Living on Sunlight

Imagine the energy of the sun going into you.

Came across this statement earlier today in the video that I’ve embedded below from Nathalie Lussier. Can you imagine the energy of the sun going into you? Seems weird if you think of it literally – as if we’re collected to the sun like plugging in the TV, but we are plugged in, yet indirectly (in most cases). The real trick though, is do we understand how we’re connected?

It seems Nathalie Lussier doesn’t understand this connection or has simply decided to skip over it in order to keep her video streamlined and on topic. At least, that’s how it seems to come across to me when I hear her say:

Oh course there’s no scientific evidence in a lot of these things and mainly it comes from my own intuition.

I’m here to say that there really is overwhelming evidence of this connection between people and sunlight. Even if she doesn’t understand it consciously, her intuition has lead her to say:

But eating a sun filled fruit, gives you the energy of the sun itself and when you eat it, you’re getting the sunshine inside of you.

Which really is the truth.

Have a look at her video and then let’s make some connections.

Ok. Let’s start with the there is no scientific evidence part, for it appears to me that there really is sunshine in that fruit that she’s holding.

First off, sunlight is the catalyst for creating sugar. You don’t really need to dig into the process too far for nearly everyone learns at a very young age that plants convert solar energy into chemical energy via a process called photosynthesis. explains this process like

Organisms need energy to survive. Some organisms are capable of absorbing energy from sunlight and using it to produce sugar and other organic compounds such as lipids and proteins. The sugars are then used to provide energy for the organism. This process, called photosynthesis, is used by plants and some protists, bacteria, and blue-green algae.

Photosynthesis Equation

In photosynthesis, solar energy is converted to chemical energy. The chemical energy is stored in the form of glucose (sugar). Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight are used to produce glucose, oxygen, and water. The chemical equation for this process is:

6CO2 + 12H2O + light → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

For those that are chemical equation challenged, the items on the left of the arrow are the input and the items on the right are the output. Thus, 2 water molecules for every carbon dioxide molecule are reshaped, using the energy of the sun, into a sugar molecule, free oxygen and water (in equal amounts).

If you’ve read some of my previous postings, you’ll know that I’ve wondered (out loud, in words) how the plant might be able to capture the sunlight and channel that energy into the new molecules. Well, I’m starting to get a better feeling for the process now. If you remember the article that I posted about how the retina of the eye work (The Art of Seeing, can you see auras?), you’d know that light photons can empower molecules to twist. Effectively, the addition of a photon to a molecule creates a charge (like a magnet) that empowers the molecule to change shape.

Also, you might notice that I’m reading The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton (and I’ve posted an article on that called Unlocking your DNA). He makes it pretty clear that molecules react to stimuli and that reaction could be as simple as moving head to tail to combine two molecules into something new. An example might be a protein molecule that in its un-energized state sits open and naturally attracts a water molecule on one end and a carbon dioxide molecule on the other. Then, like the retina, when energy is added, the molecule twists bringing the carbon dioxide and water molecules to touch. It may be that at the point of contact, the protein then releases the combined molecules after transferring the charge to this new molecule. Finally, the new molecule breaks free so the protein can go to work finding the raw materials to make more sugar.

In any case, sugar is one by-product of the photosynthesis process. As you can see in the quote from (above) the process also empowers the creation of lipids (fats) and proteins. Thus, to the plant, as long as it has the common building blocks, it’s able to construct what it needs on a cellular level by simply harvesting the sun’s energy.

One thing that I find a little confusing about this process is that the scientists label, what I think of as a single type of energy, as solar energy and chemical energy. Don’t let that confuse you. I see it like this: the sun emits electromagnetic energy where the plants tend to capture specific frequencies in order to perform work. On the molecular level, that energy is transferred to the atoms to create high spins states, or states that change the attraction (or vibration) of that atom which allows for covalent bonds to form in stable molecules. Thus, the sunlight has been transferred to the molecules in the plant.

Now, how does that help us?

Well, our bodies are efficiently attuned to reverse the process. It’s like our cells perform anti-photosynthesis! After our bodies absorb and distribute the molecules to all the cells, it then reverses the process to release the electromagnetic energy. Scientists have been able to capture the released sunlight on film. I’ve blogged about it as Humans giving off light.

Ultimately, the cells of the body break sugars (or other molecules) down in effect releasing (or absorbing) the light energy that the plants stored. The byproduct of taping into this energy is carbon dioxide and water, which complete that little cycle of life that sustains plant life.

The coolest part about the unlocking of the stored sunlight is that the process releasing energy can be stored in proteins (or other molecules) with our body and used for various functions at later points of time. That absorbed light provides electromagnetic charges on the molecular level that make it possible for the proteins to be animated (move). Bruce Lipton goes into this in deal in his Biology of Belief lecture (of which, I’ve also blogged about here as Unlocking your DNA).

So when you look at the process in the bigger picture, the sunlight (energy) flows from the sun to the earth and is captured by the plants. When the plants do this, they build the molecules that they need for all their cellular functions. The excess sunlight is used to spin up atoms (recharge them) and that newly charged atom finds a stable bond in more complex (simple) molecules like sugar. On a cold winter day, like the one displayed in the video, when we consume the plant life, that has the active stored molecules, our bodies are restored (reenergized) as our cells unlock the stored energy.

So, as the winter progresses and if you find yourself not feeling your best, it may be that you’re not opening yourself up and accepting the energy of the sun.

Now, the matter of getting cold are reverting from your raw food diet is a different story. Getting in touch with the natural rhythms of life might help. When the snow is falling, it would make sense that what we were able to store is what we should be tapping into while it’s cold. Dried food is the natural way of storing energy (rather than freezing) which also concentrates the calories. Maybe eating dried food is worth some investigation for I know that when I eat an orange, it tends to cool me down.

In any case, there is science behind what’s said in this video. All you have to do is look. We are all 100 percent tied to energy. As long as there is a free flow of energy that we can tap into, we’ll function as nature intended us too.

Sum reference links:

Is food another form of light?

The breath of life (or energy)

Humans giving off light

Energy for the human body

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