Amazing ‘Tomato Cradle’ in action

It’s been a while since the Amazing Tomato Cradle post and I figured it was time for an update. So, here we are in the first part of August and I’ve got new pictures to show.

If you remember from the first posting, the tomato plants were guided up and through the fencing with the idea that the fence would hold the plant and all its fruit off the ground. Well, so far so good.

All leg
no fruit. ZZ-top would be happy!

These two pictures are from the same angles as the previous pictures. As you can see, the plants have filled out the cradle a bit. These particular plants must be six feet tall. Which, I believe is a bit much for a tomato plant.

The worst part about it is that the plants haven’t produced any fruit. It’s sad in a way, but I guess I’ll be keeping the slugs from eating the plants rather than the fruit.

Fortunately, not all the tomato plants in the garden are all leg. Here are some that are a bit more ‘normal’ and they actually show fruit.

Fruit is forming

Each morning when I visit the garden to pick my basket of greens (you know, all those green smoothies that I make) I get distracted by the chip and buzz of the local humming bird. He (she) loves working the poll beans that are now in full bloom.

So far, just humming bird food.

I’m looking forward to kale chips.

Can't wait to tap into this.

And, the other day in Portland, I got to try some Zucchini hummus. That stuff was actually pretty good. With the thirteen zucchini plants that I have in the garden this year, I’m sure I’m going to get more than enough to try making my own hummus.

This lettuce is my favorate

Just got a call from my dad, he asked if I’d sampled any of the potatoes from the garden yet. I have, but just the ones that grew wild in the compost. They were pretty tasty. And, as you can see there are going to be a lot more from the garden. I’m looking forward to digging them up come the end of September.

Can’t wait to plant some fall spinach. I’m going to give that cold frame another good try in about a week. Hopefully, we’ll get just enough warm whether to set another good crop. I’d love some fall spinach.

Take care!

1 thought on “Amazing ‘Tomato Cradle’ in action

  1. Sorry I know this is 4 yrs old but since you are so generous I just thought I might give you some feedback.
    The reason your tomatoes didn’t bloom is they needed cationic energy and you could do this in the form of a foliar spray. YOur tomatoe plant never switched over to cationic with is when it flowers and then fruits then seeds….

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