Today’s a great day to post another beautiful green smoothie recipe. This one is light, yet not all that cooling. I find that typically, when I consume oranges, I find that they have a cooling effect on my body. Yet, this recipe finds a balance somehow and you don’t instantly cool down. It’s easy and all I’m willing to bet that the ingredients are all available today!
The one thing that’s different about this smoothie is that the red grapes have seeds in them. I normally don’t like seeds – of any type – in my smoothies, but this time it’s different. Somehow, I believe the feeling of this smoothie would not be the same without the seeds. Maybe that’s where the warmth came from to tame the cooling oranges! In any case, the seeds actually add to the smoothie rather than take away from it. So, if you’re feeling adventurous, keep the seeds. Give it a try.
- 3 seedless oranges pealed and split
- 1 ripe banana
- 3 pitted dates
- 1 ½ cup red grapes with seeds
- 1 cup coconut milk
- ¼ cup probiotic (I used coconut water)
- ½ pound young baby Spinach
You’ve got to look hard in the picture to see the grapes for they’re kind of hidden in the blender. In this second picture they show up better.
Spin for a few seconds to liquefy. Stuff in the spinach.
And then spin on high for nearly 60 seconds. You want to make sure you grind the seeds down to nothing – or next to nothing. If you find the smoothie warming up, don’t be afraid to add a couple ice cubes and grind a little longer.
In the end, you’ll get about 7 cups!
The jar is my late breakfast, the cup is for Lori and what’s left in the blender is my clean up treat!
Share the treat with yourself – peal a few oranges!
Good day.