ORMUS, Is this the wet method?

A couple years ago I played around with trying to distill M-State material from Dead Sea Salt and Celtic Sea Salt. I’d read the David Hudson lectures a number of times and searched the web for any sources that might have reproduced what David discovered.

One of the sources I came across was the website SubtleEnergies.com. After digging around a bit there, I found the Wet-Method Procedure for isolating M-State from these salts. The procedure can be found here.

I don’t know how many times I read it in order to build the confidence that I could actually perform this ‘science.’ But eventually, I got to that point and gathered the equipment. Figuring that it would be pretty important to follow the directions carefully, I saved a few bucks and acquired a collection of beakers, eye droppers and even a pH meter. The collection turned out to be very similar to this kit found on Amazon:

I think I might have collected a couple more standard beakers and a stand, but that’s pretty close. The pH meter was similar to this:

After reading a bunch of sites and seeing that the directions were all very similar, I figured that the directions that I found were ‘good enough’ for me to get the job done.

Then, I set out to follow the instructions explicitly.

To sum up a couple months worth of testing, I never got to what I felt was M-State material. I remember coming across a statement from David Hudson that the material was like cow sperm (he had a farming background) or a gelatinous concoction. All I came up with was a milky white substance.

After searching around a bit, I found the following information from a David Hudson lecture:

When mixed with water WPG forms a gelatinous mixture. When ingested it has the following affects. “Every cell in your body will be taken back to the state it is supposed to be, when you were a teenager or a child. It perfects the DNA, and closes the light within the body until you literally reach a point where the light body exceeds the physical body.”

It left me a little discouraged. So, I packed up the chemistry set and figured I’d wait until the time was right and keep my eyes open.

Well, it just so turns out that I stumbled across a video on YouTube where it looks like HealingMindN is able to get to the point that I wanted to get to. Here is his video (also shown below). If you’ve been looking for a good video on the wet-method M-State distillation process, this might be it.

Special note: when watching the video, he adds music about 2:23 in. Fortunately, he’s funneled it to the one speaker and his voice is on the other. If you want to hear him without the interference, just turn off the speaker playing the music and turn up the other.

Here are the steps as outlined by the video. I’ve made a few screen shots with the idea of lining up the wet-method with what it is that HealingMindN shows.

Let’s start.

Apollinaris Water

Mineral water. Turns out he’s bought a German import, Apollinaris water. A quick search on the net finds an Amazon source. Search Amazon for product number: 030494881229.

He claims that it contains Magnesium which will be a good catalyst for the process. And, if you look around the web a bit more, you’ll find AquaMaestro which has a great writeup:

Apollinaris is a naturally carbonated mineral water renowned for its health and curative powers. Although not tremendously high in Calcium compared with many other curative brands, Apollinaris it is strong in Potassium, and Sulphate, and gangbusters in Magnesium and Bicarbonate at 130 milligrams and 1810 milligrams per liter respectively. What you might not like is the Sodium – also extremely high at 410 milligrams (almost a half a gram) per liter. And, it must be noted that we have not ascertained the all-important Nitrate level. …

So, that part holds up. In any case, he claims that 2 cups distilled water plus 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts may be substituted if the water is not found (video 00.15).

Celtic Sea Salt

Half cup Celtic Sea Salt. That stuff looks like this (above). Search Amazon for product number: B000SWVPV8.

You can probably find that in your local health food store. The CelticSeaSalt website has a write-up about it that reads:

Celtic Sea Salt® Brand Light Grey Celtic® is totally unprocessed, kosher and hand harvested. It is dried by the sun and the wind, retaining the ocean’s moisture and locking in a vast array of vital trace elements. Celtic Sea Salt® Light Grey Celtic® is a coarse, moist salt that gets a light grey hue from the pure clay sole it is harvested from. There is no comparison, in taste or in health effects, between mineral-rich Celtic Sea Salts® and chemically-treated iodized salts. …

And, again, HealingMindN suggests that other sea salts may be substituted such as Lima Atlantic or Dead Sea Salt.

Salt added to (carbonated) water

I believe he’s saying that he’s adding 450 milliliters to the beaker too which he adds the salt. After stirring for a moment, it sounds like he says he’s going to let it sit overnight.

Great. That is a step that I do not remember from the Wet-Method procedure written up at SubtleEnergies. Yet, maybe it doesn’t have to sit overnight.

Initial pH 5.9

Looks like the starting pH of the salt water is 5.9.

Tropics Food Grade Lye Water

And now for his setup – food grade lye water. Looks like he’s using Tropics Lye Water. Turns out that Amazon also shows this product.

He claims it’s about 12.7 pH. Anyone should be able to validate that pretty easily. It looks like at second 2:10 in the video, he’s got 140 milliliters of Lye Water that he’ll be using.

pH After adding Lye Water 10.5

Looks like he continues to add the lye solution until the Sea Water hits 10.5. He points out that it is point 1 to go from stop. Thus, he’s looking for 10.6 as the stopping point for this pH swing.

(Editors note: The lye mixture is an 8:1 mixture. Add 8 parts water to a beaker and then slowly, in a vented area, add the other 1 part lye crystals while stirring careful not to overheat. This information can be found by digging around a bit on the SubtleEnergies site or visiting the OrmusBook. There, I quote from the FAQ section:

…For the processes detailed in the book, a 1:8 strength works very, very well. That is ½ cup of lye (NaOH) crystals mixed as described in the book into 1 quart of distilled water. This would be about 125 grams per liter of water in the metric system.

Yet you don’t need that much for these small volumes. A 1:8 mixture would be 25 millileters lye to 200 milliliters distilled water. )

Another reading at pH 10.6

At 3:17 in the video, The participate has formed, it’s mainly Magnesium Hydroxide Lye … and a little M-State. He is now at pH 10.6.

Overall, he’s added about 140 milliliters of lye just like he did last time and he’s going to let it sit overnight. So that it settles.

He makes a comment to not use anything but glass so as to not disrupt the M-State material.

Home made Faraday Cage

Here, he shows his Faraday cage that he uses to place the M-State material in overnight. His faraday cage is two cookie containers where the center one is lined with steel wool where there is a brown paper bag inside of that. His participate container has cellophane with a rubber band holding it on.

It might be work investigating this a little more. If M-State is sensitive to electromagnetic energy, shielding it might be a good idea. Yet, I’m not sure how well his box is working, for one of the key elements of a Faraday cage is grounding. Yet, let’s continue.

pH 10.4 after sitting all night

He shows about 300 milliliters of precipitate and the covering liquid has a pH of about 10.4.

He comments that he’s going to wash the precipitate three times.

Tubbing for raking off substrate

Here he shows the plastic tubing that he’s going to use to remove the liquid on top of the precipitate.

Tried to capture distilled water brand (unsuccessfully)

Here we can almost see the brand of distilled water that he’s going to use to water the precipitate. He fills the container up to about 600 milliliters again so that he can let it settle again overnight.

At this point I have to assume that he goes through the washing process all three times before coming back to the video. Thus, at this point, he’s just about doubled the water content in his beaker three times and removed the substrate covering the precipitate as he outlined. If he lets it settle overnight each time, a few days have passed.

Boiling in a water bath for 5 minutes

He then jumps straight into the boiling process. We can see from his text that he boils for 5 minutes.

After boiling

Here he shows the precipitate after boiling and he’s going to take it to pH 12. He stated that last time it took nearly 50 milliliters of Lye water to perform that task.

After raising to pH 12.0

Here he shows that he’s raised the pH to 12.0. At this point, the M-State will be re-dissolved in solution. Shortly after showing the pH, he comments that he should have drained off more substrate (the clear liquid on top) for he recognizes that he has more volume than what he was expecting.

Filter, used for seperating substrate from precipitate

Here we see the filter that he’s going to use to remove the precipitate leaving just the clear liquid holding the M-State material.

At this point, I wish I knew what that filter was. I’ve searched around on some different chemistry supply websites, but when you don’t know what you’re looking for, it makes things a little harder to find. Hopefully, I’ll find a picture that matches what he’s using.

(Author’s note: Ask and you shall receive. As it turns out, I now have a better idea what this filter is. Turns out OnlineScienceMall has a number of different sizes to choose from. They call them Filtration Assemblies. Follow the link and the picture will really sum it up.)

Vacum flask with desolved M-State (in flask)

Here is a good picture showing his flask with the rubber stopper holding the funnel filter. What gathers in the flask (the filtrate) is what he’s looking for.

pH of filtrate 11.8

Here he shows the pH of the filtrate. He comments that it’s gone down a little to 11.8.

At this point, he mentions something like “from here on out it’s a feeling out process as the ‘coopers pairs’ start forming in solution they start congealing just like making gelatin.

Measurement of whate distilled vinegar pH 2.4 (or 2.9)

Now he goes to bring the solution down to 10.78 pH. He uses acetic acid. The form of the acid is white distilled vinegar that you’d find in the grocery store. During this process, the ‘coopers pairs’ should start forming.

Finished product

Here he shows nice big globules of M-State ‘Jello.’

After watching this video, it seems pretty simple. I just might have to give it another try.

The only question that I have is about the filtering process. Looks like HealingMindN is using a filter flask, but I can’t find the actual filter online. I’ll have to keep looking and see what I can find. If I can come up with that final setup, then I’ll give it another try. (See comment above for a link to filtration assembles.)

As a point of reference, I’ve included the process form SubtleEnergies.com below. The steps are nearly identical. The only real difference comes at the end when HealingMindN mentions that it’s a feeling out process from here on out.

Wet Method Procedure.

If you are using dried sea minerals, mix 1/2 cup of dry material with 2 cups of distilled water.  This makes sea water.  Now proceed as described below:

1. First, you might want to pour the sea water through a coffee filter to remove any scum.

2. If the starting material does not contain magnesium hydroxide (sea water does contain magnesium hydroxide), add some, or add a teaspoon of Epsom salts per gallon of water.

3. Pour the sea water into a stainless steel pot. Slowly, drop-by-drop, add the lye solution WHILE STIRRING. Every ten drops or so, test the pH. You might want to take at least 3 to 5 samples from different regions of the liquid. If you are using pH paper, the goal is to bring the pH up to 9.5, then stop to be on the safe side. If you are using a pH meter, stop just before you get to pH 10.78.

A white precipitate which includes m-state elements will form.

CAUTION: You must proceed slowly and patiently so that you do not exceed pH 10.78 with a meter or pH 9.5 with pH paper. If you go higher than pH 10.78, you might get a “Gilcrest precipitate” of toxic heavy metals. It is alleged that the Dead Sea salt water does not produce any Gilcrest precipitate. This has not been proven and should not be assumed.

4. Once you are at the correct pH, stop.

5. Pour the solution into a clean glass jar or test tube.

6. The white precipitate (slurry) slowly settles on the bottom of the jar. Let the slurry settle overnight. If metals or other toxins have been ruled out by prior testing of your starting material, the slurry is probably mostly calcium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, lye, and a small amount of m-state.

You can speed this settling process with a centrifuge, which forces the precipitate to settle rapidly. Inexpensive second-hand centrifuges may be found at American Science and Surplus, http://www.sciplus.com.

7. Using a large syringe (or siphon), remove the liquid above the slurry.

8. Add distilled water to the precipitate (filling the jar), stir thoroughly, and let it settle again for at least 4 to 5 hours, preferably overnight.

9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 at least three times to thoroughly wash the precipitate. This should remove almost all of the lye. The remaining lye can be neutralized with HCl or distilled white vinegar as well. Washing three times is intended to reduce the dissolved “impurities” (like salt, for example) by 87.5%. Four washes would provide a 93.75% reduction, five washes a 96.875% reduction, and so on.

At this point, the precipitate is likely to contain some m-state, milk of magnesia Mg(OH)2, calcium, and perhaps some impurities.

Pour the precipitate and water into a stainless steel pot on a stove burner. A gas burner is preferred over electric because any magnetic fields from the electric burner may drive off some of the m-state material. Cover the pot with a lid to contain the m-state, and boil the solution for 5 minutes to sterilize it. Be careful not to spill the hot solution! Let it cool back to room temperature and recheck the pH to make sure it hasn’t exceeded pH 9.


In this document, we suggested that you not boil the solution until you have made the washed precipitate. However, boiling can be done earlier in the procedure with certain advantages. Here are four times that boiling could be done, with a discussion of the pros and cons of each:

1. Boil before adding lye solution.

PROS: Faster reaction, faster precipitation. CONS: You may spill the hot lye solution. You may inhale fumes.

2. Boil while adding lye solution.

PROS: Faster reaction, faster precipitation. CONS: You may spill the hot lye solution. You may inhale fumes. Danger of lye spurting out of pot. Not recommended.

3. Boil and cool after adding lye solution.

PROS: No danger of inhaling fumes. Little danger of spilling hot lye solution. CONS: Slower reaction, slower precipitation.

4. Boil the washed precipitate (recommended).

PROS: No danger of inhaling fumes. No danger of spilling hot lye solution. pH is unlikely to change after boiling because the reaction has already taken place. CONS: Slower reaction, slower precipitation. If safety is the main issue, this seems to be the best method.

Caution: If you boil the solution on an electric burner, the magnetic field in the burner may “blow off” some of the m-state materials, resulting in a small yield. This can be minimized by adding a source of sodium (such as sodium hydroxide or salt) to the solution before boiling.

Since sea water contains sodium in salt, none of the boiling methods will be a problem with sea water. However, if you are starting with low-sodium fresh water, add a sodium source (such as table salt or lye solution) before boiling.

Once the precipitate and water have been sterilized, the next step is required to concentrate the m-state.


The precipitate made from sea water contains milk of magnesia (Mg(OH)2), which precipitates approximately around the same pH range that m-state does. Here are four methods to separate Mg(OH) 2 from m-state:


1. Suppose you just made a precipitate by adding lye solution to sea water.  The precipitate is m-state mixed with Mg(OH) 2.

2. Use a syringe to remove the liquid over the precipitate, and discard the liquid.  This leaves only the m-state/Mg(OH)2 precipitate.

3. To the wet precipitate, add hydrochloric acid (HCl) until you reduce the pH to 1.0 – 3.5.  You can use muriatic acid (31% HCl) from a hardware store, but lab-grade HCl is less likely to be contaminated. A safe alternative to HCl is distilled white vinegar.

4. The white colloidal precipitate should dissolve, leaving a clear solution.

5. Add lye solution VERY SLOWLY drop-by-drop to bring the pH back up to 8.5 – 8.7.  The precipitate that forms should be m-state mostly free of Mg(OH)2 (because m-state precipitates in this pH range, and Mg(OH)2 does not precipitate until pH 9.)

Note that your total yield may be diminished because you are not going past pH 8.7.

6. Remove the liquid above the precipitate, and wash the precipitate.  It should be mostly m-state.


This procedure removes the Mg(OH)2 by dissolving it below pH 9. First get some HCl (or muriatic acid) and coffee filters. A safer alternative to HCl is distilled white vinegar.

1. Dry the precipitate in a dark oven at about 275 degrees F for one or two hours.  This forms a dry powder.

2. Take the dry powder and pulverize out any clumps.

3. In a glass container, cover the powder with some distilled water.  For example, one liter of water for one cup of powder.

4. Add HCl or distilled white vinegar drop-by-drop to bring the pH to 5 or 6.

5. Shake the bottle and let it sit overnight.  The dried m-state should not dissolve at that pH, but the Mg(OH)2 should dissolve.

6. The next day, after all the Mg(OH)2 has dissolved, pour everything into filter paper.

7. Wash the powder collected in the filter paper several times with distilled water to remove any residual traces of HCl or vinegar.

8. The washed powder may be oven-dried again at about 275 degrees F, and you should have m-state powder free of Mg(OH)2.


1. Dry the original precipitate at about 200 degrees F.

2. Mix the resulting powder with distilled white vinegar or 30% HCl. Everything which does not dissolve in m-state. This will be quite a small amount if you start with sea water. (If you mix pure HCl with distilled water, remember: ADD ACID TO WATER, NEVER ADD WATER TO ACID).

3. Measure the amount of HCl/m-state solution (or vinegar/m-state solution).

4. Add distilled water to the HCl/m-state solution. Add an amount of water that is at least ten times the amount of HCl/m-state solution. (You may substitute distilled white vinegar for HCl).

5. Filter the solution through 5 layers of coffee filters.

6. Wash the powder at least three times in a large amount of distilled water.


1. Starting with clean wet precipitate, add lye to bring the pH up to 12.  The m-state precipitate will dissolve, but magnesium hydroxide and the Gilcrest precipitate will not.

2. Filter out the precipitate.

3. To the remaining liquid containing only m-state, add HCl or distilled white vinegar drop-by-drop until the pH reaches 8.5.

4. Add lye solution drop-by-drop to bring the pH back up to 10.78.  The resulting precipitate should be only m-state.

5. Wash the precipitate as described earlier.

6. To be safe, check the pH of the precipitate slurry. It should be 9 or less before ingesting.

Green Smoothie Tangy Cherry Twist

Makes a little more than a quart

Green Smoothie Tangy Cherry Twist

I have to admit that one of my favorite green smoothies is a cherry based spinach smoothie. I made one again this morning and the flavor is subtle while the texture is creamy. I took a look in the freezer again, and it looked like I’ve still got 4 bags.  Those will be tasty treats. While the supplies last, this one is on the top of the menu!

One of the things that I have to admit about this smoothie is how simple it is. There really isn’t any preparation that has to happen because the bulk of it has been done ahead of time!

So here we go.

To make this smoothie, you’ll need to really plan ahead. Last spring, ok, I guess it would be early summer when the cherries are in season, I bought a large box. We ate cherries for days, but before they could sit around long, I prepped them for a deep freeze. I have to admit that it was somewhere around 40 lbs or so which is a lot of berries. 

About the same time the cherries showed up, so did a cherry pitter. I believe it was a father’s day present (Thanks Arielle!). You might be able to find one for about 20 bucks.  Here is the one that I have:

What’s nice about this one is that the little tray holds about 20 berries and they nearly jump off the pitter shaft when the spring extends the piston for another berry. The drawback is that it doesn’t successfully remove every pit, so you have to double check your berries afterwards. Generally, it works well and for twenty bucks, it’s definitely worth the time and money.

In any case, I processed nearly 40lbs of berries (so they were pit-less) and then fill quart size Ziploc freezer bags. Each bag holds a few cups each. If you plan ahead too, you should end up with a dozen or more bags with pit-less cherries ready to add to any smoothie for the next year (if they last that long).

When you’re ready to make a smoothie, remove the bag from the freezer and use just the amount that you want without defrosting them and return what’s not used back to the freezer.

Now for the recipe:

  • 1 ½ cup apple juice
  • ½ cup water
  • 2 large dates
  • ½ lb spinach
  • 2 cups frozen cherries
  • (Other things as the spirit moves you!)

Add the liquids on the bottoms, throw in dates, pack in spinach and top off with frozen cherries. Blend on low until the mixer starts to turn. Turn to high and blend for a minute or more. The frozen cherries will help keep the mixture from overheating so you can blend it longer. The longer you blend it, the smoother it becomes. I like ‘em really smooth.

Now notice at the bottom of the recipe, there is an ‘other’ section. If you look close at the picture of ingredients, you’ll notice that I’ve got a can of Reliv Classic, Sun Warrior ORMUS greens and a banana. What you can’t see in the picture is a probiotic pill. The probiotic doesn’t take up much space and I like to keep the intestinal flora strong, so in it goes. Likewise, the Reliv Classic is a good protein additive, and because I haven’t been recovering from my yoga workouts fast enough, I add this for the help. And, lastly, the ORMUS green powder. That’s just something that will make your head ring (See The Bell Rock Buzz article).

I figure that in a few days, I’ll be harvesting fresh mint from the garden and at that point I’ll be looking for raw cacao mint smoothies – which I also love. When that starts happening, I’ll post those recipes.

If you didn’t think ahead and you don’t have a stash of frozen cherries, I’m sure the you’ll be able to find some at your favorite health food store. If not, just wait a couple weeks and those stone fruit will come to a roadside near you!


Now for the recipe:

  • 1 ½ cup apple juice
  • ½ cup water
  • 2 large dates
  • ½ lb spinach
  • 2 cups frozen cherries
On high speed, notice the frosting on the side of the blender

Add the liquids on the bottoms, throw in dates, pack in spinach and top off with frozen cherries. Blend on low until the mixer starts to turn. Turn to high and blend for a minute or more. The frozen cherries will help keep the mixture from overheating so you can blend it longer. The longer you blend it, the smoother it becomes. I like ‘em really smooth.

(Also note that I’ve made this smoothie a couple times in a row. It’s nice having ingredients that allow for this. So, on the day that I took the pictures, I figured I’d use a banana, but there were enough cherries to do the job. Thus, the picture shows a banana, yet I didn’t use it in the smoothies.)

You can make this smoothie with fresh cherries but it doesn’t get as smooth. But, that’s ok, for the fresh cherries are better for you.


Superconductivity in the human body?

A few years ago I came across a very interesting video from a man talking about some mysterious white powder gold that seemed to ring true (at some level) with me. I don’t remember the original video (and thus I don’t have a link to it), but here is a link to the first of many YouTube clips that make up the lecture I heard.

David Hudson lecture on YouTube

I have to admit that this lecture sparked my curiosity and a couple years later I’m still researching aspects of what he talked about. If you have the time, well, if you’re here you probably have the time, I’d recommend giving it a listen or reading a transcript or two.

If you’re looking for a transcript, the website asc-alchemy has a bunch of them all strung together. You can find them here.

The thing that caught my attention, today, can be found in the Superconducting section of the first transcript and it reads:

Now this takes a little explaining because one spin one half electron plus one spin one half electron are two particles. Yet when these two particles become perfectly paired as mirror images of each other they lose all particle aspects and they become nothing but pure light. … [bolding mine]

We’ve seen what light can do to molecules. Specific wavelengths of light (electromagnetic energy) can elevate electrons into higher orbits that allow for the formation of molecules like sugar. What David Hudson seems to be saying is that a superconducting atom (or atom pair) have electrons that stop acting like normal electrons, but acting like light – or a source of light.

If his work really was truthful, he also experimented to see if there were biological links. Looks like he found some:

So we went down to A. J. Bayless and got ourselves some cow’s brains and some pig’s brains. We carborized these brains in fuming sulfuric acid. That was a really raunchy thing to do but it was the only way we knew to do it. We weren’t organic chemists, we were inorganic chemists so we destroyed the carbon, carborized it, added nitric-nitric-nitric acid, kept taking it down to fumes of sulfuric more nitric, fumes of sulfuric, more nitric till we got rid of all the carbon. Then water, water, water till we got rid of all the nitrous compounds. Then we did a metal sulfate analysis. Did you know that over five percent by dry matter weight of the brain tissue is rhodium and iridium in the high spin state? [bolding mine]

He then continues with:

Did you know that the way cells communicate with each other is by superconductivity? That the U.S. Naval Research Facility knows that the way cells communicate with each other is by superconductivity? That they have actually measured it using SQUIDS? Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices with a superconducting ring around the body. And they have seen by this procedure that literally light flowed between cell to cell to cell to cell. Did you know that your nerve impulses are not electricity that they travel closer to the speed of sound than they do to the speed of light? And electricity travels closer to the speed of light? Do you know what speed the superconducting wave travels? The speed of sound. This, in fact, is what is in your body that we call the consciousness. It’s what separates you from a computer.

It literally is the light of life. This is that part of your body that has been there all of this time, that scientists can’t find because their instruments can’t see it. They call it carbon because it has no absorption or emission spectra and they assume therefore that it is carbon when, in fact, it isn’t carbon. That there are 11 elements that it could be but primarily rhodium and iridium are the elements that are in your body right now. And that literally they resonance connect and literally flow the light of life perpetually in your body. And around your body you have a non polar magnetic field which is called the Meissner field or they refer to it as the aura. [bolding mine]

This last little bit opens the doors for investigation. The idea that the body could produce a non polar magnetic field, which is the aura, is a bit different then what I’d think it was based upon the body’s ability to break down sugar with releases light (electromagnetic energy) – which might be seen by the correct sensitive equipment.

What’s more interesting is that if these superconductive atoms are in our bodies, how might our bodies use them? And, probably more important, if these atoms are light (electromagnetic energy) sources, might some functions within our bodies need this type of electromagnetic energy to function properly?

He also makes mention of magnetic fields, electricity and how superconductors can store energy (and release energy). There is mention that to get electricity through a wire, you need voltage. Yet, to get it into a superconductor, you have to apply voltage at just the right frequency. Well, this makes me think just a bit, if superconductors can take or give light and if your body can break down molecules of sugar to release light, might these superconductive atoms act like batteries storing the light?

It’s worth thinking about, thus it’s worth posting. I’ll think about this some more to see if there are other ideas I can post about this.

I’ll make my own Agreements; thank you

Can’t remember exactly how long ago my sister-in-law gave me this little book, but it sat on my nightstand for months. I just kept moving it around not wanting to open the cover. There always seemed to be something more interesting to grab my attention. For a long time, I felt like I had to avoid it for some unknown reason. Looking back, I’m not sure if it was my ego that got in the way, or if the timing simply wasn’t right for reading it.

Well, on my last trip to Arizona, I set aside that ego and figured the time was right. I decided to read Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements to see if I could agree with the content and message. Or simply find the flaws and discard the book. Well, here it is:

He called it “A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom”, which actually fits with the content. It’s a little book that I would recommend you seek out and give it a go. Set aside your ego a bit faster than I did, for its got helpful advice and, as the title mentions, practical guidance for making self improvement progress. It’s timeless information that you might as well apply today rather than a couple years from now.

I have to admit that The Smokey Mirrors story (that opens the book) really did catch my attention. I liked the part:

… Then something happened inside of him that transformed his life forever. He looked at this hands, he felt his body, and he heard his own voice say, “I am made of light; I am made of stars.”

He looked at the stars again, and he realized that it’s not the stars that create light, but rather light that creates the stars. “Everything is made of light,” he said, “and the space in-between isn’t empty.” And he knew that everything that exists is one living being, and that light is the messenger of life, because it is alive and contains all information.

I know that this is part of a Toltec tale, but there could be more truth to that statement about light than one might first accept. If we look back at a previous article, Is Food Another Form of Light, we saw that when molecules break down, electromagnetic energy is released (stored light) which is the energy that the body uses to perform its functions. Could it be possible that this energy performs different functions within the body than what we currently measure at a cellular level? We’ll have to explore that and see (Maybe another article in the near future!).

For now though, we’ll focus on some of the statements that I came across in The Four Agreements. One that stands out is:

The only way to store information is by agreement.

To me, this is one of the author’s key points when it comes to identifying who we are and how we let others shape us. It’s also the root of what he terms ‘white magic’ and ‘black magic’. It all stems from the spoken word. Words are uniquely human and they are created as a manifestation of who we are; the speaker. When it comes to speaking, the way you form your words is a phrase of your creation. At the same time, when your words are heard, who’s to say they are not the truth? If you speak words, and believe them to be the truth, might others also believe them to be the truth?

Ultimately, I believe one of the points that the author is trying to make is that the words you use in innocent little ways (whether they are intentional or not) may be perceived as the truth by others in ways that shape their futures in both positive and negative ways. It all depends upon whether they are believed to be the truth (or not). If the words are believed, the result is ‘white magic’ or ‘black magic’ depending on the content of the message.

A simple example might illustrate this process. If you speak the words “You’re ugly” to someone and they believe these words to be the truth, they will have made an agreement that they are ugly. They will start to identify with being ugly and, in due time, they will live up to this truth. On the flip side, if you speak “you look beautiful today” to someone and, once again, they believe it to be the truth, you will have given someone a wonderful truth that they can expand upon and continue to develop as their own truth.

Even idle chatter can be perceived as the truth. “This is ugly”, “he is disgusting”, “She has a potty mouth” or “That is beautiful” can all be easily identified with by anyone with immediate results. That is, if they believe you. If they choose to believe you.

So, the point is that what you agree too, when someone else speaks, are the things that stick with you and help shape who you think you are.

The trick is, knowing what to believe and what to discard.

This is where the author’s ideas about ‘black magic’ and ‘white magic’ come to play. If you believe the words that someone else speaks as the truth, it can act as either a good influence or a bad influence on you over time. Words are spells based upon the receiver’s acceptance. If they believe you compliment, or your insult, it will change their character as they start identifying with the statement.

Knowing this, might it make sense to choose your words wisely?

Later he writes:

Ninety-five percent of the beliefs we have stored in our minds are nothing but lies, and we suffer because we believe all these lies.

Might it be time to revisit the memories that you carry around to see what’s worth believing – at this moment in time? If someone told you that you couldn’t sing twenty years ago, is that still worth dragging around today? Is it worth the effort of relating to today? Or, has your understanding changed so that now, who you are right now, actually can see the comment from a different point of view that now shows that it’s no longer the truth? Is there something you can sing? Is there a sound that shows that the statement isn’t 100 percent true? If so, the spell loses power as long as it’s no longer believed to be the truth. As I’ve always seen it, the truth is in the eyes of the beholder!

Here is another interesting statement:

Each of us is born with a certain amount of personal power that we rebuild every day after we rest. Unfortunately, we spend all our personal power first to create all these agreements and then to keep these agreements. Our personal power is dissipated by all the agreements we have created, and the result is that we feel powerless. We have just enough power to survive each day, because most of it is used to keep the agreements that trap us in the dream of the planet. How can we change the entire dream of our life when we have no power to change even the smallest agreement?

I see a lot of truth in that statement, yet I would reword it slightly – Each of us has a specific amount of energy at any given moment. If we use that energy to maintain the agreements that we identify with, we will feel like we have less energy to use in other aspects of our lives. Or, in other words, what you focus on is where your energy goes. It’s really that simple. Focus on being ugly and you’ll perform that task eloquently!

These comments come from the chapters before the actual ‘agreement’ chapters in the book. I’ll leave it to the reader to explore The Four Agreements on their own. There are some great words of wisdom nestled away in that handy little book.

It’s your choice. It always is.

The Bell Rock Buzz

Ok, so I can now say that I’ve been to a vortex in Sedona Arizona. Like any good tourist, I picked up a map at the hotel lobby and asked them what to look for. The lady behind the desk smiled and said she had no idea. She said that she had a collection of maps, but that I was on my own when it came to finding anything vortex like. It’s not like she told me anything that I wasn’t already expecting, but the conversation was overheard by a different lady sitting on the sofa. This other lady freely stated that she’d been out to a vortex or two and it’s something that you have to be sensitive too or you’ll walk right on by. The maps, she mentioned, will give you the basic idea of where to go, yet, if you pay attention, you’ll know exactly where to stand.

I’ve heard lots of people mention the vortexes at Sedona and, it seemed, that everyone has their own experiences when they go visit. Yet, because I’m always wanting to figure things out, I did a little research before going out. All the references seem to state just about the same thing and it goes like this (which I found on about.com): 

So what is a vortex, anyway? Well you see them in everyday life. The turbulent flow of water makes vortices. If you have ever seen a whirlpool in a river or watched water going down the drain in the bath tub and have witnessed the tornado like glassiness of spinning water, you have seen a vortex. A vortex is created from spiraling motion of air or liquid around a center of rotation. If you have ever witnessed a dust devil kick up in the desert, you have seen a vortex.

In Sedona vortexes are created, not by wind or water, but from spiraling spiritual energy. The vortexes of Sedona are named because they are believed to be spiritual locations where the energy is right to facilitate prayer, mediation and healing. Vortex sites are believed to be locations having energy flow that exists on multiple dimensions. The energy of the vortexes interacts with a person’s inner self. It is not easily explained. Obviously it must be experienced.

Well, hey, I’ve flushed the toilet thousands of times and I’ve seen my fair share of dirt devils. But a spiritual energy vortex? That sounds like something out of Ghost Busters!

With the map in hand, we headed out to Bell Rock. After circling the parking lot for a while, we finally found a spot and prepared for our big hiking adventure. I looked at the map and then turned it so the map fit the layout of the land. Then, up the red dirt trail we walked. Even though it’s in the desert, the air was chilly and the air still held moisture from the rains that had falling during the winter.

A bunch of kids passed us on the trail riding bikes and we passed some people returning. I couldn’t help but wonder if they found the vortex we were looking for. In any case, we continued on the trail towards the diamond shape on the map.

One of the things that the map mentioned was that the Juniper trees are sensitive to the spiraling energy at the vortex. So, one of the things that you should look for are twisty branches. When I looked closely at the trees, I couldn’t help but laugh. All bonsai trees have a significant twist to the branches and these trees looked like larger bonsai. At that point, I figured we were on our own.

After we’d walked maybe 200 yards from the car, the trail opened up to cross a big rock before continuing around Bell Rock. As I stepped out on the rock, my head started to buzz. I didn’t say anything to Lori, but she looked up the hill and pointed saying that this looked like a good place to hike up the hill.

We did. After we climbed about 1/3 the rock, we sat and chilled for a half hour before heading back down.

Yep, that’s me standing on Bell Rock. I never did take a picture of the full rock formation; it might have been because the sun created too much glare.

Thinking that I just wasn’t sensitive to the vortex, we worked our way down a small cut in the hillside. It turns out, it led back to the same open area on the trail where the big rock widened the trail.

And my head started to buzz again.

This time I laughed. I guess I knew that we walked over the vortex on the way up, but it wasn’t until we came back to it a second time that it made sense to me.

Have you ever heard the Hu sound? The Hu is the sound of a Human. It is the sound that you hear when you quit you mind and calm your body. Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpIrDJGVdO0) is a great external representation of the sound on YouTube.   The thing is that the Hu is not something that you hear with your ears, but it’s something that you feel with your body.

At the same location as the YouTube video, there is a comment that really sums it up:

Oneisus Eckankar, ancient science of soul travel, uses this chant supposedly as a love song to God. The only real truth I got out of studying Eckankar was the realization that we and the grand universe are made up of light and sound, if you listen intently in a quiet place, you may hear a high pitch whistle in the center of your head which is the electrical current we are connected with (not to be mistaken for Tinnitus) it’s been there all your life but you may not have noticed it before. [bolding mine]

I have heard this sound a couple times in the last year when practicing yoga. It’s pretty powerful when you really tune into it. Yet, normally, I’m aware of it in a similar way as the person wrote in the quote about. It’s a high pitched buzz that is ever present and more pronounced during meditation.

So there we are standing on the rock. To me, the buzzing in my head has been amplified to a noticeable level. I asked Lori if she heard the same thing. She first shrugged it off as if our ears were ringing due to the hike. Yet, I asked her to check her heart rate and breathing. After a second, she realized, that it couldn’t be related to the hike, for we were both calm. There was nothing strenuous about our trek through the desert, yet both of our heads were buzzing.

At that point, I tried to pin-point the location or the center of the vortex. As I walked different directions, the buzzing tapered off until it was at a ‘normal’ level. I walked a number of directions and it turned out the trail went right through the center of it.

After standing there and experiencing it, we both kind of shrugged our shoulders and moved on. Other people walking the trail gave us weird looks, but hey, they could have just thought I was funny looking.

After we got back in the car, Lori mentioned it was like listening to the refrigerator running. I wonder if that’s the reason why more people are not aware of the Hu sound. Everyone just thinks that it’s something outside them humming.

In any case, I don’t know if I would call the vortex that I walked through a spiritual vortex. Yet, I can say that it amplifies the energy that constantly flows through us that can be heard as the Hu.

If you visit Bell Rock and find that vortex, it would be nice to hear about your experience.

Just above the vortex, there was a trickle of water off Bell Rock that could explain why all the plants could live. I fugured that I’d include that here, it was moving to me.