Every once in a while this blog brings something fun my way. This time, it was an author spreading news about his passion – his quest for The Philosopher’s Stone. It came in the way of a video and a couple comments on previous articles that I’d written (Is the philosopher’s stone real? And The Book of Aquarius – The Great Work).
As you all know by now, I’m of the mind that people really haven’t discovered all there is to discover. Even with things that we think we understand, there still is a lot to learn about it. When you look at the fringe things, even though some things seem weird, or rightfully belong in fairy tales, sometimes the weird is real and fairy tales have substance.
I like to use the example, just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Can you see radio ways? Can you see salt in a water solution? Can you see the air that you breathe? Well, even though each of these examples are easy to measure (by current standards – you can taste the salt, just not see it), if you can’t measure it, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Another example would be that we know when something is alive and when it’s dead, but we can’t measure how alive it is. Who is to say that one tree is more alive than another? Do we understand the concept of life enough to really be able to say that the rock is dead?
Ok, back on track. This video came to me with all the overtones that you would see with a typical struggling author book promotion. Well, ha, that’s what it is, but fortunately it goes a bit deeper. Here is the video (Google or YouTube search “alchemy,aquarius,alembic,aludel,distillation”).
It’s really a bummer that it’s just a collection of pictures put to music, but those pictures really do look interesting. Would you agree?
So, I went shopping.
I like to support people that have similar interests. That’s really why I put this blog together – so I could share my interests and connect with others that find me. Basically, connect with people that have similar interests.
So, what do I think?
Well, I believe the author could actually tell you how to start and you still wouldn’t do the work. Or, I’d bet that only one in a million would give it a go. And…
These are concise (less than 20 page) pamphlets that simply lay 99% of it all right on the line. If you’ve studied at all, you’ll recognize just about everything that is written.
My favorite part can be found on page 4 of Truth Illuminated, Alchemy Survival Guide:
The true magnetic principle of this salt is often misunderstood, it is not magnetic to metals, it acts as a magnet by the fact that it attracts the universal life force unto itself, the hidden astral spirit which animates all things on earth and thus provides the universal life force to the animated body. The salt acts as a covering for this invisible life force which is the spirit of god. In the case of a tree for example, the wood represents the body, if it contains the invisible spirit or life force, then it is animated and is considered to be alive, however if the universal spirit leaves the tree, then it is no longer vivified, and it is now considered to be dead.
This resonates positively with me and has gotten me thinking about the process once again. Yet, I have a feeling that I’ll have to meditate on this for a bit longer. Truth always withstands the test of time. These books are new, so they have yet to prove themselves.
I’ve got to include words of caution, for I’ve got an inner critic in me. Every time I see someone claim that they’ve found The Philosopher’s Stone and see that they are selling the information, I tend to believe that they really haven’t. With The Stone, there are better, easier ways of making money without drawing attention to yourself.
Even after saying that, these books are interesting. If you pick up these books, reconnect with me and let me know what you think.
Light is Life.
Good day.
steven school new youtube video
Steve Scholl published news booklet :
Alchemy And The Elixir Of Immortality Aurum Potable
The bible alleges to promise eternal life to those who can unlock its mystery which has been shrouded in secrecy throughout the sands of time.
The garden of Eden is said to be guarded by a flaming sword which points in all directions protecting the path to the tree of knowledge and the tree of life.
Blessed is he who finds wisdom.
She is more precious than jewels.
Nothing you desire compares with her.
Long life is in her right hand.
In her left hand are riches and honor.
All her ways are pleasant.
And all her paths are peac
i think this booklet will be very interesting
my best regard alex
Sure steve your way is very attractive and videos and books (which all have acquired and translated) are very important and clarifiers and year indications thanks very very generous indeed of the whole process as correctly stating in your books is clear and reproducible the only two things you do not say explicitly are indeed as you say in the dvd and books ore from which the solvent and to open
BUT then the only things that you do not say explicitly
you are still very generous
it then explains in the DVD titled MATERIA PRIMA that the prima materia was instead was for the Greeks and the IRON instead of the one that you’ll make today now uses hindsight generously in every way and very well is recognizably in dvd raw material thanks
and instead the solvent the modern menstrum solvent (composed of two elements) explain it well clearly describe the dvd VINEGAR OF SAGES thanks
NOW, therefore, how you can deal with you on the results obtained with the raw material and menstrum solvent applied to it to extract the green lion etc metallic water etc etc etc
you have a forum? or where bolg write on experiments? and well confront the results obtained or private email here in Italy we have made many steps you’ve indicated very generously in your books and videos and we had following your directions given by you in your books and videos very interesting results so it would be very interesting deal on this with you and with others who experience your instructions
(And that certainly they will also have had results)
my best regards alex
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::here the original in italian ::::::::::::::
Certo steven la tua via è molto interessante e i tuoi video e libri ( che tutti ho acquisito e tradotto) sono molto importanti e chiarificatori nonché anno indicazioni molto molto generose grazie in effetti di tutto il processo come correttamente affermi nei tuoi libri è chiaro e riproducibile e le uniche 2 cose che non dici esplicitamente sono in effetti come dici nei dvd e libri il minerale metallico da cui partire e il solvente per aprirlo
MA poi sulle uniche cose che non dici esplicitamente
sei comunque molto generoso
infatti poi spieghi nel dvd intitolato materia prima
che la materia prima era invece stata per i greci il ferro e invece che quella che tu oggi ora usi ce la fai ben vedere generosamente in tutti i modi e molto ben è riconoscibilmente nel dvd materia prima grazie
e invece il solvente il menstrum solvente moderno ( composto di 2 elementi ) lo spieghi ben chiaramente descrivi nel dvd vinegar of sages grazie
ORA dunque come è possibile confrontarsi con te sui risultati ottenuti con materia prima e menstrum solvente applicato ad essa per estrarne il leone verde etc l’acqua metallica etc etc etc
hai un forum ? o bolg dove scrivere sugli esperimenti ? e ben confrontarci sui risultati ottenuti o una email privata qui in italia abbiamo fatto molti passaggi che tu hai indicato molto generosamente nei tuoi libri e video e abbiamo avuti seguendo le tue indicazioni date da te nei tuoi libri e video risultati molto interessanti dunque sarebbe molto interessante confrontarci su ciò con te e con altri che sperimentano le tue istruzioni
(e che certamente avranno anche essi avuto risultati )
i mie migliori saluti alex
Hello Everyone,
I too read Steven School’s booklets. I find him to be a caring, patient person, and would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to him for his assistance.
I am also working the process, and refuse to give up until I have reached my goal–to discover the truth of the matter (pun intended, haha). I hear talks of a private group, if this is true, I would love to give back and contribute.
hey steve it looks like your on your way…..
hi Harold i am total agree so we can start now on the work of steven
my best regard alex
Hello Alex,
We could collaborate on this path to the Stone, if you would like. I would love to form a monthly conference call with Steven and a group of like minded individuals to focus on this particular work. Not only that we could possibly have a discussion of Ancient Egypt as well. It appears that the Stone was an important aspect of the lives of the Ancient Egyptians. All one has to do is look at various artifacts left behind for thousands of years, the Pyramids, and various temples. Its all there for those with the eyes to see.
Maybe the moderator of this Blog could connect the two of us for starters and then we can take it from there. If you are in agreement for such discussions in private, I’m all for it.
Hi harold yes is true i am agree
so I think it would be interesting, therefore, begin to compare with the results and experiments and obtained by this method steven if all are agree ? and also even steven is agree we could post several photos of the results (we do have a lot of our phots of our experiments and our results on it) linking them with precise steps corresponding of the video and books of steven where him ( steven ) give in these passage of videos and bookss precise instructions for arrived at these results
regard alex
Hello forum 🙂
I’ve been following and reading the materials written and produced by Steven School. I have to say that I find it very interesting. There’s so much more that I could say but will save for another time. At first glance, his books could be looked at as having no practical value or any merit but to make that assumption is terrible and crippling for the one that aspires to understand what the ancients were working with.
It took me a little while to come to my senses but then I started putting it all together. These books are not random by any means. Even if Steven himself didn’t intend on writing his books in this fashion, they are nonetheless jewels and written to literally guide the seeker…
Hello Steve,
I just ordered three of your videos and now I have the rest on the way. I also have a few of your books as well. We should consider having you as part of a private forum. Perhaps we can get others to read your books and watch your videos. Then we discuss this and of course we will keep these matters within the group. Perhaps you are busy but it would be beneficial to maybe once a month have a conference call to discuss matters of the Magnum Opus. You would be the teacher of course and the guiding light for the group. Never having to divulge the matters to me used, you could offer motivation and a very great way to network with others.
hello steven your way is very interesting and videos and books are very important and clarifying directions very well have very generous thanks
Now then, as you can now discuss with you the results obtained with the raw material that shows well in dvd raw material and modern Mestrum (composed of two elements) that very clearly describe the dvd vinagre of sages have a forum? or where bolg write on experiments? and well confront the results obtained or private email here in Italy we have made many I passed that you have shown great generosity in your books and videos and we had following your directions given by you in your books and videos very interesting results so it would be very interesting to deal with on what you and others who experience your instructions
(and that certainly they will also have had results)
i my best regards alex
:::::::::::::here the original in italian:::::::
ciao steven la tua via è molto interessante e i tuoi video e libri sono molto importanti e chiarificatori nonche hanno indicazioni molto molto generose grazie
ora dunque come è possibile ora confrontarsi con te sui risultati ottenuti con la materia prima che ben mostri nel dvd materia prima e il mestrum moderno ( composto di 2 elementi ) che ben chiaramente descrivi nel dvd vinagre of sages hai un forum ? o bolg dove scrivere sugli esperimenti ? e ben confrontarci sui risultati ottenuti o una email privata qui in italia abbiamo fatto molti passassi che tu hai indicato molto generosamente nei tuoi libri e video e abbiamo avuti seguendo le tue indicazioni date da te nei tuoi libri e video risultati molto interessanti dunque sarebbe molto interessante confrontarci su cio con te e con altri che sperimentano le tue istruzioni
(e che certamente avranno anche essi avuto risultati )
i mie migliori saluti alex
As most of you already know, if you comment on this blog, I will get an email. Over the years, I have had multiple different conversations with up and coming alchemists and that information has remained private. If you are looking to get connected with someone, all you have to do is ask. If the information is available to give, I will do what I can to get you hooked up. I won’t promise anything other than to do my best to honor your desires for privacy. If you just want to be kept informed, mention that too and I can keep a running list of email addresses for disseminating information in a relatively private fashion.
hi harold sure excellent idea was just what I proposed to do, and that even I can write email can give your email to write you ?
my best regard alex
Hello all, I do not know how to create a private dialogue. Follow me on twitter stevealex3
My website http://www.howtomakethephilosophersstone.com
Hello Bloggers,
I would like to know if anyone has had any success using the outline contained within the books of Steven School. I’ve recently purchased most of his books and will be getting his DVD’s to review.
I think that it wouldn’t be such a bad idea for us to come together in a general discussion, privately of course, and exchange our progress. I wouldn’t want to put Steven out by publicly announcing what the true Prima is and the Menstruum. I do believe I do know the Prima, and I’m currently working on several menstrumm now.
So far my first vessel looks promising as a golden water has appeared. It first floated closer to the surface with a clearer layer underneath it. Then the liquid took on most of the color, from the top down. My other menstruums are slow- getting a tinctured solution but very light in color.
Any thoughts about starting a private dialog concerning this work?
Hello this is steven school. I do not use the blog. I am on facebook, lookup steve school I am interested to know more about the offer of publishing in french. Thank you.
hi dave
yes sure i and my friend (of the very well known group agape prometeo) we try to work on all him video and all him book instructions if some more are interesting to try it method we can study and experiment in together and in cooperation it result in this tread
NOW some one have try to work on these methods ? some one have arrived at the lion green extract by the mineral matter ? and have distill by it as steven say the cristal water? or as steven it say the famous water that does not wet the many ?
My best regard alex
Hi alex, Please let me know if you find a group of people that have studied and are working to replicate Steven Schools work. Thanks!
The Google translation: “Steven School. I am an alchemist and artist. I board written several books and articles on alchimie.On can see the list on my website, oeuvrestrojani.jimdo.com . Do you read English ps I board it translated into French Steven works . I would like to get in touch with him to offer him a publication in French .
Thank you .”
Hi i am alex i am italian and I experience with a group of friend from many years in the field of various alchemical ways I read and watched all the videos of steven school and I think they are interesting to be able to easily check and experiment this way
however in the video steven school books and is shown throughout his career step by step the only thing that does not say is the starting material to be processed but says in his videos and books in the Egyptian tradition was the iron but it was different in Greek and the one that he uses in his videos and material well the shows and is absolutely very easily recognizable from what we are experiencing and then trying this method if anyone is interested in a comparison based operating on his texts and books we may share testing of this method in the forum in a thread devoted to these experiments so if anyone is interested in what then tell us about what is organized
my best regard alex
:::::::::::here the italin version of the post:::
salve sono alex e sonono italianoi e sperimento assieme ad un gruppo di amici da molti anni nel campo alchemico su varie vie ho letto e visionato tutti i video della steven school e li ritengo interessanti per poter agevolmente verificare e sperimentare questa via
ora nei libri e video della steven school è indicato tutto il suo percorso fase per fase l’unica cosa che non dice è la materia di partenza da elaborare ma dice in suoi video e libri che nella tradizione egizia era il ferro ma nei greci era diversa ed è quella che usa lui e nel suo video materia prima ben la fa vedere ed è assolutamente molto facilmente ben riconoscibile noi da cio dunque stiamo sperimentando e provando questo metodo se qualcuno fosse interessato a un confronto operativo basato sui suoi testi e libri potremmo condividere le sperimentazioni su questo metodo nel forum in un thread dedicato a queste sperimentazioni dunque se qualcuno fosse interessato a ciò dunque lo dica che ci si organizza su ciò
cordiali saluti alex
The French translation from Google: “Steven School. I am an alchemist and artist. I board written several books and articles on alchimie.On can see the list on my website, oeuvrestrojani.jimdo.com . Ps not read English, I board it translated into French the works of Steven . I would like to get in touch with him to offer him a publication in French .
Thank you .”
Hi Sir Alchemist,
I haven’t heard anything from Steven School in a long time. The blog link that I have in the alchemy links section points to a blog that was created in Sept. 2013 and not updated since. I would suggest leaving a comment on his blog to see if he gets email notifications regarding comments. If that doesn’t work, we will all simply have to wait until he resurfaces somewhere on the net to share again.
If anyone else has talked to Steven School and received permission to share how to contact him, please post here as appropriate.
Translated into French by Google: “Salut Monsieur Alchemist ,
Je ne l’ai pas entendu quoi que ce soit de Steven école dans un temps long . Le lien de blog que je suis dans l’alchimie relie les points de section pour un blog qui a été créé en septembre 2013 et mis à jour depuis pas . Je dirais laissant un commentaire sur son blog pour voir si il obtient notifications par email concernant les commentaires . Si cela ne fonctionne pas , nous allons tout simplement attendre jusqu’à ce qu’il refait surface quelque part sur le net pour partager à nouveau .
Si quelqu’un d’autre a parlé à Steven école et a reçu la permission de partager comment le contacter , se il vous plaît poster ici , le cas échéant .
Pour Steven School. Je suis alchimiste et artiste peintre. J’ais écrits plusieurs ouvrages et articles sur l’alchimie.On peut en consulter la liste sur mon site, oeuvrestrojani.jimdo.com. Ne lisant ps l’anglais, j’ais fait traduire en Français les ouvrages de Steven. J’aimerais entrer en contact avec lui afin de lui proposer une publication en Français.
En vous remerciant.
I an pleased to write again in this blog regarding Steve School alchemical booklets and DVD. I believe Mr. Steve has been more than generous to expose his true prima in one of his resent DVD. In spite of the fact that I come across few who have discovered it by themselves just by reading Mr. Steve booklets only. Only one missing DVD that I wanted to buy but could not find it, It is the black earth of Egyptians alchemy.
the magnum opus dvd is available at createspace.com and it is also available at amazon.com as well, hope this helps. for specific info on the alkahest itself, and what the ancient sages meant by that term, see aurum solis, gold of the sun. good luck in your work.
Thanks solx,
2 weeks seems like a short period of time and we’re already almost a week into that time period. Hopefully, that will not turn out to be a hard limit so this comment can have meaning for a bit longer. If it is a hard limit, if someone that’s involved takes notes, we should be able to review them in time. Thanks!
Hi John, (and anyone else that might come to visit,)
Please notice that I’ve linked in a pointer to Steven’s blog. If you have a personal question for him, you’ll need to make a comment there. If you have a general question, Well, I might be able to help. Good day!
Hi Steven,
I ordered all your books but have a problem ordering your dvd, amazon keeps telling me my email is already registered so I cannot access the createspace site, is there another way to buy your dvd?
I have an amazon account but dont think its on amazon.
By the way nice website.
“A Conversation with Bengt Robbert wrote”
“I like to support people that have similar interests. That’s really why I put this blog together – so I could share my interests and connect with others that find me. Basically, connect with people that have similar interests.”
As the Book of Aquarius is no more. i have been invited to help others in producing the Stones. come and connect with us. in a new lab forum. at the least i only have 2 weeks to share all that i have learned so that others may gain knowledge.
Khalid, the dvd reveals the process which is very important, most people do not know the correct procedure and this is a huge chunk of the alchemy puzzle, several persons have been successful in determining the prima material from my books, many persons have achieved the same results as I have by following my work. not too many persons have reported a lack of success. it does require that you put forth some effort, if you have not been successful yet, it does not mean that you will not achieve success later. the dvd was never intended to show the prima, it was intended to teach the correct procedure, as advertised, which it does. it also narrows down the search for the prima, if you look at al the substances persons have believed to be correct, you can plainly see that half of them do not fit the process, and therefore you can narrow it down.at least 2 persons have already completed the work, from the books and dvd.
I have went through Steve school DVD. It is nice to watch. However, It contains most of the images found in youtube. He intentionally hid his prima materia with a towel in the image containing the prima materia! he still did not give helpful clues in his dvd, as I thought would be, for he recommended to me to buy his dvd after sending him several messages related to his prima materia!
I have bought all Steve’s books and placed an order to get his DVD.
Steve recommended that we go and study ancients’ hieroglyphs to find out the prima materia. Now this is a maze if he does not give more clues and directions in his DVD as to the color and some description of the prima materia. If the prima material is in the mineral / salts realm it would be nice to say so. Also if we look at the ancient Egyptian cartouches like Amun’s as recommended by Steve and then compare it to alchemical symbols we should find it! The ancient karnak temple is in the south of Egypt. It is called the black land for its black silt. This silt contains precious metals, gold and platinum. Now what substance there or in ancient Greek that is the prima material found by Mr. Steve? Is it salt? Is he talking about amun salt (sal ammonia) in an oasis near the border of Lydia? But Mr. Steve said that he buys it online. So it is not silt of the Nile river. I wonder.
Hi All, I’m looking for a review of this DVD.
Note that I’ve updated the right sidebar to contain an Alchemy collection of links.
good morrow Steven.
i find your research to be correct. and have enjoyed your works from the side lines. i would be honored if you would entreat me to engage you about the development of the alkehist of the stone. i belive as many others have that i riddled out the riddle of the putrifacation exercise. its a very touchy little bugger.
I’m looking forward to it.
alchemy and the green lion is the first book in the series, followed by alchemy and the golden water. soon a dvd will be available on amazon, its title is the magnum opus, it is in color, it is a slide show of words and pictures, it shows the process of the magnum opus, it will bring the words to life, it is both a silent film, and a great work. it is in review at this time, but will be available within two weeks. it is my work.
Thank you Steve.
Thank you Brandon. I would buy all the books. The act of learning should be treasured!
Great Blog! . .I’ve blown most of my day here.LOL . .anyhow I have read the B.O.A. and even went as far as collecting some of the more relevant tools for the great work. BUT . . i never started because I just felt it was not a finished process and it appears I was right. Who knows if AUTHOR will ever reveal the next book. Yet ..I was kind of using that as my possible starting point if it happened. . BUT then I just found this Blog and watched the linked YT video . . i’m intrigued. My question . .are Steven School’s books very similar in context to the BOA ? ..and which would you recommend as the first to purchase ? . .Thanks In Advance ..and I have Bookmarked your BLOG for future enjoyment.. Peace. . Brandon
I enjoyed your comments and welcome you to friend in on my facebook page.I have quite a few practicing Alchemist on board and can share resources if you are serious in the search.