Building a vibrational pyramid of words

When I think about my childhood and all the philosophical statements that my parents spoke, one of them stands out as being the phrase upon which all others are built. I don’t know why it made such an impression on me. And, in a conversation with my mom today, it turns out that it was a statement that resonated with her as a child. It was a statement that she’d heard and it shaped her life in mysterious ways. That statement is:

If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

That saying is so simple, yet so amazingly powerful.

As a child, I learned that saying in the middle of one of my childish name calling sessions with a sibling or friend. Yet as an adult, the meaning behind the words resonates to create an environment where you’ll always see the cup as at least half full.

If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

It’s always worth repeating and, more importantly, it’s worth practicing.

This particular concept can come down to the actual words that you use. Every word that you choose has a feeling that it will convey and, if it’s accepted as the truth, it will resonate in the listener as the truth until that listener finds a way to perceive the word or words differently. If they are successful at revisiting the words and understanding them from a different perspective, the listener may be able to find that the words that were spoken (at one time in the past) no longer hold up at being the truth.

For instance, here is a phrase that was used against me at one time in the past; “You’re a Q-Tip!” The person that spoke these words empowered them with the emotional intent of an insult. When I heard them, I could easily read the tone of an insult, so the words carried the vibration of being an insult. Yet, the damaging association comes if the listener finds truth in the statement. At the time, for a while, after I figured out what the insult meant, I found a little truth in the statement. (Insult: you’re nothing but a stick with a fluffy cotton head. In other words, you’re a 98 lb weakling and you have no brains.) Sure, I’ve always been tall, skinny, not very athletic and my hair tens to stand on end. By golly, there is a bit of truth in that statement.

So, in the act of accepting that statement, I accepted the vibration intended by the speaker. For a time, I allowed myself to see the truth in the words that were spoken, and in so doing that, the insult resonated within me. I took on that anger. I took on the words spoken by someone else as if they were the truth. I saw myself as a 98 lbs weakling. I saw myself as empty headed.

Today, I view the world from a slightly different perspective. I have experienced the words others have spoken and, with many of them, I have found different truths. It is clear, in the simplest of terms, I am more they a stick with a fluffy cotton head. I no longer resonate with that insult.

The most profound part of this insult example is that the feeling or intent of the words is what shines through and resonates in the listener. That is the vibration that the listener starts to resonate with. That is what the sub-conscious takes on and makes happen. That becomes the truth. That is, it becomes the truth if the listener believes it to be the truth.

The same holds if you speak words of praise. “That is so lifelike, you are an amazing artist!” I’ve also heard words like this that carry a genuine feeling of respect and admiration for a drawing that I’ve sketched. Being the listener, if the words are accepted as being the truth, that feeling generated from the person that spoke them will resonate within you and the sub conscious will ultimately make that feeling the truth. I am an artist. I still carry the confidence spoken in those words with me today.

Now the tricky part is whose to say that the person that hears your words will be able to discern the truth from the lie? In other words, if you say “That color looks awful on you”, will the person hearing those words accept them as the truth and forever carry the association between that color and looking awful in it? Could your words, by chance, forever shape someone’s life so they never wear that particular color again?

As simple as the phrase is “that color looks awful on you”, the ramifications can be significant if the listener accepts your words as the truth.

So now, when I look at the saying:

If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

I think twice about what it is that I’m going to say. I want the words that I speak to generate feelings that uplift and inspire others with vibrations (and thoughts) that strengthen their character and help build a solid foundation upon which they can develop their own understanding of what the truth is.

When words are accepted as being truthful, the associated feeling becomes the foundation of the pyramid that goes into making up what we choose to be.

Lay a solid foundation and build a rock solid pyramid. Choose your words carefully and generate phrases that carry positive vibrations. Those around you will be forever grateful to you for your disciplined approach to speaking.

4 thoughts on “Building a vibrational pyramid of words

  1. Thanks for the kind words. I am a raw advocate, yet am not totally raw. I believe in moderation… in most things. 🙂

    I need to put up a link to the Renegade Health show. Ha, I guess that might do it. I take time to watch as many episodes as I can. I particularly like it when Annmarie’s on the camera. I’m hoping to get the opportunity to tell her that some day. I missed their last visit to town and I’ll try not to make that same mistake.

    I hope my posting spark additional insights with you. If they do, please keep me informed. Also, if you find something that you think I might be interested in, please let me know.

    Thanks for visiting.

  2. I just received Mahala’s Report and saw at the bottom a link to your site. The moment I read the link — I heard myself saying, “if it’s her son discussing food, light and other things — I bet he’s into RAW.” BINGO…nice how that works.

    I love the postings on your site and will share them. I spend a great deal of time at Renegade Health where there is a fun community of folks at various levels of the raw food journey. I am hoping to introduce more topics similar to those you have posted here — the easiest way is to references your articles directly.

  3. I agree. Yet, I do not believe that I heard that phrase just once. 🙂 I’m sure you caught me speaking less than flattering words many different times. Today, I’m a bit more careful.

  4. Hi Dave,

    I am reading your web site. Interesting that one sentence spoken so long ago can have such an impact.

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