 8.5
I’m sorry, I find it confusing. I’m not a chemist, but do I understand that lowering the number makes the pH raised? I always thought that raising the number made the pH higher.
Hi Dominik,
Maybe we’re thinking about two different things. Let me see if I can fill in some details so that we can understand each other better.
The video that you reference is one of the best ones posted. If you look bad a bit on my site (Click on Alchemy Category to the right) you’ll find ORMUS, Is this the wet method where I critiqued HealingMindN’s technique. You’ll also notice that at the bottom of that page, I’ve copied the basic wet method procedure from
If you Google around, you’ll most likely find that the term ORMUS was derived from ORMES which represents Orbitally Rearranged Molecular Elements (or something close to that). The thinking is that the angstrom size units (atoms) spin in such a way as to make them superconductive at ambient (room) temperature. Being superconductive, they would have a Miessner field and allow for tapping into zero point energy fields in which it resonates.
That’s all fine and dandy, but if you follow people in the ORMUS community, they tend to call ORMUS the precipitate (hydroxides) that falls out of suspension when you raise the pH of Sea Water. They’re claim is that in that precipitate, there are superconductive atoms that you can refine further, but few people do. So, what you’ll find in my blog is that I talk about it as Sea Water Precipitate. Basically, whatever falls out when you raise the pH to 10.78. Depending on your source, you can get quite a lot.
If you really think about what falls out of Sea Water when you raise the pH, you’ll get a better feeling for why I wrote this posting ORMUS as Fertilizer (or Why ORMUS as fertilizer?). Again, what I’m talking about here is Sea Water Precipitate.
Now, getting back to your questions. Take a second look at the ORMUS, Is this the wet method article. It has directions at the bottom for generating the Sea Salt Precipitate. You’ll also notice that the picture labeled “Tried to capture distilled water brand (unsuccessfully)” and you’ll see his white precipitate in the beaker to the left (and in the previous picture, and following two pictures).
What I do after getting the precipitate is to wash it 3 or 4 times so as to remove most the ‘salt’. On the last washing I let it set a little longer so it settles. At that point, I remove the water on top so as to have just the white precipitate in water. This is Sea Salt Precipitate that some people call ORMUS. It’s a high concentration of angstrom size atoms.
To this concentrate, I add HCl to lower the pH. Lowering the pH breaks down the hydroxides taking the minerals back into solution. The pH that you shot for is 7.8, but chances are you’ll never get there. It tends to bounce back to 8.4 or 8.5. Basically, I add HCL until the liquid just goes clear. This, is that I call ORMUS Water. It’s a dense concentration of Sea Salt minerals minus the huge amounts of Sodium and Chloride. This, ORMUS Water, is what I use as fertilizer and use as the mineral source for growing yeast.
Note that this ORMUS Water is simply highly concentrated Sea Water minerals.
Refining down to pure ORMUS is something that I have yet to figure out how to do. The results that HealingMindN got in his video I haven’t been about to replicate. Likewise, I’ve monitored YouTube for years and no one has posted anything even close to what he’s done – Or, more importantly, no one has posted a video showing that they can replicate what he did. I tried, but did not get the ‘finished product’ that he did. I’ve seen videos that look like his finished product, but they are videos of silica in water – yet – from the David Hudson research we all know that when you analyze pure ORMUS you get a calcium aluminum silicate. 🙂
Hopefully, this might answer some of your questions. If you do pursue the refining of Sea Salt and are able to get down to white powder that reacts to a magnet, I would love to learn your process. Those that ‘sell’ ORMUS type products don’t seem to want to make their discovering public. I believe the reason is because it’s so simple!
As a final note, after taking ORMUS Water for a while, I wrote up this posting ORMUS experience – connecting spirit to memory. There seems to be something in those simply Sea Salt minerals.
Hello from Germany,
congratulations to your blog and your fundamental research on health.
I did some efforts on the salt precipitate ormus using sea salt, thermal salts and himalayan cristall salt, but I couldn`t get more than lets say 3 miro gramms of output. Here on this site you are talking about three tea spoons of ormus, that you add to the Rejuvelac. I searched the hole internet for a methode how to generate Ormus, all that I find was
And so it was on this site, that no direct information to the ormus generating process itself was given. Is it by purpose, or is it a non spoken secret, that information on ormus is nothing to make public, and how do you generate ormus?
Sorry for the direct question, and thanks for an answer,