Why people should not eat animals

Ever wake up with the answer to a question you didn’t know you asked? It felt that way to me this morning. I awoke with the reason why people should not eat meat. It’s a really simple concept and it doesn’t involve the dreaded four letter word FEAR. It’s all about the body ridding itself of triggers what would have toxic side effects.

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell (and others) for a while and it was the last thing that I read before falling asleep.

This book is all about the links between animal based proteins and common disease. The authors have done an amazing job taking a second look at scientific studies from a nutritional point of view. I highly recommend giving it adequate time (and I’m only half way through it) yet I’ve already drawn one connection that makes the reading all worth it.

Before falling asleep last night, I read through the Autoimmune Diseases chapter (9) and highlighted this section:

What does all of this have to do with what we eat? It so happens that the antigens that trick our bodies into attacking our own cells may be in food. During the process of digestion, for example, some proteins slip into our bloodstream for the intestine without being fully broken down into their amino acid parts. The remnants of undigested proteins are treated as foreign invaders by our immune system, which sets about making molds to destroy them and sets into motion the self-destructive autoimmune process.

This is basically saying that there is a point during the digestion process where the intestines can absorb molecules and it is long before the amino acid level. This leads us too; when you eat, not only do you get the atomic acids that are the fundamental building blocks for life, but you get some of the ‘life’ of the previous animal too!

In other words, the animal that you’re eating had to create protein complexes that it used for cellular life. Sequences of proteins that unlocked its DNA are now floating around in your biological system.

As Dr. Campbell points out, the autoimmune system discovers these foreign protein complexes and replicates another protein to break it down.

Now the real question comes to play – why?

To understand why, we have to look at the work of Dr Lipton:

You remember reading through that book? If not, you can always revisit the lecture series that I blogged about a short while ago (Unlocking your DNA). One of the key things that Dr. Lipton demonstrates is that protein molecules perform functions within the body as stimuli and/or triggers. If you need a refresher, start at the fourth video for there he talks about primary and secondary stimuli and then leads into how the cell replaces the proper effecter for the stimuli by using the DNA to replicate the desired response protein.

Dr. Lipton points out that when a cell doesn’t have the right response for a stimuli in the environment, the signal molecules unlock the DNA in order for the cell to create the correct response to handle the environmental signals.

With this as background, let’s add the two together and see what happens.

Some animal dies for our food. In that animal’s cells (just before and after death) there are an un-measureable number of complex (and simple) protein molecules that work as both the signal and response proteins for that animal’s cells. We than consume these cells in large quantities where not all the proteins are broken down to their basic amino acids. This means that both signal and response proteins could be floating around in the bloodstream triggering cells to behave in ways that the ‘brain’ (or central controller) never intended. As an emergency response to the float of signals in the bloodstream, the autoimmune system quickly replicates the ‘anti-molecule’ to inhibit the invasion of proteins. Yet, sometimes, because the animal proteins may be very similar to human proteins, the ‘anti-molecule’ ends up attacking a similar useful protein in the body (like the pancreas that causes type-1 diabetes). Also, if the autoimmune system can’t get to all of them fast enough, some of them may actually trigger the chain reaction on the surface of a cell that eventually causes some relatively dormant function in the cell to awaken and to successfully service the signal, some primitive section of the DNA gets unlocked and harmful proteins are reproduced to service the trigger.

Said differently, when we consume protein molecules that were other animal triggers and responses, we end up introducing ‘foreign’ forms of life into our biological system. How those other life forms work and respond may not be aligned with what should be done for humans.

What about plants? When you read The China Study, it’s pretty clear that the differentiating line is between animal proteins and plant proteins. Could it be that Mother Nature thought of all this ahead of time so as to make the signals and triggers different between animals and plants? Also, maybe our bodies are specifically designed to NOT break down molecules into their basic amino acid so as to allow for absorption of molecules like chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is so close to the form of Hemoglobin that it doesn’t make sense for the body to break it down all the way, but rather absorb it and let the body tweak it from one form to another. It would save lots of energy to not break something down just to have to rebuild it again.

Also, the simple concept that plants take in animal waste and animals take in plant waste is a pretty good sign that the relationship is synergetic.

So, what was the realization that I woke up with?

It’s this, when we consume animal protein, because our system doesn’t completely digest all molecules, many different types of molecules enter the bloodstream through digestion rather than being released through our glandular systems. When this happens, our bodies respond through our immune system to remove the invaders before they do damage to the cells. Unfortunately, if the amount of animal protein is too high (or they enter the blood too fast) the defense mechanisms of the body can’t keep up and these proteins act upon our cells as if they would in the animal!

This idea would seem to give more meaning to the phrase – you are what you eat!

This also ties in well with a video that I came across a long time ago from The Raw World TV Show. As luck would have it, I’ve found that old show.  Here it is:

I remember when I first watched this being struck by the idea that it wasn’t just giving up animal proteins, but giving up cooking as well. This would make sense for when you cook Chlorophyll molecules, they break apart into molecules that would be absorbed, yet they would also be ‘toxic’ substances that the immune system would have to deal with. That is not the case when you go raw!

At this point, it seems to me that when we cook food we denature molecules that the body expects to see in its natural state. Likewise, when we consume animal proteins, we willingly accept signal and response molecules that may or may not have unexpected effects on the body.

Waking up with this understanding gives me a new perspective on what I eat!  If it also does for you, let me know.

Have a great day!

The root of cancer

Not sure why it is, but there have been a number of people that have come into my life carrying the vibration of the diagnoses of cancer. Its eye opening to me; for the attachment that people have to that particular diagnoses seems to be extremely strong. It saddens me, for something so simple gets ‘treated’ is such an awful way by our current medical system. I feel it’s time for a change.

So, I will state this up front – I am a firm believer that killing the body is a path that leads to death; not life. I am willing to bet that radiation treatment will be found to be barbaric and inhuman in the near future. The treatment for cancer is one of learning about light and life. By incorporating light, and the understanding that comes with it, the curse of cancer will be broken and the power of life will be restored and abundant! Part of breaking this ‘curse’ is through understanding.

My studies have lead me through many different avenuies, but the truth that I’ve found all comes down to this very simple statement that I found on the ASH website (here).

The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.

The drive that a person has to stay alive even in the worst of situations is so strong that this driving force permeates every cell of the body. Cells don’t want to die. There exist to serve and do whatever they can to provide that service. Even when we build an environment that deprives the cells of oxygen, they want to live so bad that they’ll revert to a process by which they will use fermentation to generate energy!

I’d like to bring in nearly the entire article from the Advanced Scientific health website for I believe it’s so important that it should be read and understood by everyone. Here it is there article The Basics of Cancer.

“Acidosis” is the scientific term for a body that has a pH below 7.0. In this state, the body is deprived of oxygen causing one to be more susceptible to colds, flus and other diseases/infections. This state also contributes to accelerated aging.

Our modern lives give us ample opportunity to become acidic. Commonly-consumed acid-forming foods and beverages include meat, dairy products, sugar, coffee and alcohol. Environmental exposure to solvents, herbicides, pesticides and other chemical toxins boost our tendency to become acidic.

Acidosis is the cause of America’s #2 killer-cancer. In order to understand the basics of cancer, we must first understand the acid/alkaline balance (see page 4). Understanding the acid/alkaline balance, the following summary makes perfect sense: The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.

Over 75 years ago, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel prizes for demonstrating that cancer results when weakened cell respiration occurs due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low pH at the cellular level.

Warburg, in his Nobel Prize winning papers, described the environment of the cancer cell: A normal healthy cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take in oxygen to convert glucose into energy. In the absence of oxygen, the cell reverts to a primal nutritional program to nourish itself by converting glucose through the process of fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. Cancer cells then begin to multiply without restraint [Italic added by me].

The lactic acid simultaneously causes severe local pain as it destroys cell enzymes; the cancer appears as a rapidly-growing external cell covering with a core of dead cells. We know cell masses of this description as “tumors.”

Subsequent research by Keith Brewer, Ph.D and H.E. Satori has shown that cancer cannot exist when the body’s pH is raised to 8.0.

Dr. Brewer developed a protocol to therapeutically raise pH with the element cesium in conjunction with potassium.

As I like to do, I’d highly recommend taking a closer look at what this article is talking about and, as it turns out, the information is readily available to anyone and everyone via your favorite search engine.

The basic idea that this article states is that when a cell is deprived of oxygen (or oxygen is not available to the cell) the cell switches to a ‘backup energy generating technique’ that increases the lactic acid concentration (which is a byproduct of the energy generation process) that lowers the pH around the cell causing abnormal ‘growth’ and death of cells.

That still might be a little complicated. Let’s look at why Oxygen is important to a cell and let’s also look at the fermentation process when Oxygen is not available.

Let’s bring in what the Wikipedia has to say about Cellular respiration:

Cellular respiration (also known as ‘oxidative metabolism‘) is the set of the metabolic reactions and processes that take place in organismscells to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products. The reactions ducoda fields involved in respiration are catabolic reactions that involve the oxidation of one molecule and the reduction of another. Respiration is one of the key ways a cell gains useful energy to fuel cellular reformations.

Nutrients commonly used by animal and plant cells in respiration include glucose, amino acids and fatty acids, and a common oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) is molecular oxygen (O2). Bacteria and archaea can also be lithotrophs and these organisms may respire using a broad range of inorganic molecules as electron donors and acceptors, such as sulfur, metal ions, methane or hydrogen. Organisms that use oxygen as a final electron acceptor in respiration are described as aerobic, while those that do not are referred to as anaerobic[1]. [italic added by me]

The energy released in respiration is used to synthesize ATP to store this energy. The energy stored in ATP can then be used to drive processes requiring energy, including biosynthesis, locomotion or transportation of molecules across cell membranes.

So, this respiration process is the way cells generate energy and there are two distinctly different paths that the cells can take (if they are capabile of it like human cells): aerobic and anaerobic.

From the Wikipedia about the Aerobic energy generating process.

Aerobic respiration

Aerobic respiration requires oxygen in order to generate energy (ATP). Although carbohydrates, fats, and proteins can all be processed and consumed as reactant, it is the preferred method of pyruvate breakdown in glycolysis and requires that pyruvate enter the mitochondrion in order to be fully oxidized by the Krebs cycle. The product of this process is energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate), by substrate-level phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2

C6H12O6 (aq) + 6 O2 (g) → 6 CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l)

 Make note of the fact that on the right hand side of the equation (right of the arrow which means ‘produce’) we get carbon dioxide and water when the energy is produced. Water is good for the body and carbon dioxide is normally exhaled on a regular basis.

From Wikipedia about the Anaerobic energy generating process.


There are many anaerobic fermentative reactions.

Fermentative anaerobic organisms mostly use the lactic acid fermentation pathway:

C6H12O6 + 2 ADP + 2 phosphate → 2 lactic acid + 2 ATP

Note here that this equation produces lactic acid and ATP. The ATP is the energy carrier, but the process produced lactic acid!

Here is a snippet about Lactic Acid from the Wikipedia:

In animals, L-lactate is constantly produced from pyruvate via the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in a process of fermentation during normal metabolism and exercise. It does not increase in concentration until the rate of lactate production exceeds the rate of lactate removal, which is governed by a number of factors, including monocarboxylate transporters, concentration and isoform of LDH, and oxidative capacity of tissues. The concentration of blood lactate is usually 1–2 mmol/L at rest, but can rise to over 20 mmol/L during intense exertion.

So, lactic acid is a normal by-product of physical exertion. If you’ve ever worked out hard and ‘felt the burn’ that was the lactic acid buildup in the muscles. In time, in a normal health person, that lactic acid is removed and filtered out of the body.

Now let’s look back at the original statement that sent me down this path.

The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.

So, it would make sense that the cells in the body are not receiving enough oxygen and the body is not able to remove the lactic acid fast enough. Seems to me that the circulation system (lymphatic system) might not be performing up to snuff. Or, it could be that the blood is not carrying or doesn’t have the capacity to carry enough oxygen to the tissues. Or, it could be that process by which the cells receive oxygen might be blocked somehow. Overall, seems to me like someone that has cancer might be suffering from a breakdown in a number of systems – that can be easily repaired!

How to turn it around

This is where blogging gets fun. If the body is suffering from not getting enough oxygen, well, you’d think we’d want to address issues with regards to how oxygen gets to the cells. As we all know, when blood passes through the lungs, it gets charged with oxygen. But it’s not simply the blood, but rather the Hemoglobin.  Wikipedia says:

Hemoglobin in the blood is what transports oxygen from the lungs or gills to the rest of the body (i.e. the tissues) where it releases the oxygen for cell use, and collects carbon dioxide to bring it back to the lungs.

Hemoglobin is a protein structure that supplies the catalysts for aerobic activity. Also note that it’s specialized in removing the waste from the aerobic activity! It brings cells food and removes the waste. If you’ve read previous articles that I’ve posted (Is food another form of light?), you’d know that the molecular structure of the hemoglobin is virtually identical to the molecular structure of Chlorophyll. Many studies have shown that the fastest way to build rich blood, full of hemoglobin, is to consume large amounts of chlorophyll rich plant matter.

Another cool thing about Chlorophyll is that when the body converts the molecule into Hemoglobin, all it really has to do is remove the Magnesium and replace it with iron. Thus, not only will the person want to consume chlorophyll rich foods, but they’ll also want to provide foods that are rich in iron. Iron supplements are not the same as foods rich in iron. The molecules need single atom forms of minerals, thus taking an iron supplement that is not a single atom size will be treated as a toxin in the body rather than a food source.

A side effect that is part of the process of converting Chlorophyll into Hemoglobin is that the Magnesium is released for other uses. Turns out that magnesium is used just about everywhere in the body. It’s an extremely useful mineral. Here is a snippet from the Office of Dietary Supplements website:

Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis [2-3]. …

If you poke around on the internet at all, you’ll find that chlorophyll rich foods are mineral dense foods! The act of eating ‘green food’ will also provide essential building blocks for other key protein molecules and enzymes.

Now, what about that lymphatic system? The Wikipedia has a nice little write up on that too.

Part of the immune system is the lymphatic system which is made up of a network of conduits that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin lympha “water”[1]). The conduits, also known as lymphatic vessels, compose a one-way system in which lymph flows only toward the heart. Lymphoid tissue is found in many organs, particularly the lymph nodes, and in the lymphoid follicles associated with the digestive system such as the tonsils. The system also includes all the structures dedicated to the circulation and production of lymphocytes, which includes the spleen, thymus, bone marrow and the lymphoid tissue associated with the digestive system.[2]

The blood does not directly come in contact with the parenchymal cells and tissues in the body, but constituents of the blood first exit the microvascular exchange blood vessels to become interstitial fluid, which comes into contact with the parenchymal cells of the body. Lymph is the fluid that is formed when interstitial fluid enters the initial lymphatic vessels of the lymphatic system. The lymph is then moved along the lymphatic vessel network by either intrinsic contractions of the lymphatic vessels or by extrinsic compression of the lymphatic vessels via external tissue forces

Even though the circulatory system is a closed system (or we’d bleed to death internally) it still delivers its contents to the cells in a rich fluid that slowly moves through the body. This is the interstitial fluid. If you follow the wikipedia link, you’ll see that it’s a simple osmosis process. This fluid is where the lactic acid is going to build up and be removed. This is also where all the other waste from the cells travel, including dead cells, until the body can either recycle them or eliminate them.

This is also the fluid that feeds the cells. This is where the rich sources of ‘food’ are going to reside. This is where the nutrients that you eat end up in order for the cells to have access to them. Thus, the quality of food that you consume will be found in the space between your cells.

Once again, I’ll reflect back on a previous posting Heat changes molecules for it’s a pretty well known fact that the act of heating molecules changes them. Cooking breaks molecules apart. The worst part about this is that when you digest food, the body doesn’t know that the molecules have been destroyed by cooking. Thus, the broken and disfigured molecules are absorbed by the body, travel to the cells and then find that they don’t ‘work’. At this point, the body has to go to the extra work of having to expell the molecules that it could never use. In a healthy person, this might show up by them getting a runny nose. In an unhealthy person, it may simply mean that they lymphatic system gets so overloaded that it takes days for waste to move through the system.

On the positive side, the lymphatic system relies on muscular contraction for movement, it makes sense that a person should move enough to stimulate the movement of fluid, but not so much as to ‘feel the burn’ (which produces more lactic acid). The idea is that you’d want to keep the fluids moving along. A gentle yoga workout is great for this. A strenuous workout would only compound the problem by producing more lactic acid.

Now, if the lymphatic system is sluggish, it would seem that someone would want to perform some type of detox. You’d think that because the colon is the biggest illumination organ, the first thing that you’d want to do is clean the colon! Next, because cooked foods create an abundance of broken and disfigured molecules, you’d make a conscious effort to reduce ingesting waste. In other words, don’t ingest anything that you do not feel will be utilized to its fullest.

The last thing that comes to mind regarding the lymphatic system, is that this system is also where things are recycled in the body. In order to efficiently recycle things, the body needs the ‘workers’ to break things down so they can be reused. This is what enzymes do. If you revisit Heat changes molecules, you’ll see that it emphasizes enzymes. Enzymes are what transform the stored energy in seeds to the living plant. They break things down so that the cells can reconstruct things in new and useful ways.

When you think about it, even if just a little, it’s easy to see that there are simple things that can be done to help the body perform its functions more efficiently, thus helping someone that finds themselves in a life threatening situation move towards a more normal condition.

In a nutshell:

  • Consume chlorophyll rich juice and foods
  • Consume enzyme rich foods (that means raw foods)
  • Consume large amounts (to remineralize the body)
  • Clean the colon
  • Move (perform gently yoga)

And, of course, think happy thoughts! Life is a journey that we all get to enjoy in our own special way. If you get to the point where your cells fight to keep functioning and it looks like cancer, it’s just your body telling you that the choices you’ve made might need to be re-evaluated – quickly!

The way I look at it, when cells act in a cancerous way, we have to realize that we’ve created an environment where oxygen can’t get to the cells so they are doing what they can to keep YOU alive. It’s up to YOU to realize this and do what you can to KEEP THE CELLS ALIVE by feeding them oxygen! It seems silly to kill the very cells that are struggling to stay alive when all they want is oxygen and to not sit in their own feces.

Time to get back to relaxing. Maybe you should too!

There is a cure for Diabetes!

Ok, I’ve read the book but still haven’t seen the movie, I doubt if I’m missing anything! The Tree of Life 21-day+ program, as outlined in Dr. Gabriel Cousens’s book There is a cure for diabetes, is a long read just to see that all the people that he scientifically studied (in this small study) showed a complete reversal of their diabetes symptoms in a matter of days by switching to a raw food, nutrient dense foods and a stress free lifestyle. This is a book that anyone looking to heal (themselves) from some chronic condition should read. Can’t help but think that if people measure the correct things, they’d probably see a huge improvement in other diseases, when switching to this lifestyle, that reduce your quality of life.

The concept is really simple and, as it turns out, the simplest things are quite often the items that are overlooked. Who would have thought that you could heal the body by eating raw foods? Or, better yet, who thinks of their food as medicine? Oh, hey, it was thought of a long time ago! Turns out Hippocrates made the statement hundreds of years ago so it must be old news:

Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.

But, what good could a statement like that do in a world that relies on scientific evidence as proof that food could work as medicine?

Ok, now for what I find most interesting about the book. It got me thinking about the fallacies of current experiments that look to find what might be useful for healing some condition. Specifically, when you conduct an experiment, you have a control environment and the same environment that you introduce the change into so that you can measure some change over time. The starting premise is that the control environment is ‘normal’ and the new environment will become either ‘healthier’ or ‘sicker’ or no change. What if the ‘normal’ control environment is one that is currently struggling right at the point of being sick, but not quite there and then when the scientist introduces something, it’s actually a poison to force the body to react rather than helping the body heal.

My thinking reflects upon what’s ‘normal’.

Let’s see if I can explain this differently. If you where a pristine green forest well watered and lush, you’d expect that lightening would have a hard time catching hold. Likewise, if the water runs out and the ground gets hard, any little strike of lightening will cause a major fire. Now, what if every forest has some form of fire burning in it and the doctors say – forest fires are a normal condition so we’re going to consider that our ‘control’. Then, they experiment with lighting small fires to see if they can starve the larger fires our help them die down.

That make sense?  It seems the doctors have taken for granted that fires are always burning and they light more. But when Dr. Cousen’s looks at it he says fires do not burn in forests that are well watered and the soil is lush!  His take is – rather than starting another fire, let’s water and work the soil.

This whole concept should shed a new light on scientific experiments where both the control and the subjects are both battling issues and when the doctors introduce little changes and look to measure success, they can’t see the any difference because the original problems are already so huge!

Let’s look at some details:

One of my favorites comes in the introduction of the book.

Only one question is left to the reader: Do you love yourself and the planet enough to want to heal yourself of diabetes and help the world switch from the Culture of Death, which is the ultimate cause of diabetes, to the Culture of Life, which brings love, peace, abundance, and health to the planet?

This is his last statement before the book begins. It is clear that he sees Diabetes as a choice. You can either continue to stroke the fire of Diabetes or you can change your lifestyle and see it melt away. After reading the book, I believe he’s adequately supported his point.

Any long term reader of this blog probably already has a good idea about how I understand what cooking does to food. I posted Heat Changes Molecules a long time ago, which stated what the good doctor says, yet, differently. I like how he’s summed it up:

When you cook food, according to the Max Planck Institute, you coagulate 50 percent of the food’s protein. Other research shows that 70-90 percent of the vitamins and minerals and up to 100 percent of phytonutrients are destroyed when food is cooked. Processing, cooking, pasteurization, and irradiation are all food handling methods that destroy the anti-diabetogenic qualities of our foods given to us in their natural state.

I don’t think I could have said it as well and I’m looking forward to digging up more research about this.

Here’s a quote of a quote:

Enzymes are substances that make life possible. No mineral, vitamin, or hormone can do any work without enzymes. They are the manual workers that build the body from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The body may have the raw building materials, but without the workers, it cannot begin.

This quote comes from Edward Howell, MD. A page later, the good doctor writes:

We need again to distinguish between cooked, saturated, and animal fats, versus raw fats with their natural high lipase content, such as we see in the indigenous Eskimo diet, along with cold-pressed unrefined olive oil, avocado, as well as predigested raw nuts and seeds soaked overnight, and even sprouted grains, which are healthy sources of fat. Even raw animal fat did not seem as strongly associated with the onset of chronic disease, but eating the same diet cooked and without enzymes because they were destroyed with cooking could be associated with the enzyme deficiency that cooking creates. It could also be explained by changing fats from cis to trans. More likely it is both. A low lipase enzyme level in the body is also connected to increased obesity. Enzyme research summarized by Miehlke and colleagues showed that artery obstruction was successfully treated and improved through high enzyme intake between meals, and it didn’t seem to matter whether it was through the enzymes in the food, or taken exogenously through supplementation. Dr. Edward Howell’s work with the Eskimos showed that they lived a disease-free life with a high-enzyme diet, rich with raw flesh foods (particularly blubber). Diabetes and degenerative diseases only became common when Eskimos began cooking their good and consuming depleted, refined carbohydrates and processed foods, both effected by encroachment of Western culture. The cooking destroys enzymes in the raw fat and in the raw meat. According to Dr. Howell in Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity, through the introduction of cooking, the Eskimos have become one of the most unhealthy cultures.

Maybe there really is something to NOT cooking food – even animal flesh!

When you finally get to the point where he talks about his 21 day+ program, it opens like this:

The first principle of the Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program to heal diabetes naturally is a prudent diet that we call the Culture of Life anti-diabetogenic diet: organic, plant-source only, live (raw) food, relatively high complex carbohydrate, 15-20 percent (low to moderate) plant-based fats, moderate protein, low glycemic index, low insulin index, high minerals, no refined carbohydrate (especially white flour and white sugar), high fiber, moderate caloric intake, and prepared with love.

He goes into this in greater detail, but that is the main point. They are not cooking their foods and they are going out of their way to find nutrient dense foods that accelerate the healing process.

Ultimately, as he’s stated and I’ve quoted above, it’s your choice; “Do you love yourself and the planet enough to want to heal yourself of diabetes”? If so, you’ll be open to Dr. Gabriel Cousens words and you’ll take them to heart.

There’s more in the book that I’d like to share, but I’ll just have to make it another posting.

Have a great day!

Other posts:

What is a (type 2) diabetic to do?

Aspartame – You know what’s in your Diet Soda?

When it comes to toxins, I find it pretty amazing what the human body can tolerate. In some cases, it’s mind over matter. In others, it’s simply a matter of time before it catches up with us. In many cases, toxins come in natural forms from many different plant (or animal) based forms. As you remember from my posting on Enzyme inhibitors, toxins can be used as a natural defense that we, as humans, can work around in order to minimize our exposure.

When it comes to man-made toxins, there is an emotional element that makes you wonder – why would someone do that? Well, the motivation that drives one person may be completely different from what drives another. In the eyes of big business, it’s quite often money that gets credit as the motivation.

Yet, that motivation is something that you can vote on every day. When its money that drives what’s bad, the first step towards removing it (the bad thing) is to not give it money! Thus, like being green, or growing your own veggies, what you buy in the store is a lifestyle choice. You get to choose what you buy and in doing so, you support what ‘they’ do.

As the title of this article mentions, the toxin here is Aspartame. If you look up Aspartame on the Wikipedia, you’ll find:

Aspartame (or APM) (pronounced /ˈæspərteɪm/ or /əˈspɑrteɪm/) is an artificial, non-saccharide sweetener used as a sugar substitute in some foods and beverages. The most notable name brand of aspartame is Nutra-sweet. In the European Union, it is codified as E951. Aspartame is a methyl ester of the aspartic acid/phenylalanine dipeptide. It was first synthesized in 1965.

It’s basically a couple common protein molecules held together with a methyl binder. Both the proteins are excitotoxins. If you perform a search in Google on excitotoxins, you’ll find descriptions like this from By Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, MD:

So, what is an excitotoxin? These are substances, usually amino acids, that react with specialized receptors in the brain in such a way as to lead to destruction of certain types of brain cells. Glutamate is one of the more commonly known excitotoxins. MSG is the sodium salt of glutamate. This amino acid is a normal neurotransmitter in the brain. In fact, it is the most commonly used neurotransmitter by the brain. Defenders of MSG and aspartame use, often say: “How could a substance that is used normally by the brain cause harm?” This is because, glutamate, as a neurotransmitter, is used by the brain only in very, very small concentrations – no more than 8 to 12ug. When the concentration of this transmitter rises above this level the neurons begin to fire abnormally. At higher concentrations, the cells undergo a specialized process of cell death.

Or this comment from Janet Starr Hull:

Phenylalanine is a hidden danger to anyone consuming aspartame. Most consumers don’t know that too much Phenylalanine is a neurotoxin and excites the neurons in the brain to the point of cellular death.

ADD/ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorders can all be triggered by too much Phenylalanine in the daily diet. If you are one in ten thousand people who are PKU or carry the PKU gene, Phenylalanine can cause irreversible brain damage and death, especially when used in high quantities or during pregnancy. Phenylalanine is 50% of aspartame, and to the degree humans consume diet products, Phenylalanine levels are reaching a dangerous peak.

It is important to learn about the ingredients within your foods, especially isolated amino acids like Phenylalanine. They are in combination within nature for a reason – they don’t belong in isolated form for the healthy human diet.

On top of this, the binder that holds the two proteins in Aspartame together breaks down into formaldehyde within the body. Formaldehyde is a gas, just like Carbon Dioxide, but a bit more unfriendly. From SmartBodyz Nutrition, they state:

It is a known-fact in the scientific community that methanol (wood alcohol) in aspartame coverts to formaldehyde when the temperature of aspartame exceeds 86 degrees Farenheit.  Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class as cyanide and arsenic which are deadly poisons.  Formic acid is another bi-product of methanol which is the poison found in the sting of fire ants.

The kicker to all this is that this food additive is in many of the foods people commonly eat. You probably didn’t even know it. The additive has a number of different names and can be classified as a hidden ingredient like “Yeast extract.” That’s probably why Doritos chips are so darn exciting! Ah, maybe not. Looks like they just have an extremely high MSG level! Lol. When it comes to MSG, which has also been around a while, and is in the same class of neurotoxins as Aspartame, you find that people have gone to great lengths to disguise the names. Here are some common sources.

Why all the fuss?  Well, it all really comes down to how you want to live your life. You get to make the lifestyle choices that help foster the life that you want to live. More specifically, if you don’t consciously choose what you consume someone else will do it for you and their motives may not be in line with yours!

If you have an extra 90 minutes, this Youtube video will give you a good introduction to the issues related to Aspartame.

If the above video doesn’t come through correctly, this link may just do the trick.

I have to say that stuff like this really makes it easier to want to consume unprocessed fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts rather than the standard processed and prepared foods.

As homework, perform a Google search and find some testimonials regarding people’s experiences that they willingly share. If the search brings up doctors comments about Aspartame, look to see if they have any actual experience treating (curing) someone that figured out Aspartame was personally bad for them. If they don’t have experience, simply keep looking. There are lots of articles where people outline their experience that is a firsthand account of their experience.

The last time I searched for Aspartame dangers I got 76k hits. Aspartame poisoning, I received nearly 40k hits, Aspartame cancer, you’ll get 641k hits. That’s a lot of public information that will give you the idea that there are a lot of people that are truly concerned about this substance and they want you to be aware of it too.

Last note: There is no need to fear Aspartame. In small amounts, it only does a little damage. All things being relative, if you consciously reduce your intake of Aspartame, you’ll probably find that there is something else that you’re consuming that has a bigger influence than the Aspartame that you can’t remove.

Life is about experiences, if you filter out what other people want you to experience, you get a bit closer to what YOU want to experience.

The human body, mind and spirit can overcome a lot! Make your conscious decisions and go on enjoying your life and sharing your happiness with others!


Random Google found sites


If I had cancer

I have to admit that I’ve thought about that nasty six letter word, for it seems to step into people’s lives and turn them upside down to shake out every penny. It turns out that nearly every time that someone gets diagnosed, they believe the bad news from their doctor and that person’s aura immediately flips being life filled to one of death. When you walk out of your doctor’s office, I wonder if he’s thinking about the color of his next BMW?

Radiation treatment is NOT the answer.

Giving up organs is not the answer.

I might be a little different, but when I’ve thought about Cancer it’s always been with defensive thoughts. It’s like forming a game plan as an alternative to what has become known as the standard cancer treatments (not cures mind you). It’s like saying, if I was next for that life lesion, what would I do?


It’s like thinking about how you’d feed your family if the stores all closed down. It’s like figuring out how to stay warm if the power goes out for days. It’s like figuring out what your next job will be considering and leveraging you weaknesses and strengths.

So, what would I do?

I might need to qualify this a little because I’ve always taken the stand that you’ve got to take care of yourself. Your body is your temple and you can’t rely on anyone else fixing you. You have to do it yourself. I believe firmly that your body heals itself – It knows what to do – It fixes broken bones (the doctors my set it, but the body fixes it) – it heals wounds (the doctors my sow you back together, but the body heals it) – it maintains standard function (digestion, heartbeat, energy production and whatnot) – All we have to do is stop defiling the temple so the body can simply do what it does!

  1. Take a few days off work! I’d even consider quitting my job if it wasn’t really supportive. During that time off I’d…
  2. Search the net for “Cancer Cures” and seriously read them. I’ve already done this. It’s amazing how many people have performed the steps needed to allow their body to heal itself. To narrow down the noise you get when you search, search for “Raw Food Cancer Cures” and I’m sure you’ll be surprised. After searching, I’d…
  3. Contact people that have found the ways to allow the body to heal from cancer. The net makes it really easy to send emails.  Find someone that would be willing to talk to you about what they did and how they did it. During this time, an open mind would be pretty helpful. After interviewing a few people, I’d…
  4. Implement what rings true as the way to allow the body to heal. I would give it 100% of my concentration so as to maximize the healing process. If you think about how you help heal a cut, the simple things are to keep it clean and dry so the body can perform its work. If you take the approach to continually stretch it open, you’ll find the healing will, ultimately, take a long time to correct the wound. Implementation is key.

As a general observer, and thinker, there are some common items that seem to come together from survivor’s testimonials that may be key to helping the body heal.

  1. Detoxify the body. There are hundreds of books written on this topic, but what it all really comes down to is you’ve got to help streamline the process of elimination. Colonics are a must. Fiber is a must. Dietary changes that reduce mucus is a must.
  2. Measure and balance the body pH. It has been shown over and over again that cancer cells grow in acid conditions. Change the body so the pH is more neutral. It’s a really simple chemistry, but if you don’t actively measure, you’ll never know what makes acid and what counters it.
  3. Consume living (live) food!  Enzymes are the tools that the body uses to build and maintain just about everything. If you don’t consume enzymes – your body will have to make them. This takes time and energy that can be replaced by simply consuming them in natural forms.
  4. Laugh, or find a reason to live! If you simply don’t care, then you’ll just keep doing what you did that got your body into the situation in which it’s in.
  5. Most importantly, you have to be able to get the ego aside and realize that what you’ve been doing up to now has led you to where you are. If you like where you’re at, then what you’ve been doing is working for you. If you Do NOT like where you are, than you have to come to the realization that you’ve been doing it wrong which produced the person you are today.

I have believed for a long time now that cancer is the result of a lifestyle and that lifestyles can be changed. Hopefully, you’ll never be forced to have to change your lifestyle!

May you enjoy the electric excitement of life’s abundance!

PS. I’d probably go to the Hippocrates Health Institute for 30+ days as a primer for changing my life.