Apricot Mango Swiss chard Smoothie

I know, I know, I didn’t learn the lesson from the first couple apricot smoothies and here I go again – making an apricot smoothie. So, I’ve got twenty lbs of these puppies and I’m trying to figure out a way that may make them taste a bit better.

So this time I added more dates and tried mango. In picture form, it looked like this:

Apricots, Swiss chard, Mango, Deglet Noor dates and water


  • 8 of the ripest apricots I could find in the box
  • Some amazing garden fresh Swiss Chard! Wow!
  • 1 Honey mango,
  • 8 or 9 or so Deglet Noor Dates
  • 1 ½ cup water
  • 1 little probiotic (optional)

It looks great stacked in the blender.

This looks nice stacked up and ready to go!

But the part that I really wanted to show with this posting is how I peal mangos. If you remember back a few postings, I linked in a YouTube video on how to peal a mango (view my article here). The woman in the video cut and sliced her way into a real mess. I don’t see it as that bad – even with a really ripe mango!

So here is the picture sequence.

Tools - nice sserrated knife and apple peeler
peel the mango

Stand on edge and cut down just off center.
Cut just off center on second side. Notice how thin the seed is!
Now lay the seed down flat and use the back side of the knife to scrap that last bits off the seed.

All it really takes is an apple peeler, a serrated knife and the ability to hold a ‘wet bar of soap’. The hardest part is lining up to cup along the seed. They are so flat that it shapes the fruit, so if you inspect it before cutting, you’ll slice right along the seed almost every time.

In the end, because I spent time picking out the ripest apricots from the collection, I ended up with something that was palatable.

But I still recommend avoiding apricots of you can help it. There are a ton of other choices that make it to market ripe.

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