If you will – Flower of life – 2012 explained (sorta)

Sometimes surfing the net is an intuitive discovery. Yesterday, I opened a ‘junk’ email scrolled half way through it and the phrase “Thanks for giving the website re the 2012 video that as you say explains it all” caught my eye. Whenever I hear someone say ‘that explains it all’ the critic in me immediately laughs. If people only knew the affects of these types of statements they would learn to craft words that truly fit that they mean to say.

So, I figured I’d follow the link and see what I could find. After decoding the html link, I finally got to a site that had a series of videos of a man introducing people to what he teaches in his seminar. Now, I have to admit that I had to go looking for the video that was referenced in the email, so it may not be the exact same thing. This would imply that maybe I missed the video that ‘explains everything’ and got the one that ‘theorizes about some things’!

It’s still a good watch and worth the time. That is way I’ve linked them in here for you to enjoy. Figure that it’s going to take you an hour and the info goes by really fast. If I could, I’d slow down the presentation so that the reader can really decipher what the presenter is saying. But I believe it was crafted this way to get the listener excited in order to buy into the seminar.

My advice – keep an open mind, but think for yourself. I came across parts in the video where his understanding differed from my own and at times found that the words he spoke didn’t jive with what he was presenting. In other words, there are most likely some truths in this, but it is from his point of view so it is colored by his understanding.

After looking around a bit more, I came across the source website. It’s Pane Andov’s site. He’s got the whole series of eight displayed on this main page.

Without further ado, here is a link to the series of videos.

If that grabbed your attention, visit his site and check out the remaining seven. Simply scroll down to “Video 2012 Equation Solved – Brisbane” and you’ll find the full series.

By the way, his library of crop circles is pretty nice!


1 thought on “If you will – Flower of life – 2012 explained (sorta)

  1. I have to admit that when watching this series of videos, I was struck by the phrase “if you will” that Pane Andov uses over and over again. I thought it weird, thinking that it had more meaning than simply a phrase like: have a nice day, think about it, or ah… .
    It wasn’t until morning meditation that the reason came to me. For, his interpretation of the events coming our way vibrate at on the mass extinction wavelength. The feeling that I get from it all is that there is an energy wave coming our way that will act as a trigger (or signal). In response, our bodies will generate proteins (replicated off our existing DNA) that use that energy to enhance life – as we know it. At the same time, our planet feeds off this pulsating energy source. Like an atom receiving a light ray (photon energy) from the sun, the solar system is receiving its energy from its sun.
    Thus, the whole “If you will” phrase that he uses comes across to me as – if you will this scenario, it will happen. In other words, you have free will to choose to either vibrate to the mass extinction waveform or open your mind in order to allow your body the opportunity to be sensitive to this new energy form and use it in beneficial ways.
    If you’re going to will it, will what you want!

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