ORMUS based Rejuvelac – it works!

It’s alive!

Turns out that it’s not as hard as it first appears to make Rejuvelac! Mainly just takes time for there is very little work involved. And the taste, well, it’s not bad! It definitely doesn’t have the impact on me as the Kefir Apple juice has on Natasha from Raw Radiant Health! It’s pleasantly yeasty, with a little tang. This is something that’s actually doable!

As evidence, here is what it looks like:

Notice the light white color and the bubbles at the top. When this is brewing, you can see the motion in the water. When you touch the container, the bubbles all kick loose and rise to the top. My second batch looks to have a bit of a darker color to it.

Here’s what I did.


  • 1 cup hard red winter wheat
  • Couple quarts distilled water
  • 3 Tablespoons ORMUS (Sea Salt Precipitate)

I followed the common sprouting instructions for the wheat. That entails soaking the wheat for 8 or so hours, rinsing and letting sprout for another 48. I’ve got a standard quart size mason jar with a sprouting lid that works just fine. (I’ve got a picture of the sprouting jar here.) Then, after rinsing them a last time, I poured the seeds; roots, stems and seeds into a two quart jar for brewing. Using an eyedropper, I measured about 3 tablespoons wet ORMUS onto the wheat and then covered with distilled water. I believe the last time I tried to do this I used regular tap water – which most likely was the reason for the bad tasting finished product. You basically want to make sure you don’t kill the wild yeasts on the wheat by overdoing any chlorine. Once the jar was full, I lightly placed the lid on and set it on top of the fridge to brew. When I felt like it, I gently turned the bottle to mix up the water just a little.

After brewing for 48 hours or so, I stirred lightly and poured most of the water into the serving container that I could store in the fridge. I purposely left some ORMUS that settled on the bottom and some extra fluid to turbo-charge the second brewing. I figure that shouldn’t take but 24 hours.

One of the better descriptions that I found for brewing can be found on the Superfoods~for~Superhealth website in their Rejuvelac Recipe page. The only thing that I did differently is that I didn’t blend it before hand. That just seemed like too much work for this simple drink. And, because it has ORMUS in it, I really wanted to see how it would be absorbed by the micro organisms.

I wish I’d taken a picture of the mixture an hour or so after I set it up to brew. The ORMUS that was in suspension settled out on the top layer of wheat giving it a ghostly – snowy look. As the yeast went to work, the ORMUS thinned out and nearly disappeared. A small layer ended up on the bottom of the jar, but I’d guess the rest went into solution – which is exactly what I set out to do.

Now comes the second half of the experiment – the consuming of the tonic! So far, it’s not bad. Actually, it’s pretty good. In a couple weeks I’ll update the story, but for now, it seems to agree with me.

Oh, as a side note, the probiotics that I’ve been taking, well, I set out to test them. I found that, because they are yeasts (just like Rejuvelac) they will grow in a sugar water mixture. Well, that is, if you have a good – living – probiotic!  At the same time that I started the Rejuvelac, I also mixed up some sugar water and placed the contents of a probiotic capsle in it. The Rejuvelac is done, and I can’t see any growth what so ever with the probiotic starter! What really makes me feel bad is that I spent 33 bucks on that jar and I know it’s all just simply dead. Looks like I’ll have to try to get my money back.

Hope you find the motivation to start and make your own Rejuvelac!

Oh, a thought just came to me! I’ve been meaning to make some raw seed cheese, well, I know have the rejuvelac that I can use as a starter. Looks like I’m going to have something else to do this next weekend!

Take care.

RawRadiantHealth and Apple Juice Kefir

Went looking for another fermented concoction that I would whip together other than Rejuvelac and once again found Kefir drinks. I’m not into milk, so I looked around at the water and coconut versions. I have to say that it looks pretty easy, but I’m starting to wonder…

The reason?

Well, it’s because I’ve watched this video from Natasha from Raw Radiant Health. It’s actually a pretty nice spin on the water version for she uses the juice of apples. It all looks great until you get to the 5:40 mark in this video. The look in her face when she smells it – Oh – it seems the truth radiates out!  Lol.

Pay particular close attention just after she drinks it! Notice the vibes she gives out just before she says (6:12) “and I drink it down. Actually it’s quite nice. It’s not that bad…” Ah!  I can’t help but laugh every time! She can’t help but shutter! Just like when you drink wheatgrass! Lol…

I won’t let that deter me!  I’m putting Kifer on my shopping list. Maybe in a few days, I’ll be drinking a fresh juice ORMUS kefir tea!  We shall see, and I guarantee that I won’t make a video out of it!

ORMUS based Rejuvelac

This is going to be my next experiment. Basically, since we’ve learned that minerials need to be wrapped in organic compounds in order to for it to be bioavailable to plants and humans, I figured I should be able to brew up some ‘ORMUS tea’ using the help of some single cell organisms.

Ann Wigmore was big on Rejuvelac, but I don’t think she knew about ORMUS.

From Wikipedia:

Rejuvelac is a general term for a fermented liquid used to improve digestion of food. Rejuvelac is prepared using whole wheat, rye, quinoa, oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, rice and other types of grain. Best results have been found using wheat, rye, and quinoa. Rejuvelac can be consumed as a digestive aid and used as a ‘starter’ for other fermented foods such as raw nut and seed sauces, cheeses, and Essene Breads. Rejuvelac contains eight of the B vitamins, vitamins E and K, and a variety of proteins, dextrines, carbohydrates, phosphates and amylases. It is rich in enzymes that assist in digestion. During the fermentation lactic acid is also being produced.[1][2]

Rejuvelac is a raw food made by sprouting a grain and then soaking the sprouted grain in water for about two days at room temperature and then drinking the liquid. A second batch can be made from the same sprouts, this time requiring only about one day. A third batch is possible but the flavor may be disagreeable.[3]

Instructions for making it can be found on eHow Health.

I wonder how this will taste!  Lol.

Oh, here’s a video about making Rejuvelac.

Making ORMUS Compost Tea

For a while now I’ve been wondering how I was going to apply my ORMUS (Sea Salt Precipitate) in my garden this year. I’ve sectioned out two beds that are side by side into which I will plant relatively identical plants in comparable locations. Yet, I was wondering if I simply sprinkle it on or what.

Well, after a little mediation, I was drawn to look up Fulvic acid for I’ve always thought that the mineral precipitated from salt need to be wrapped by carbon, oxygen and hydrogen complex of some sort in order for it to be absorbable in the body. At least, that was what I intuitively understood and it looks like there is information to back this up.

As an introduction to Fulvic acid, I found this from shirleys-wellness-café:

The Fulvic Acid Phenomenon

Nature has a way of processing and refining minerals which is called the Fulvic Acid Phenomenon. Organic fulvic acids are created by micro-organisms in the soil, for the purpose of transporting minerals and nutrients from the soil into a plant. From there, complex photosynthesis reactions produce the components of all the various parts of the plant. Muco-polysacharrides (complex carbohydrate sugars) flow throughout the plant for nourishment. Some is returned to the roots. There, the micro- organisms are nourished and produce Fulvic Acid to complex with minerals and nutrients to restart the cycle again.

In plants, fulvic acid stimulates metabolism, provides respiration, increases metabolism of proteins and activity of multiple enzymes, enhances the permeability of cell membranes, cell division and elongation, aids chlorophyll synthesis, drought tolerance, crop yields, buffers soil pH, assists denitrification by microbes, contributes to electrochemical balance as a donor or an acceptor, decomposes silica to release essential mineral nutrients, detoxifies pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides.

Whenever minerals come into contact with fulvic acid, in a water medium, they are naturally dissolved into an ionic form. These minerals literally become part of the fulvic acid itself. Once the minerals meld into the fulvic acid complex, they become bioactive, bioavailable, and organic. Thus, when elemental minerals are transformed into an organic state, through a natural chemical process involving fulvic acid and photosynthesis, they are safe to be used by both humans and animals.

The last paragraph is the key one – the minerals in the soil are captured by the microorganisms as they convert them from inorganic to organic substances. It’s at that point that they become bioavailable.

If you look up Fulvic acid (humic acid) in the Wikipedia you’ll find:

The presence of carboxylate and phenolate groups gives the humic acids the ability to form complexes with ions such as Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+. many humic acids have two or more of these groups arranged so as to enable the formation of chelate complexes.[7] The formation of (chelate) complexes is an important aspect of the biological role of humic acids in regulating bioavailability of metal ions.[5]

If you look up the caboxylate and phenolate groups, you’ll see that they are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen wrappers for the metal atoms.

More supporting information from the HydroPonics website:

Many natural health care practitioners are recommending fulvic acid to patients as an immune system booster, detoxifier and to help with the absorption of vitamins and minerals from foods.

The agricultural benefits of fulvic acids have enormous potential to heal soils of the world and neutralize radioactive and toxic wastes. It also decreases the need for antibiotic use in feed lot animals and birds, increasing healthy growth.

This miracle molecule, fulvic acid passes through plants’ cell walls with ease. Fulvic acid acts as a claw or chelating agent attaching to minerals that would otherwise be rendered useless to plants. Essential nutrients and vitamins, which plants may not be able to assimilate easily, will piggyback on the fulvic acid to be transported to all cells that need them.

I’ve added the emphasis (in italics above) because this aligns with the understanding that I’ve developed with regards to the body absorbing molecules. Sure, we can ingest inorganic molecules and they will provide function in the body, but in order to use the minerals for complex molecules, they need to be wrapped up in a bioavailable form (organic molecule).

This is where compost tea comes in! This is how I’m planning on delivering my ORMUS to my garden plants this year.

To start with, I’ve embedded three short videos on making compost tea.




Looks pretty simple, doesn’t it!

The shopping list looks like this:

  • Air stone, tubing and pump.
  • Paint strainer bag
  • Chicken manure (earth worm castings)
  • Molasses
  • Needs nitrogen (alfalfa) (bunny food)
  • 5 gallon bucket

And the recipe will be:

  • Precipitate of one cup Dead Sea Salt
  • Bag full of worm castings
  • 2 table spoons molasis
  • 5 gallons water
  • cup or two of Alfalfa pellets

I’ll basically use the purist fresh water I can find and to it I’ll turn on the bubbler, add the bag of worm castings, 1 cup alfalfa, Dead Sea Salt precipitate (ORMUS), Molasis and let it work. I’ll do this in the garage where the temperature will be around 60 degrees so the microorganisms should find that comfortable.

After it’s brewed, I’ll pour it into a watering can and sprinkle it over the plants.

At this point, I’m expecting to do this about every three weeks. But I’m still not sure. I’ll think more about that part of the process for I still have a bit of time before the plants go into the ground. As I get into it, I’ll post pictures of the process.

Hope it doesn’t smell bad!